New Earth

listen to this while reading...it'll making the story even better !

The earth was destroyed from a huge comet's impact in different areas. The humanity was savely brought to our new earth: Venus.

She opened her eyes and looked around her. A crowd of people were captured in a small room, with her. She rubbed the back of her neck and saw some of them crying, the other ones just blankly staring on the ground. She watched them in confusion as suddenly a voice appeard from all directions:

Number 100104 come out.

She looked around and waited for someone to react but they all end up staring at her. Their eyes were locked on her chest what was first a bit creepy after she realised there was a number written over her shirt; 100104. A girl patted her back and she was afraid, her whole body was shaking and she just stared into 100104's eyes.

"I'm sorry."

100104 stared at the girl confused, wanting to ask why she was like that until the door opened and two man pulled 100104 out of the room. They both grabbed her arm firmly and dragged her down the hallway. It was dark and 100104 couldn't see her surroundings, just the dark. Finally a iron door was noticable and the two men opened it. A tall woman, behind her nurses and a doctor, welcomed her. She gave 100104 a calming smile but it didn't act on her.

"Sat down there."

The women directed 100104 to an bedside. 100104 sat down on the edge of it when a nurse walked to her with an injection in her hand.

"We will give you this injection for your health. Nothing bad will happen."

100104 just blankly stared at the injection which had a light green liquid in it.


100104 startled. She looked around her and everyone gave her a confused stare.

"What do you have?"

The woman asked her in a worried voice but 100104 just looked for a source of the voice who just screamed to her she is in danger. There was no one. Suddenly she felt like this was wrong, it felt like this injection shouldn't be applied to her. The nurse laid the injection on a small side table and took her arm, disinfecting it. 'YOU WILL DIE' Again those words clanged through her head. She stared at the injection, holding it in her hand in the other second. Everyone startled in surprise as 100104 grabbed the nurse, holding her tightly and pushing the top of the injection on her neck.

"What is going on here?"

The tall woman slowly walked up to her what made 100104 pushing the top tighter against the skin of the now crying nurse.

"Calm down. It's for your health."

100104 shook her head and slwoly started walking back. It wasn't like that, they were lying!

"Tell me what happened!" Her voice risen and the weird woman gave in.

"Our earth was attected by comets and is now destroyed. We saved those who we could. Now, because we're on Venus now, we have to apply you this injection so that you're able to live here."

Lies. 100104 slowly moved to the door and everyone had a save distance from her. Even the guards.

"Who am I?"

The tall woman stared at her in confusion.

"You don't know?"

The doctor slowly walked to the woman and gave whispered something to her.

"So you had a concussion."

100104 tighten her grasp onto the nurse and her eyebrows met at the center.

"Tell me who I am, or she will die."

She pointed with the injection to the nurse who let out a slight howl.

"Lee Sora 18 years old, born in the 15th of october, a surgeon student. Todays date is the 24th October."

Sora sighed and looked around to the guards who came closer to her. Sora let go of the nurse and also of the injection. The guards ran up to her- What was after that? All she remembered was that the guards came up to her. Pain. She screamed and cried. Then she finally came back to mind. She looked around and found herself on a roof top.

"What was that?" Sora murmured to herself as she rubbed her forehead in confusion and looked at her hands. There was blood. After a few seconds of shock she heard foot steps coming closer.

"We got her!" The guards ran up to her and she quickly ran away from them again. This time she was much slower and soon she knew they would catch up. Already giving up someone grabbed her wrist and pulled ehr into a dark sidewalk, covering with his hand. She struggled but as the guards ran past the sidewalk and the stranger took his hand away she stopped. Sora turned around to see who it was and a boy with reddish hair and a pretty face appeard in front of her.

“W-Who are you?”

He took her wrist and she stared at his hand, finding a blue lightening symbol on his hand.

“W-what is this?”

The boy sighed and pulled her after him. He didn’t answer nor looked at her, he just dragged her to an motorcycle, what seemed different. It didn’t had wheels but instead a opening. The boy sat down on it hand patted the pleace behind him, showing Sora to sit down. She did so and waited for him to start.

“Why don’t you start?”, she asked him and he let out a slight giggle.

“Do you want to fall from a height of 300 meters?” He took her hands and placed them on his waist. “I don’t think so.”

He started the motorcycle and instead of moving forwards it went higher, it just flew! Sora stared at the slowly fading ground and grabbed tighter on the strangers waist.


“Air pressure.”

She let out an ‘ah’ but deep inside she was afraid this ‘air pressure’ wouldn’t hold both of them up in the air. The boy was going to put on a pace as someone appeard out of nowhere in front of them and disappeard again as he realized that Luhan wasn’t going to pull the break.

“Kai you idiot!”, the boy shouted.

Sora looked around and didn’t saw the weird boy anymore until someone whispered something in her ear from the other side.

“Hey pretty.”

Sora looked to her right and saw the guy who you disappeared in front of them besides her, kneeing on the edge of the seat from the motorcycle. Luhan stopped the motorcycle but instead that they fall down they still flew in the air.

“Who is she, Luhan?”

Sora looked to the boy whose name was Luhan.

“She is the one.

Kai nodded and looked at Sora again, smiling brightly.

“Are you a noona?” He hoped she would say the opposite but Sora just raised her shoulder.

“I just turned 18.” She added.

“Oh so I’m your oppa.”

Luhan rolled his eyes by Kai’s player act and finally spoke:

“Teleport us, these guys are close I think.”

Kai nodded annoyed and turned back to Sora smiling.

“Take my hand, so I can teleport.”

Sora hesitantly took it and waited for Luhan to take it as Kai already closed his eyes and teleported them. Luhan screamed something in between but they were already teleporting. Pain. Sora started screaming and pressing her palms against her forehead in pain. It hurted and felt like something was tearing her tiny body apart. As they finally arrived she fainted.

“Damn it Kai! You didn’t told her to stop her breath for a moment to teleport!”

Kai ignored Luahn and shook Sora who didn’t react at all.

“What’s going on here?”

Another boy, a little shorter, walked up to them and looked at the girl who was lying in Kais embrace.

“She is the one.

“Ah.” The boy walked up to Sora and stared at her. He raised her with one arm and swung her like she was a scarf over his shoulder. “I’ll bring her into my room.”

“Wait Kyungsoo!” ,Kai shouted and ran after them. A few minutes later Sora was already back to her mind and sat up straight, seeing to guys creepily watching her from each sides.

“Finally!” Kai sat down close besides her and swung his arm around her shoulder. “You’re awake.” Kai smirked slightly as he placed his hand on your forehead, checking her temperature- even if it wasn’t needed.

“Hey. I’m Kyungsoo.” The short boy held his hand out and smiled brightly, forming his lips into a heart shape.

“Sora, Lee Sora.” She took his hand and shook it politely. Kai just shook his head by their polite acting and stood up.

“The others will come soon from their hunt, so let’s go.” Kai stood up and helped Sora out of his bed.

“Hunt?” She asked him and he nodded as response. “How else can we find something to eat.” Kai pulled Sora and Kyungsoo out of the room and showing her the huge house. It was a huge living room with an open plan kitchen. In the middle of the room was a huge table with 12 chairs- when she counted them right. Not far behind the table was a really huge couch and two and two beanbags placed in front of an also huge TV.

“Is that our female Hulk?”

Sora turned around and saw a guy standing right behind her, bending down to her height and smiling cheekily. He waved her and his fingertips lightened a bit. He snapped his fingers and suddenly the lights , so she could see the fashionable apartment better.

“I’m Baekhyun. Lightening is my… power?” He chuckled and took her hand, kissing it.

“Yah! Don’t touch her, Baekhyun! I found her first!” Kai walked between them and took Sora’s wrist. Baekhyun just laughed and Sora stared blankly.

“Power?”, Sora asked him and Baekhyun nodded. Kai released her and stood besides her.

“Each of us has a unique Power. We’re the cooler form of the avengers.” He gave me a playful wink and laughed.

“So Kai’s power must be Teleportation…and Kyungsoo’s and Luhan’s?”

 Kyungsoo and Luhan walked to them after they heard their names.

“What’s with us?”, they asked in encore and Kai explained to them what Sora was asking.

“Ah, my Power is Earth but I’m also really strong,you know.” ,Kyungsoo said winking and giggling embarrassed afterwards.

“Telekinesis.” Luhan plainly said and went back to what he did before. Sora sighed in frustration. Then Baekhyun took her wrist and pulled her back to the hallway with a room on each side and an elevator on the end of the hallway.

“I’ll show you everything.” He said smiling. He was really pretty, his lips formed into a squared shape when he smiled what made him kind of attractive- kind of. Sora nodded smiling a bit what made Baekhyun startled.

“You smiled!”

Sora blushed slightly and end up giggling again.

“Did I?”

Baekhyun slipped his hand down her wirst to her palm and hold it instead.

“Let’s go.”

He showed her the first room with Kai and Kyungsoo written on it. On the other side was Baekhyun, Luhan and Xiumin written. Sora instantly asked Baekhyun who Xiumin was, since he didn’t showed up yet.

“He… is also one of our kind.”

Our kind. What does that mean? Sora just stared at the door again until she heard a nose behind her. She turned to look at it and a blue fog surrounded her, revealing 7 guys after it disappeared again. Everyone of them hold an animal in their hand, but not those who we knoew them from earth, they were much bigger and some of them had a weird colour; like blue or red.

“We’re back~” A tall boy with huge ears ran up to Baekhyun and proudly showed him what he haunted.

“Who is that? Is that her?” Another tall boy walked up to them, he was really handsome and his eyebrows met at the center, it seemed like they were always like that; he looked like a cold guy.

“Ah, this is Sora.” Baekhyun said and finally Kai,Luhan and Kyungsoo joined them.

“You really did catched up with her Luhan? Woah, hyung, unexpectectly manly!” Another tall boy – it became annoying- and handsome said to Luhan, making him kind of upset as the word manly came out of his mouth.

“I’m Sehun.” ,the boy than walked to Sora and gave her a cute smile. “The youngest~”

Sora smiled back , seeing Baekhyun pouting in the corner of her eyes.

“Nice to meet you.”

“I am Kris and this stupid boy with the huge ears is Chanyeol.” The tallest out of all finally said, making thinks clear; he was cold.

The other boys laughed at Chanyeol who kicked Kris leg, making him groan in pain.

“Where is XIumin?” ,Sora asked as she looked into the group of the boys.

The boys looked at each other, giving a slight nod to a short boy who walked to Sora.

“Firstly; I’m Suho, Control of Water.” He politely bowed and you did so too.

“H-hey.” Sora murmured as he continued;

“Come with us, we’ll show you something.” He directed her to the elevator, which opened and all 11 boys walked in, Sora following them. It was amazing how 12 people could fit into a small elevator. After they went downstairs- it felt like that- the door opened again and they walked out. Sora looked around her; on the left were a lot of computers, laptops and cctv’ monitors. On the right was the same and a huge table with something like it is in a labor on it. Then she saw the bedside in the middle of the room. Baekhyun made light for them and they directed her o the bed. She quickly ran to it as she saw that a boy was lying on it. She checked his pulse and it was weird, his heart beat was so fast.

“What is wrong with him?” ,Sora said, panicking as no one did something. Suho walked up to her and pulled the blanket, which covered the body of the boy, a bit down and revealed his upper part of the body. But instead of covering her innocent eyes Sora gasped.

“What’s with him?” She looked at the area around his heart. The veins lightened blue, it looked weird.

A boy with dimples walked up to her, he was smiling in such a situation what made her a bit shocked. The boy bend down to her height and she startled because the small distance between their faces.

“Don’t be frightened”, he brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear , “he is a victim of the-“ Lay cleared his throat and bowed, “this gave him the injection and now he is like that.” That’s why he bowed; Sora thought and looked back to the boy. “Xiumin.”, she murmured and touched his chest, feeling the short and fast bumps of his heart. “I’m sorry.” Without knowing she began to cry and the boys panicked, not knowing how to react.

“Isn’t he the same as you? Why aren’t you like that?”

Another boy walked out of the small crowd, he was tall and had dark circles around his eyes.

“8 years ago, we also became injections, but it seemed like Xiumin became a different.” Sora gave the boy a confused gaze. “H-he was dragged into another room…and I only could hear him scr-“, they boy started sobbing and Kris tried to comfort him – he seemed nice than she thought. “Tao it’s okay, I’ll explain.” ,Sehun said as he looked back to Sora. “All of us were guinea pigs for this . She gave us injections and Xiumin was the last. We were all really weak because of the injection as she gave the nurse a different one from ours. We only heard Xiumin scream when he became it. First he seemed pretty normal, like us! But 4 years ago he noticed that the colour of his blood changed into blue and it started lightening. Lay’s Power is healing and even he couldn’t solve this horrible illness.”

“But…what do I have to do with this situation? Why are you always say, I’m her. Why did you say that it’s amazing that Luhan catched me…what is going on?”, everyone blankly stared at her as the last unknown boy appeared in front of her and took her wrist. He pulled Sora to one of the cctv’s and showed her a video. He rewinds the video until the point Sora was in the room with nurses and the insane woman. “Because of that.” He started from the point she slowly made her way to the door:

Everything was how she remembered until her memorie had a black out. That what she forgot, was recorded on the cctv. It was horrifying. She suddenly let go of the women and injection as the guards ran up to her and she clenched my fists and everything in the room began to fly around. The injection went through the neck of the nurse, killing her in a matter of seconds. Her head turned to the guards who suddenly went up in the air and she raise her hand, turning it to the left and both heads of the guards did a quick move to the left and they fell on the ground; broken neck. The tall woman breaved heavily and tried to hide but Sora raised her hand again, the woman did so too; she went u in the air. Sora’s eyes then turned blue and another hypodermic needle flew into the air. Sora’s hand did a quick movement to the woman and the needle hit her forehead. Blodd started streaming down it and the weird woman screamed her lungs out. “Don’t kill me.”, she begged but Sora blankly stared at her. Her other hand moved and the body of the woman tear apart. The blood hit Sora’s face and hands. She ran out of the room, leaving nobody alive.

Sora gasped. “T-this isn’t me.”

“You have the same power as Luhan! It’s amazing!” ,Chen, the boy who showed her the video, said, not being a bit disgusted by her power. She killed humans.

“This isn’t me!” ,she screamed as she walked backwards, collapsing on the ground. She placed her palms on her forhead and shook her head in disbelieve. “I wouldn’t do that.”  Baekhyun rubbed her back in a comforting way and sighed.

“8 years ago they also tried these injections out on girls. The same we had. Twelve different one. Everyone died because they were to weak, except you. Sadly you ran away and never had the chance to find out about your power. You still have to learn to control it, and remember what happened afterwards.”

Sora gulped and looked at Baekhyun, turning to the other boys who gave her a calming smile. “Then teach me.” Everyone smiled and nodded.

Luhan walked to her and bend down to his knees:

“You’re our 13th Member of EXO. Welcome to Exoplanet; the new earth.”

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