The Plan

Dream Boy


The Plan

 You check the time, 7:30 pm. Ugh, when are we going to get there. "We will arrive in Seoul, Korea in 4 hours,"  announced the flight attendant. You looked over at your dad, and he was reading a magzine. 

 "Um, Dad, may I ask you a question?" you asked your father.

 "Sure, what is it dear?" you father replied without eye contact.

 "Do I any siblings?" you asked. You fathered turned to you with a look.

 "So you still remember your brother?" your father asked. So I do have a brother...

 "It's kind of a blurr, it's just I don't understand why you left mom and I and you took my brother away," your said with a mad tone.

 "Well, your going to see him tomorrow, and get to know him more," your father stated.

 "Like you know anything about me," you mumbled. You father felt guilty, because you can see it in his eyes. You couldn't believe he came all the way to Canda to claim you as his daughter again when you never saw your father in 2 years. You were tease by all the classmates, because you didn't have a dad. You felt anger and sadness when something has to deal with both of your parents. Only mother understands me, and only Kris. You decided not to do anything and just listen to music. 

 "Would you like anything to eat?" the hostess asked while giving you a menu.

 "Choose anything you like, I'll pay," your father turned to you. See... he doesn't even know what I like.

 "May I have a chicken sandwich with ginger ale," you replied. Then your father ordered his food, and paid. Once the food arrived, you ate in 2 bites.

 "How is the food?" your father asked. You looked at him with a smile.

 "Thank you!" you politly replied. 

 "So, once we get to Korea, your brother, Luhan, will take you shopping, eating, and playing for the whole weekend," your father stated as he ate his salad ,"so you can get to know your brother more."

 You looked at your father, and he is trying to get on your good side. But it's hard, cause mom was always there when your father wasn't. You just couldn't accept your father yet. You turning towards the window and cried. Mom, your going to look after me right? Even when dad can't be there. You see the stars at night sparkle, and the full moon shining brightly. I miss you mom. You pulled a blanket over your head and drifted a sleep.


 "Gege, where are you?" you said while looking around for Luhan. 

 "Lila, where are you!" Luhan yelled, but he was far from your location. 

You hid at a corner, while bringing your knees to your face. Where is he... he said he will be there like mother did...




Here is Chapter 4! Hope you like it. Please Subscribe. And THANK YOU! For all the views and subcribing. :3 -Galaxy1 BTW!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PANDA TAO <3 Your the one that got me into Exo. 






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I just read the foreword and it seems really interesting! Guess I have reading material hahaha!!!
Gaojingyi #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon! This is awesome XD
Chapter 6: Nice plot!
I love it <3 Exo is the best !! Luhan gif though his eyeliner !!! ^O^ haha Fighting !!!