
That one scent.


Jiyong left his apartment late. As he rushed down the street, he was bombarded with the smell of some thoughtless person's cigarette. Slightly annoyed, he continued on his way the train station. Seeing the red letters on the electronic timetable, he scowled. Of course the train was late. His frustration grew as he shuffled on to the platform and nearly stepped in a puddle of old pee. The near accident propelled him into a sweet memory. 

A younger Jiyong scurried towards an incoming train, blocking out his surroundings. In his haste, he slipped in a puddle and fell squarely on his . He sat there for a moment, too embarrassed to move. As the train pulled out of the station,  he heard a deep voice say "Quite the bath you got there." He lifted his head, ready to tell the stranger to kindly piss off, when he saw that he was holding his hand out to help him. He accepted it, and pulled himself up, catching a whiff of the blue-haired stranger's cologne as he fixed his clothes.

"My name's Seunghyun. Are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine," stuttered a shaken up Jiyong. "But not as fine as you.", he added under his breath. Jiyong had already taken notice of Seunghyun's dark eyes, and tall, muscular frame.

"Ji-yong. That's a cute name.", remarked Seunghyun as he eyed the boy's name tag.

Jiyong opened his mouth to reply, but he was interrupted by the sound of a train screeching to a halt. 

"Gotta go.", exclaimed Seunghyun as he boarded his train. Jiyong hoped that that would not be their last meeting.

Jiyong was brought back to the present by the sound of his train. He smiled at the memory, and went about his day happier.


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