♦ 1

My Paradise

Oh Sehun.



I always hated school.

Specially because of the people and their judgmental eyes.

They know nothing about me, but they assume that they do. I don't blame them, I'm dangerous.

Ask anyone around if they know a guy named 'Sehun',they will all tell you the same thing. 'he is bad news, stay away from him'. 

I really am bad news, I agree.

What did I ever do to them? Nothing, but that doesn't mean I never did anything to other people. High school kids are not the kind of people I mess around with.

and Well, I might be lying if I say I did nothing to these kids.

But hey, in my defense. They were really asking for it. I liked being left alone but they come and piss me off.
They tend to stay away from me. Probably because of my cold glare or intimidating height.
I like it this way. 

At least they won't bug me. 

I took out a cigarette and I lit it. I was in the rooftop of my school. I was bunking class again. Teachers knew that I bunk class but never bothered to say anything as my grades were good.

I took a puff and thought about the person I had to kill today. 

Yes, I kill people. That what I do for a living. That's the only thing I can do to support the most important person in my life. 

Going back to the matter in hand. I took out my phone and I checked the email I received from the boss about my kill. 
"Another foolish man borrowing money from boss and not returning it" I mumbled to myself and signed. 
I never needed a reason for my kill, I only need the money that comes with it. 




I washed my hands letting all the blood stains disappear, I wiped my wet hands on my jeans and took out a cigarette lighting it. 

It was almost sunset when my job was done. I killed this man and I could still hear his screams and his pleads asking me to let me live. 

I took a puff and let it all disappear. 

I know that there will be a day when the guilt of killing these people will come but till that day, I'm blocking out this feeling.Completely, even though I couldn't sleep at night.


My phone beeped indicating that I got a message. I opened my phone reading the text and for the first time that day, I smiled.




Author's note.

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loohoon1220 #1
Chapter 3: Why should he kill ppl ? But anyway nice plot , keep updating !