Our Happiness


people said "life is hard" and they agree with that 

baekhyun is just a normal student, but his life is not that normal like the others. 


"you guys love each other right?" 

baekhyun smiles softly and reply, "ofcourse i love him" 

the other takes his hand and hold it tightly, "i love you" 


baekhyun cried again that night in his arms
"i'm sorry baekhyun"

baekhyun shook his head and whispered

"no..don't be. no one's wrong here" 


"baekhyun! i love you, i love you so much. please.., please love me back.." 
baekhyun runs into his arms and cries

"ofcourse i love you too, stupid"


they learn about love, learn from mistakes, learn how to understand each other, learn how to live, learn about life, learn about happiness. 

and it's not easy as it seems



hello !

sooo actually this is my first fic, ehehe so i'm sorry if there's a lot of grammar mistakes or words because english isn't my first languange ;; 

i hope you guys enjoy this story later. i'll update later, thanks! support me please <3 

really, i'm sorry; ikr it's the first chap but it's bad alr;;;; i'll try my best!


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