Letters of a Fangirl

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Ga-yun had to choose a penpal for a social assignment.

It could be anyone she chose, random or not. 

So who does she choose? Why, Exo's Chanyeol ofcourse!

Even when she doesnt gets a response, she decided to keep writting.

Soon spilling all of her secrets, emotions, inner thoughts

It wasnt like anyone was actually going to read the letters, right? 

Chanyeol was a world away from her, why would he read the letters of a fangirl?

A fangirl with cancer ontop of that. 



" Oppa, its cold outside, make sure to wear a scarf!"

"Finals are coming, it only makes me realize how little i know"

"Oppa, smile for me okay? Your smile always gives me strength..."

"Oppa...this may be the last time i can see you"



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