The Maids // Open & Accepting


The Maids know it all...
plot summary

Everyone knows that the maids of a house know everything, they see all, hear all and clean all. The maids of SM Entertainment are no different. They've have to sign a contact so none of the idols dirty little secrets come out don't come to light. Let's just say the can't clean up all the dirt. Aenean condimentum neque in pharetra rhoncus.

Ut interdum blandit pharetra. Nam tempus fringilla nunc vel vestibulum. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse condimentum massa cursus nibh pretium, tempus volutpat velit posuere. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur quam est, mollis a metus in, bibendum mollis ligula. Quisque ac dui massa.

rules and guidelines
subscribe; like it...
no bashing what so ever if you have a problem PM me..
Ulzzangs..strictly no ulzzangs like Lee Geum Hee or Kim Seuk Hye.
love interests are idols ONLY from SM Entertainment.
siblings can be from SM or they can be OC idgaf.
Password is: We Are Maids, We Know Everything, Keep Dirty Secrets.
April: In the Month of April keep head proud don't listen to what people say there might be one rainy day but Karma comes back.
author's note

Hiu I hope u like the story~ yea sorry i'm bad at these....Maecenas vel luctus est. Nullam consequat consequat nisl, vitae bibendum dolor tempor sed. Aenean condimentum neque in pharetra rhoncus.

sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse condimentum massa cursus nibh pretium, tempus volutpat velit posuere. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur quam est, mollis a metus in, bibendum mollis ligula. Quisque ac dui massa.



Plot Summary and Idea to: ♡ I Need A Home 》 Apply Fic Ideas



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I like to apply. Just one question though, are the girls really poo so they apply to SM Ent and jsut found out their dirty little secrets?
Remember to give I Need A Home credit! :)
Oh my gosh!
I will definitely apply for this!
This is daebak! <3