Chapter Ten


Will it be too much to ask for a little light?

I mean, I'm not asking God to make the sun shine at two in the morning. I'm not even asking the moon to stop hiding behind the thick clouds. No. All I'm asking—begging is for the lamp post to stop the freaky flickering it is doing right now.

His—my kidnapper— face is concealed in shadows beneath the dark hood he is wearing. And as much as I know that coming here in the first place is enough to earn me a spot in the hall of fame for stupid people, I don't think I'm hopeless enough to pass the suicidal category. I will not take another step forward without confirming his identity first.

If only the lamp post will cooperate.

Eunwoo was seven when I last saw him, so that currently makes him what? Eighteen?

I'm sure he is supposed to be around eighteen, but the man from across us doesn't look quite...eighteen. His size suggests that he's waaay more than that. He's probably two to three inches over six feet and definitely weighs more than Kyungsoo and I combined. And from what I can remember on the way he carried me earlier like a sack of rice, I won't be surprised if that weight is 99.9% all-muscle.

I focus hard on his face or on whatever I can see given that the lamp post is going out every two seconds. I don't know if he can also see us. It is pretty dark where we are standing. But if he can and he's not doing anything except to creepily watch us, then we should probably start running now.

I shoot the lamp post a dirty glare. Any second now would be a really good time to remember that you're supposed to illuminate this side of the park during its darkest hours and not scare an innocent girl who came here to meet her kidnapper, you useless piece of metal—

As if reading my mind, it miraculously gave one long burst of light (I even began to smile in wonder), before going out. Completely.

Apparently, defective lamp posts are sensitive jerks who do not like to be called useless.

I am so going to hurt this lamp post!

I hear a movement from the man's direction and I temporarily forget why I'm trying to pick a fight with an object. I instinctively step closer to Kyungsoo as I feel his hand tighten on mine. A cold wind blows and—

I scream.

Something—or possibly someone—is touching my ankle!

I scream some more. At the back of my head, I know I shouldn't. I vaguely remember something about damaging my vocal chords, but right now, I can't summon the energy to care.


“Something's at my ankle!” I shout, hopping from one foot to another to get rid of it but it doesn't budge.

Kyungsoo, being the always clear-headed person he is, turns on the light of his phone. Of course, why didn't I think of that? Oh, right. I'm busy screaming. Anyway, he directs it at my feet to see what transformed me into a banshee.

Turns out, a plastic shopping bag. Great.

I don't know what's more embarrassing, the harmless blue plastic bag on my feet that I'm currently imagining is laughing at me, or the fading scream in my throat as I realize what an overreacting brat I am. In my embarrassment, I begin to wish that a lion from a nearby zoo had escaped earlier, found its way here, and is now on the verge of sinking its pointy teeth on my feet. Okay, maybe not really that, but something more harmful than a plastic bag would be great. At least it will justify the crazy screaming.

Kyungsoo kneels beside me and removes it from its stuck position around my right ankle. He looks up at me. “You okay?”

I don't answer. Instead, I lock my attention on the bag and furiously begin to stomp on it heartless. “How. Dare. You. Scare. Me!” I guess worrying about the fact that I picked fights with two non-living objects in a space of ten seconds will have to come later.

“Give the poor bag a break. I'm sure it didn't mean to do that.”

I glare at him. He is not laughing...yet, but I can see that he's struggling to maintain a straight face. “Don't even think about it,” I warn.

“Yes, Ma'am,” he answers meekly. He stands up and I reluctantly let him pull me away from the bag.

“Taeyeon-noona?” We both jump when an unfamiliar voice suddenly calls my name out of the darkness beyond.

Kyungsoo immediately steps in front of me but I tug him back. “Eunwoo?”

“Noona!” Without warning, a beam of light is turned to our direction. It is coming from the flashlight held by my kidnapper-aka-Eunwoo. “I knew you'll come!”

He runs the remaining distance between us while removing the hood from his face. His resemblance with Eunsung is so striking that I can't help but wonder how I missed it.

“Eunwoo.” He's really big. I literally have to look up when he stops in front of me.

“You came!” He says with a huge smile on his lips and abruptly wraps me in a hug.

“Watch the ribs!” I shout.

“Hey!” Kyungsoo yells angrily.

Eunwoo adjusts his arms to avoid touching my middle and I feel my feet leave the ground as he lifts me in a tighter hug. Yep. 99.9% muscle. How is that possible for an eighteen-year-old?

“I can't believe you came!” He spins me around excitedly.

“Uh, wow. You're really happy to see me.”

“Okay, that's enough. Put her down.” Scowling Kyungsoo steps in and forcefully pries Eunwoo's arms from my shoulders. After I have my feet safely on the ground again, he immediately pulls me on his side.

Eunwoo notes his action and frowns. “Who is this?” He asks me but his eyes are on Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo tenses at Eunwoo question. “This?” He points at himself. “This is the guy who got Taeyeon-noona out of the mess you created earlier.”

“Ah...the small guy who was running like crazy at the concert.”

Okay, that is mean. And uncalled for. Kyungsoo maybe is the shortest among s but he's not, by far, short in general. And with the way he doesn't get intimidated easily, anyone would mistake him as taller than his actual height.

“You really want to do this right now?” Kyungsoo snaps and takes a step forward. Before he can take another, I instantly grab a handful of his jacket from behind. Without waiting for an answer, he continues. “At least I'm not the big guy who went running at the sight of a much smaller one.”

Now, that is meaner. Kyungsoo doesn't just get unintimidated. He does the intimidating—wait. He saw that?

Eunwoo has the sense to look embarrassed but it doesn't last five seconds.

“The question is, who are you?”

Kyungsoo's next question wipes all traces of shame on Eunwoo's face and replaces it with a look of delight. “I'm Taeyeon-noona's fiancé.”

What?!” Kyungsoo and I both ask in disbelief.

Kyungsoo turns to me. His eyes are royally pissed.

“Don't look at me,” I say defensively. “I'm also hearing this for the first time.”

“You don't know you have a boyfriend?” He asks sarcastically.

I don't answer him. That question is wrong on so many levels. Instead, I face Eunwoo. “Are we talking about the same Taeyeon? As in me, Taeyeon?”

“Do I know another Taeyeon?”

“Actually, I'm hoping you do because I sure as hell don't have a boyfriend, less a fiancé—no offense.”

“You don't remember?” He seems hurt.

“Remember what?”

“We were at my house “

I remember their house, alright, but my memory does not include a proposal. I shake my head, my face blank.

“In my room?”

I imagine it for a moment. Eunwoo’s room? “No. Try again.”

“In my bed?”

Whoa. I don’t like where this is going. And apparently I’m not alone. Kyungsoo suddenly moves away and turns his back from us while muttering angrily, “Do I really have to hear this?” He places his hands on his hips and looks at the sky. If I didn't know him, I'd think he's just counting stars. But I do, and I know that he's controlling his temper.

I take a deep breath. “I’m not sure I want to hear the rest of this, but okay. Continue?”

“We were lying on my bed and you told me you'll marry me when I grow up.” His tone is frustrated.

When you grow up?” I repeat incredulously. “What—when is this? When you were six?”

“Uh, actually, I was four. You were babysitting me.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“No, I'm serious, noona. You told me. How can you forget?”

“How can I not forget? That’s like fifteen years ago! And you're not supposed to remember anything when you were four!”

“Well, I do!”

“Then forget it.”

“Forget it? Noona, I can't just magically forget it.”

“Do you want me to help you with that?” Kyungsoo snarls. I didn't notice he already moved behind me. His face is dark with anticipation as he cracks his knuckles.

“Are you threatening me?” Eunwoo’s gaze shifts to Kyungsoo and he also takes a step forward.

Oookay!” I cautiously move on the space between them. However, I’m careful enough not to be really between them. First sign of swinging and I’m outta here. “Kids, simmer down. Nobody's threatening anybody.”

“I am threatening him,” Kyungsoo declares.

I glower at him. “I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.” I point at Eunwoo. “You. Forget it—”


“No, buts. I don't care how you do it. Just...forget it.” I turn to Kyungsoo. “And you. Stop being mean.”

He raises his eyebrow, but does not say anything.

Nobody makes any sound for the next few seconds and I sigh in relief. “That’s better. Now, where’s Eunsung?”

“She’s inside.”  Eunwoo points at the trailer bus behind us. He smiles. “She’s been waiting for you.”

“Okay. I'll see her first. But we need to talk later,” I make sure the warning in my voice is obvious.

Eunwoo nods and motions for me to get inside.

I walk to the bus, taking Kyungsoo with me by the arm. He opens the door and I climb the first step to the shiny white trailer home.

Before I take another, Kyungsoo says, “Go ahead. I'll stay here.”

I look back at him, then at Eunwoo who is watching us. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll be fine.” He also throws a glance at Eunwoo.

“You know, that’s not what I’m worried about.”

He ignores me and continues innocently “I just remembered, I do have a lot of questions for Eunwoo."

I narrow my eyes at him. “Do you also remember you promised you won't hurt him until I do?"

“I didn't promise that.”


“I said okay. But I didn't make any promise to do that.”

“Seriously? Are you really going to break your promise over a minor technicality?”

“I said I didn't promise—”

Annoyed, I lean over, reaching out to grab his jacket's collar, and pull his face closer to mine. “Fine! Promise me. Right now.”


“Promise me you won't hurt him.”

“And why should I do that again?”

“Because I'm asking you nicely.”

He points at my hand on his collar. “You call this nice?”

I tighten my grip.

“How do you honestly think will I hurt that giant of a kid?”

“I don't know. But I also don't doubt that you will. You probably have it all figured out by now. Besides, are you going to say that Tao's not been teaching you martial arts?”

He doesn't but I can see that he is tempted to say exactly that.

“Didn't think so.”

He sighs. “What am I supposed to do when you already have me by the collar?”

“Come on, Do Kyungsoo. I'm not letting go until you say it.”


“Say it.”

“I promise.”

I raise my eyebrows at him.

“I promise I won't hurt him until you get back,” he spits the words like I’m asking him to drink a poison. “Happy?”

I sigh in relief as I give him a sweet smile. “Very.” I don’t know how I will haul him inside the bus if he didn’t make the promise. I jerk his collar one last time and quickly kiss him on the cheek before letting go. “Be right back.”

I close the door of the bus, leaving Kyungsoo's stunned face behind.

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WheeinMamamoo #1
Chapter 29: Authornim please continue your story
So i've been reading this fic from the start and i just noticed that i never subscribed. Like why?

Ps. I missed this story a lot.
kyoshi123 #3
Chapter 29: Update soon!
Chapter 29: just like the others, as in the 2 recent commenters, i actually saw your recent update. like there was a notification and I read through it, the two lines you wrote.

but it didn't ring a bell or made sense, yet. until i decided to read through the whole story again. and that's when i realized that i actually really missed your fanfic. one of my most favourite fanfic, especially since it's kyungtae! a really rare otp/crackship. thus, your update has been terribly missed. but of course, i understand that you might be busy with your life thus, no updates for the past few years. however, if there's a sudden urge to update, then i hope you'll be able to. i would definitely be one of the first few to respond to your update notification hahaha :-)
Chapter 29: i must have been seeing things... got my hopes up for nothing... but i'll wait for the actual updates even if you will take forever to post one

-your loyal fan-
Taeyeonismyidol #6
Chapter 29: Rereading this story for the thousandth time...still managed to take my breathaway... if only...
KimHyunaTaeyeon #8
Chapter 29: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh:(!!!!! Please updateeeeeeeee
KimHyunaTaeyeon #9
Chapter 22: THEY R So CUTE together!!!!!!!!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #10
Chapter 19: I like it when everybody's in love with Taetae!