chapter 2

Reflection Of Another

'' do you like your ice cream noona? '' the boy hopefully looked up at her and curiously raise his brows.

'' I love it! Thank you..but how did you know i love plain chocolate? '' she bit into the bite size pieces of cookies sticking out of her ice cream.

'' well..I just know '' nervously the boy looked away. 

Su Jung smiled knowingly, she'd knew if the boys had followed her once in a while when she was alone. they were rowdy and loud, you'd be deaf  not to notice them.

'' so..where are we going next? '' she asked, trying to make the situation lighter.

'' Just follow me noona '' yixing took hold of her hand and urges her to move faster.

Eager, they both ran towards the destination, hand in hand. Yixings hand felt warm and his strong grip assured her he wasn't gonna let go any time soon. She shyly push back the thought of running hand in hand like little kids at the back of her head, although some had turned their heads but it didn't seem to bother the boy.

She was immensely lost in her own thoughts that she hadn't notice they had arrived at the park a while now and yixing has been calling out her name for the past 5 seconds.

'' Su Jung noona? are you okay? ''

slightly taken aback she nodded once she came to realization and smiled softly at the little boy. She noticed her surroundings and looked around.

'' Is this where you wanted to take me? the park? ''

'' mhm '' he nodded '' I thought i could learn more about noona here, get to know noonas' likes and dislikes '' he bravely spoke.

She didn't mind it at all but he was really getting cuter by the minute, she couldn't help but giggle a little.

'' okay yixing-ah, lets sit down. Noonas legs are getting tired ''

Without a moment of hesitation he drags her towards the nearest bench and took a seat next to her.

'' If i was bigger i would've carried you '' he smugly grins

'' too bad you're not shorty '' she and laughed.

'' hey, just you wait Noona! I'll grow tall and amaze you someday, i'll be the man worthy of your heart! ''

A light shade of pink tints her cheeks as she warmly hugs him, smiling sweetly while her eyes curves downwards into an eyesmile.

'' Thank you yixing-ah, but you don't have to try so hard ''

That had probably taken him by surprise but he didn't let it show. Instead he hugged her back just as warmly.



'' so..favourite colour? ''

'' white '' she answers and he writes it down.

'' favourite animal? ''

'' hm..rabbits! '' he records it down again.

'' favourite number? ''

'' eight '' he does it again

'' fav- ''

'' what are you doing writing that all down? '' she peers closer to see the little notebook he's holding but Yixing had quickly hit it from her sight.

'' I'm just recording down everything you like so that i wont forget in the see, I'm a little oblivious at times so i might forget '' he explains

understandingly she nods and waits for the next question but it never came, so instead he shot him one.

'' what's YOUR favourite colour? ''

'' um...purple ''

'' do you have any siblings? '' curiously she looks at him

'' i do, i have a big brother ''

'' you do?..oo~ is he cute like you? how old is he? can i see him? '' she nudges the boy, who only sent her a dissaproving look.

'' No noona you can't, one because he doesn't live in korea and two you're not allowed to like him! '' he scolds.

''aww why? is he taken already? that's too bad '' she playfully pouts.

The boy didn't find it too amusing and crossed his arms. '' can't like have to like me first..''

'' alright alright you little cutie '' she giggles and pinches his cheek.

'' please don't call me that anymore '' he narrows his eyebrows

'' I'll try shorty ''

'' NOONA ''



Thank you all whoever is reading this. I'll try to do a better job at writing next time! please look forward to the next and future updates because theres going to be a plot twist at the end. I apologise if there were any errors or grammar mistakes since english isn't my first language. ENJOY! <3 <3 <3












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Nightfire #1
Looking forward to this! ;) Btw author-nim, not sure if you can, but I think maybe you should add on the OC tag, cause you know, people'll be searching for it...And this seems like its gonna be a good one...
choiannalee #2
Chapter 1: Lay is so cute.. I can imagine him talking with his chinese accent.
Not bad.. Cant wait for the next chapter.. :)