♦ 3

My Paradise

Lu Han.


Doe eyes deer.

My Angel.


I fell in love when I was in grade 3, he was three years older than me.


The person I fell in love was a kind hearted Bambi who cares about everybody. He still is kind and caring.

We became friends by chance one day. He was playing soccer and I couldn't help but watch. He was passionate about soccer. That time being the friendly Luhan, he talked to me and we got closer.

Through all the years we have known each other, I never told him that I loved him. But I have a feeling he knows. I hope he know that I love him.

8 years is not a short period of time.


But within that period of time I found myself falling deeper and deeper in love. 

We are both orphanages. I came to know that about him when I was in grade 4. When I was younger I used to cry for the family that left me but after meeting him, I didn't need a family anymore.

In the 6th year of our friendship I came to know that my angel wasn't going to be alive for long. 
We had no money to treat him. 

I started working, so did he. He has always hated the fact that I work to earn money for him but I love him, and that's all that matters.

He used to cry in his room every single night after the day we found out about his disease. 
And I would stay away, where he couldn't see me and I would cry with him. But he didn't need to know that.


I changed how I live so I can help the person I love. 

I started working for a gang that kills. Luhan didn't know that. He still doesn't. I have no intention of letting him find out.

He would be broken if he knew what I did. 

Luhan's condition got worse in the 7th year of our friendship, so I transferred him to the hospital even if it killed me that I couldn't see him. 

He would always ask from where I got the money to pay for the hospital bills and I would reply saying that the company I work for is a big and rich business and change the subject. 

I hate lying to him and I hate the work I do. But if these things keep him alive I'm willing to do everything I hate.



I decided to skip school and went to visit Luhan. 

The moment i stepped inside the hospital i cringed. I was never a fan of hospitals.


It only reminded me of death and pain. 


I hated it. 


The nurse in the reception smiled as i walked by, i bowed a bit and carried on. 


I took a deep breathe and opened the door.


It has been a week since i last saw Luhan. 


And i was dying to see him.


The moment i opened the door i saw him sitting calmly on his bed, reading a book. 


He looked sick and weak, that it broke me. 


I cleared my throat to gain his attention. 


"Sehun-ah" He smiled brightly when he saw me kept his book aside. 


"hey, hyung" I smiled back and got inside. 


"What are you doing here?" He asked me still smiling. 


"Why, don't you want me here?" I asked with a raised brow, teasing him. completely knowing how his reaction will be. it's always the same and i love teasing him.


His smile fell and me waved his hands dramatically. 


"No! It's not that. I want you here, Don't go. Stay" He blurted out. 


I smirked at his words. While he blushed when he realized what he said. 


"You're so cute hyung" I chuckled and pinched his cheeks. 


"I hate you Oh Sehun" He mumbled as he hid his face. 


"Oh, don't lie, I know you love me" I said cheekily. 


His face reddened more at my words. I laughed. 


"Yah, SEHUN" He shouted frustrated. 


And i laughed more as i messed his hair. 


*You have no idea how much I love you Luhan* 





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loohoon1220 #1
Chapter 3: Why should he kill ppl ? But anyway nice plot , keep updating !