Chapter 1


"Noona! Noona! Did you bring the cherry tomatoes i asked for?" Junhong shouted across the kitchen counter. Yu Jin smiled at him and brought the plastic bag to her faces to show him, "How can you ask your noona if i bought it for you or not? of course i did!" and she gently placed it on the counter next to him. Junhong beamed in excitement and tried to open up the cartoon when Yu Jin stopped him. She shook her head in disapprove and told him he was only allowed to eat them when dinner was cooked. He pouted in sadness but furthermore, did as his noona instructed him to do. As she made her way to cook the boys their dinner, a deep voice startled her. "Yah!" she yelled when she looked at the boys gummy smile, "Do you think it's alright for you to just come out of nowhere and scare me?" she said, a bit of a joke and seriousness to her tone of voice. Yongguk raised his eyebrow and Yu Jin was confused when she saw he wasn't looking directly at her, but behind her. She realized that she left oil on the stove and turned around to quickly add the chopped onions and parsley to the pot. As she was concentrated in making an actual decent meal without burning something down, Yongguk interrupted her thoughts. "So," he started, "Himchan's birthday is soon. What do you think we should get him?" Yu Jin placed her thin, slim fingers on her chin and proceeded to think. There were so many things she could get Himchan. Shoes perhaps? He's been asking for this specific Nike's for a while. Or was that Junhong? She looked towards the older male and shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly, i don't know what i should get him. Should i buy him clothes or take him somewhere fancy? oh my, would that be really weird? for a girl to take a guy out on a date?" Yongguk laughed and shook his head.. As Yi Jin was adding the finishing touches to her dish and yongguk explaining what she should do for his birthday, the boy himself came inside the kitchen. "So i was thinking that you could take him to this place near-" His idea was cut short when Himchan interrupted them and asked what they were talking about. Yu Jin blinked her eyes and smiled, "Nothing Oppa. Youngjae was wondering about this mall that was near this area. He wants to go but i won't let him so now he's mad at him." she said. Himchan raised his left brow and asked why she wouldn't let youngjae go. "Because oppa, he's my son!! How can i let him go without his mom, yah!! have you no responsibility!" she shouted and brought her homemade pasta and sauce to the table. "You're always eating that kimchi and sushi stuff oppa!! you need to eat a least some different food while i'm still here okay!" excitement roaring through her voice. Himchan smiled and took a bite of his noonas food before he immediately spit it out. Her face went shock as Himchan stood up and put his plate of food in the sink. He washed his mouth with water, grabbed his coat and tried to make his way to the front door. Yu Jin grabbed a coat hanger and ran to the front door. "You stupid spoiled little brat!!!" she shouted, anger rushing through her veins. How dare he just waste precious food and think he could get away with it. So many people couldn't even get the type of food he was blessed to receive and this was the way he would act. Not in Yu Jins case. The hand that she was holding the coat hanger, went up and hit him in the arm. The young boy made a loud scream and Yu Jin continued to hit him while occasionally repeating, "you stupid stupid boy!! how dare you!! don't you dare leave this house without finishing your dinner!" As Yu Jin kept hitting Himchan in the arm and shouting, Youngjae walked down the stairs to see what the yelling was about. He saw his Noona hitting his Hyung and he wanted to stop it, but really, did he want to get involved? He'd be hit 10x worse than his hyung if he just tried to stop it. He made his way down the kitchen and saw Yongguk sitting alone and eating his food. He turned around and saw Youngjae, smiled and motioned him to sit next to him. Youngjae obeyed his orders and sat next to him. "Hyung." he started, "Why are Yu Jin and Himchan fighting?" a little bit of joy in his voice. It wasn't like he hated his hyung or anything, but he found it amusing his noona had so much power against him. She was like the mother of the house. "Well, you know how Noonas cooking is terrible and she insisted on making dinner which i must include, was a bad idea." he said, shuddering. Yongguk explained furthermore that Himchan spit out his food and tried to go outside. Youngjae nodded his head as he understood where his Noona was coming from and laughed. The shouting and hitting had ended and both Yongguk and Youngjae went to see what had happened. When they witnessed Himchan holding Yu Jin to the wall, their jaws dropped. Yu Jin would never allow anyone to do that to her, not even Himchan. As he leaned in to kiss her, Yu Jin smiled and for once it looked like she wouldn't whack him in the head. it wasn't until himchan leaned his lips to hers, that she attacked. She hit him in the head with the coat hanger and yelled at him. "Do you think you can just kiss me and everything will be fine? huh!!!? you thought wrong!!" and once again, the two were arguing and hitting. Although their relationship seemed unhealthy, unorganized and abusive, the two of them cared for each other a lot. Maybe even too much. It was hard to say how they would live, one day, without each others company. It was hard to say, but even though Yu Jin categorized herself as a tough girl. Deep, deep down, she was still fragile and weak. And only Himchan was able to break that one emotion she hated the most. She hated being sad and she hated crying. But she was strong. Almost like a warrior. And nobody could tell her that she had to change. Because thats how these young 6 boys accepted her. For her love, kindness, motherly instinct and her way of knowing what to do in serious situations. And if those 6 boys were able to accept her, then nobody else mattered to her. Only those 6 boys did. 

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