
It Becomes Obstinacy

Jun-Bae Park has always spent his life putting everything off and completing it the last minute while still managing to get a perfect - occasionally a nearly perfect - score on the assignment. He was not only amongst the elite of his class but also a treasured student.

But how exactly is someone who does nothing but slack off such an outstanding student? There's always a brain behind the system, and Jun-Bae's brain happened to manifest itself in the form of a human named Dong-Hwan Lee. The boy kept Jun-Bae in track of everything from assignments that were due the next day for class to games and practices for the various sports and scholastic clubs he participated in. To simply put, Bae's "fame" only existed because Dong-Hwan existed.

“There’s a test tomorrow in Mr. Jang’s class, so don’t forget, okay?”  Dong-Hwan reminded the boy as they walked to school.

“Aigoo, it’s so cold,” Bae ignored the former’s reminder.

He rubbed his mitten-covered hands up and down his arm to warm himself up. It was late October, and Seoul was already freezing up. Perhaps, Bae should of thought to have brought a coat, but he didn’t. Luckily, Dong-Hwan waited at the small convenience store that the other walked to every morning for a drink to last him throughout the day and stood outside with a black coat in hand.

“Can you believe suneung’s just forty days away?” Dong-Hwan asked the younger.

“It’s just another test,” Bae told the older. “I’ll pass it as always.”

“I know you will! You always do, but some time you should learn how to prepare yourself. One of these days, there’s going to be a test, and you’ll kick yourself in the for not studying beforehand.”

Bae simply shrugged his shoulders and continued walking off to school with the other boy following while pushing the brim of his glasses up as they fell down the bridge of his nose. The cold wind nipped at the younger’s cheek, and he squeezed his eyes shut when he felt them dry out. The older sensed this and pulled a scarf out of his backpack and wrapped it around Bae’s neck while walking.

Soon enough, the moderately-sized building came into view, and the two students walked through the gates and into the courtyard. The younger was in the midst of rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he walked straight into metal double doors.

“Ah! . . . Ow. . .”

After he finished rubbing his eyes, he rubbed his reddened forehead before making a slightly pained face at his ridiculous mistake.

“Jeez, Bae,” Dong-Hwan commented. “You’re really out of it today.”

The younger of the two grunted while the older opened the door for the other to walk in properly, and they weaved through the crowds of people to get to their classroom.

“Did you study?” Dong-Hwan asked as he placed his backpack’s straps around his chair so it’d hang off.

“No, of course not,” Bae answered frustratingly. “I never do.”

The older heaved a sigh as he pulled out his notebook and flipped to the needed pages.

{ ~ }

By the time lunch had rolled around, Bae was quick to leave the room and head to his and Dong-Hwan’s usual place at a table in the courtyard. Dong-Hwan had arrived to see the other lazily laying down on the seat. He smiled before pulling out a few containers from his backpack.

“I made some ge jjigae since you’ve been saying how much you’ve been craving seafood, and there’s the usual kimchi and rice,” the older pointed to each container. “There’s also mandu, and the tiny container on top of it has your sauce.”

The younger grunted before grabbing a can of sikhye and popping it open and taking a long swig. He his lips to clean the remaining liquid of the drink off and gently shook the can from side to side. The older continued to to open all of the containers and pull out a set of chopsticks and a spoon. He handed them to the younger and grabbed a container to begin eating.

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