Park Jaebeom

Fated to Be With You

"Jessica..?" said the boy.

"Jaebeom," Jessica said back, coldly.

Kiseop and his other friend looked back and forth at them, then at each other. 

'How do they know each other?' the friend mouthed.

'I don't know,' Kiseop mouthed back. 

"What are you doing here," asked Jessica, icily. There was no warmness in her voice, and it sounded more like a statement by the tone of her voice. 

"I was just going to ask you the same thing!" the boy called Jaebeom replied.

"Umm.." Kiseop interrupted. They looked at him. "Sorry to interrupt your.. reunion, but may I ask how you two know each other?"

"Would you like to explain, Jessica?" Jaebeom asked. "Or me?"

"You," was all Jessica said. 

*                          *                        *

"Eh? Guys, where's Jessica?" Sunny asked when the Alexander, Kevin and Taeyeon arrived at the table. Taeyeon and Alexander glanced at each other. 

"She's hanging out with someone else.. and his friends.." Alexander slowly said.

"His?!" exclaimed Eli. He wanted to stand up and yell it but he controlled his behaviour. He didn't want to receive any unwanted attention, especially from those girls who would hit on him. 

"It's a guy from our class," Taeyeon quickly said. 

"Ohh," Sunny nodded, while slowly comprehending the situation. 

"Oh, unnie, oppa," Seohyun began, while pointing to a table with 4 people. "Isn't that.. Jessica?" 

"Wait. Why is that guy's arm around Jessica?!" Eli nearly shrieked, and got up.

"Eli. Don't," Alexander said, and pulled him back down. 

*                       *                     *

"Ohh.." Kiseop nodded and tried to comprehend everything Jaebeom just told. "So you're saying that in high school, you and Jessica used to date.. "

"But one day she found out you were cheating on her," the other boy said. Jaebeom nodded. 

"He always needed 2 girls," Jessica said, coldly, glaring at Jaebeom. The she turned to Kiseop and the boy with a warm smile. "Actually Kiseop, you still haven't introduced me to this friend beside you?" 

"Oh, of course! How forgetful of me!" Kiseop slapped his forehead. "This is Soohyun. Full name is Shin Soohyun." 

Soohyun smiled and tipped his head. "Nice to meet you, uh, ..."

"Jessica," Jessica filled in.

"Ah," Soohyun smiled again. "Nice to meet you, Jessica." 

"Nice to meet you too," Jessica said and tipped her head with a beautiful smile. 

"Hey, Jessica?" Kiseop began. Jessica turned her head towards him. "Wanna hang out tonight? Maybe at the same café? We could discuss the project?" 

Jessica nodded. "Sure! I'll meet you by your locker after class!"

*                       *                      *


@GianGain; Oh! I get it xD

@pinkypn You're asking a question that you know would be answered in the next chapter. -.-

@SicaSica_love; Haha cool! My brother did that too xD His was a group project and it had to be presented in French too :P 

@puppyjjong; Thanks! (:

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Wew. I thought this was the end. Good thing theres a sequel.
pinkypn #2
aww poor jessica
HO MY GOD! and hickies??? ohhh man. and WHAAAAAAAAT!!! =O OH NO SHE DIDN'T! SHE DID NOT JUST KISS KEVIN ON THE...LIPS! THAT BISHH!! I would litterally pummle her to the ground and beat the living crap out of her. D< Not really but i would REALLY be pissed! <br />
Good chapter, filled with suspence. MORE MORE MORE!! :D
Awww i like it! :D Poor Jessica. :( Hope Kevin's not doing anything to bad to hurt her... <br />
Update soon. When you have time lol.
Update Soon!!!!! :D<br />
<br />
Kevin and Jessica<333
pinkypn #6
happy new years to you too. i feel bad the couples are feeling jealous and poor jessica got hurt
pinkypn #7
i hope u update soon
GianGain #8
Yay..<br />
Finally you update guys..
air-chrysalis #9
i cant wait for the other chapters! ^-^ i hope you post the sequel here too! ;D <br />
grace_leeu #10
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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