El Poder De Las Mujeres


A serie of one shot inspired by an episode of Casi Angeles (which is a telenovela that I love) called "El poder de las mujeres".


I've been inspired for a while but I don't have the strenght to keep writting it so I need to know if they are people who are interesting by it or I should just give up. 

Anyway first here is the source of my inspiration the voice off/ Voice over of the episode. If you don't understand spanish I translated it in english below so just skip this part


El Poder de las mujeres

Original voice off: 

Luz: Las mujeres siempre tenemos el poder, y al poder nos lo dan los hombres. Porque todo lo que hacen ellos, sean padres, hijos, amantes o enemigos simplemente lo hacen para llamar nuestra atención.

Los hombres nunca saben cómo vamos a reacciones, y eso los descoloca, los sorprende, los desestabiliza.


Somos las mujeres las que siempre decimos sí o no, y en realidad les hacemos crearon a los hombres que son ellos los que dicen sí o no. El poder de las mujeres reside también en cuanto nos necesitan los hombres, se sienten perdidos si les damos la espalda.

Los hombres nos temen, por eso somos tan poderosas. Pocas cosas nos pueden frenar. Somos las mujeres las que entendemos bien el poder, está en nuestra naturaleza, en nuestra ideología. El hecho de ser madre, eso es poder ¿o no?

Cristóbal: El poder de una mujer está en su corazón, en su intuición, en su instinto de protección. El poder de las mujeres está en su capacidad infinita de dar amor. Son los únicos seres capaces de experimentar el amor incondicional. Saben dar, cuidar y proteger la vida, y amar pase lo que pase.

Maridos, hermanos, hijos, padres, amigos y novios le deben todo al amor de una mujer. Y todo lo que hacemos es un intento por corresponderlas. Es un elogio a la mujer.

Los nenes jugamos a los soldaditos, las nenas a las muñecas. Nosotros nos preparamos para conseguir la gloria y ofrecérsela a ustedes. Ustedes se preparan para darnos la vida. La mujer vive para amar, y ese amor inmenso y arquetípico se transforma en fuente de energía para todos los que ocupamos un lugar en su corazón.


The power of women


voice off Translation:

(From a woman called Luz) It's us, woman, who always got the power, and the men give us this power. Because everything they do, be fathers, sons, lovers or enemies they just do it to get our attention.


Men never know how we are going to react, and this disturbs them, surprises them, destabilizes them.


It's the woman who always say yes or no, and in reality we only make the men believe that they're the one who say yes or no. The power of women resides also in the moment that men need us, they feel lost if we give them a cold shoulder.


Men fear of us, that's why we are so powerful. Few things can stop us. It's us, the women who are the one who understand well the power, it's in our nature, in our ideology. The fact of being a mother, it's power, right ?


(from a man called Cristóbal) The power of a woman is in her heart, her intuition, her instinct of protection; The power of the women is in their infinite ability to give love. Their the only being who are able to experiment the unconditional love. They know how to give, to care and to protect life, and to love no matter what happens.


Husband, brother, sons, fathers, friends and boyfriends owe everything to the love of a woman. And everything we do is an attempt to match them. It's a praise of the woman.


The boys plays with toy soldier, the girls with dolls. We prepare ourselves to get the glory and give it to you, the women. You, the women prepare yourselves to give us life. A woman live to love, and this immense love, and this ideal is the source of energy for all the ones who occupy a place in her heart.


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crazykissme4ever #1
Yeah I'll write in english :) and thank you your comment just gave me inspiration to write (even though I have a load of homework but I am a bad student haha)Anyway I hope to be abble to update soon :)
IM_Hyolyn #2
Sounds interesting. U will write it in english right? Waiting for the 1st chap. Fighting! ^^