Alone Together


"She also knew that there were times, in those lonely hours of the early, early morning, when the glass was her only friend."

Alone at home, a girl contemplates her life.


Hi everyone!

This was a quick drabble I had to write out after watching that episode of Healing Camp where Taeyeon speaks about her lonely nights at home, and how she sometimes drinks a can of beer to help her sleep. She's always been one of my favorite members of SNSD, and to hear her talk so openly about what must have been a difficult time for her really broke my heart.

To be honest I've always been a little hesitant about writing fanfiction involving real people, particularly when it's about a sensitive subject such as Taeyeon's sad moments (I don't want to call it depression because I don't think it's my place to label her as such). What goes through her mind and what she deals with on a daily basis is, quite frankly, none of my business and I didn't want to trivialize it by writing a stupid fanfic on it.

To help myself alleviate some of these concerns, I decided to write it without using names, because with a few changes to the details I suppose this fic could be about anyone in the world. I'm sure there are tons of people around the world that feel left out, or sad, or alone; some things are universal. This is something I did in my previous fic about the Yongseo couple (shameless plug: go read it!) and I liked the challenge it brought to the writing, so I decided to use it again here.

Anyway, here it is. It's far from my best work, as I hammered this out in just a couple of hours and it hasn't been read by a beta reader or anything. Apologies for any spelling/grammar errors. Thanks for reading!

For what it's worth: Kim Taeyeon, you deserve all the happiness in the world.



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-claps- i liked it~
Bumella #2
Chapter 1: Thx for the story.. I really hope to see the more cheerful n dorky taengoo on screen again.. she has been looking depressed a lot these days
Chapter 1: update pls