On Time


Everything is based on time. The ticking of the clock rules how Earth functions, how every person in this world lives. Time may be your greatest enemy or your best friend. But even with the cumbersome load of work and stress that people today struggle to handle while time continues to slip by, is there such a thing as "on time"?



In honor of those of us frantic to prepare for the various exams at this time of year. I had come up with this oneshot idea while studying for my own final exams, but that was a few months ago. 

For those of you still in the midst of dreadful exams, breathe, rest, and (hopefully) sleep well. Best of luck to you all!

For those of you, with the monster tests peacefully behind us, soak in the summer sun, and enjoy your vacation.


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Chapter 1: i love the concept! :3
Chapter 1: Oh girl this is good; thanks for writing this, I enjoy reading it :)