
Shut Up and Drive

I'm so sorry this took so long! I was having some trouble with it, maybe because I don't usually write Daejae (even though they are too cute for words). Thanks for the comments, votes, and subscriptions! I'm glad people found this funny.

On a side note, a few people asked about whether this story was top Jae, etc. That whole aspect is left intentionally ambiguous b/c I wanted to try and be neutral about it. It's very easy to always assign people specific roles or personalities based on that, intentional or not, so I'm going to leave that open. You can imagine Daejae, Jaedae, switch, whatever! 

I'm hoping the last part will be longer. But over all it isn't too short, right? I mean, this is technically supposed to be a one-shot...

And now, onwards~


Youngjae normally visits Yongguk on weekends. He’s has the biggest place, right in the city and they all hang out there when they get together. Yongguk’s loft is attached to the back of his garage and Youngjae bounces up the metal staircase that runs up the side of the building to get there.


He doesn’t remember that Daehyun is staying there until the apprentice answers, bright and wide awake in a pair of sweats.


He’s also shirtless and sweating, and a pair of ear buds are hanging around his neck as he smiles cautiously.


“Oh, hello, Youngjae-sshi.”




Youngjae is curt. He’s embarrassed by how he ran off the other day and he’s also a little distracted by Daehyun’s body.


“I take it hyung must be expectin’ you, come on in.”


Daehyun steps aside, shutting the door before he gestures to the other end of the loft.


“Gonna get back to my work out. Hyung’s in the kitchen. Um…see you around?”


Youngjae nods and there’s a beat of awkward silence before Daehyun turns and walks away.


He’s hitting himself when he walks into the kitchen and Yongguk looks up from where he’s reading a box of pancake mix.


“’Sup, Jae?”


Youngjae lets his head fall on to the table with a thud and Yongguk eyes him with exasperation.


“What now?”


“Nothing. So,” Youngjae lifts his head and rests it in his palm, “What’re we doing today?”


Yongguk shrugs, “Breakfast. Junhong’ll be by with Jongup in the afternoon. And Himchan says he’ll meet us for dinner. He’s finally back from New York and I thought it’d be a nice chance to introduce Daehyun to everyone.”


“What?” Youngjae lowers his voice to a whisper then, “Daehyun’s going to hang out with us?”


Yongguk looks confused, “Well, yes, Youngjae. He’s my friend and he’s staying with me, I’d be kind of a jackass not to invite him.”


“He’s the jackass!”


Yongguk raises a brow.


“Okay, maybe not a jackass. But, Hyuuuuung, you can’t!”


“Why, because you embarrassed yourself in front of him the other day? He probably doesn’t even remember.”


Youngjae is saved from answering when Daehyun enters the kitchen, a towel around this neck as he grins at Yongguk and nods at Youngjae. He grabs a water bottle out of the fridge and eyes Yongguk frowning at the box in his hands.


“If you want, hyung, I can make breakfast for us after I take a quick shower. I know you hate cookin’. Or bakin’. Food in general.”


Yongguk laughs and Youngjae’s frown deepens when the elder pinches at Daehyun’s exposed hips playfully.


“I can always count on you to make sure food is around. You don’t have to do that though.”


“ ’Least I can do. I’ll be right back.”


It turns out Daehyun makes amazing pancakes.


The fact that Youngjae can apparently look forward to wonderful morning-after breakfasts does not making his steadfast resolve to avoid Daehyun forever any easier. Not that Youngjae is thinking of morning afters with Daehyun or anything.


Not at that precise moment, anyway, he’s too busy over his plate of batter filled, cream doused, fruit topped deliciousness. There are omelettes and kimchee pancakes too, and Youngjae is semi-convinced Daehyun is some sort of wizard even though he’d watched him make everything.


“How’d I do?”


Youngjae blinks his eyes open to see Daehyun looking at him expectantly. He shrugs a shoulder casually.


“It’s alright.”


As if Daehyun hadn’t seen him stuffing himself just moments before.


Daehyun grins anyway.


Youngjae really hates him.



*          *          *




Youngjae might be a little bit drunk. Just a little. Tipsy, really.


Look, it had been a really hard week, okay?


He had humiliated himself in front of the only hot guy he’d met in months, his bank account was dwindling, he’d had way too many projects and tests this week, and he was pretty sure that someone had gotten a little too familiar yesterday during the morning rush on the train he was now forced to take. So when Himchan offers to buy everyone’s drinks in celebration of his latest promotion and Daehyun’s welcome, Youngjae thinks he deserves to let go a little.


He kind of forgets Daehyun’s presence, mostly spending his time chatting with Junhong and Jongup, and the other boy is occupied by Himchan. They get along great.


Youngjae isn’t surprised.


Himchan’s an .


Yongguk and Himchan leave to get more food, the latter dragging Jongup with him (Youngjae feels bad for the guy, really he does, being Himchan’s favourite and all), and Junhong heads to the washroom.


They are alone and Daehyun is watching him curiously. The mechanic had shed his jacket, leaving him in a fitted black v-neck that somehow highlights his figure better than if he were shirtless.


“Oi, what’re you staring at?”


Daehyun shrugs and takes a sip from his beer, “Just makin’ sure you ain’t gonna fall right out of your seat.”


Youngjae waves him off, slumping back into the cushioned booth, “I can hold my liquor. You need to mind your own business. And you should put your coat back on. No one wants to see your really tanned arms of steel…or gold…golden steel. Gold’s a soft metal though…soft metal, soft skin…”


“Okay, hyung! Why don’t we wait until we get some more food and then you’ll actually have something to wash down.”


Youngjae doesn’t know where Junhong appears from, but he has impeccable timing. He’ll have to thank him later.


Then he notices Junhong share a grin with Daehyun, kittenish and sweet and probably making fun of Youngjae.




The rest of the night is spent with more food, and in Youngjae’s case especially, more drinks. Everyone is mildly impressed with his ability to withstand Himchan’s glaring.

They’re all pleasantly buzzed by the time they’re ready to hail a taxi back to Yongguk’s, but Youngjae needs help staying vertical as they wait outside.


When they finally get to the loft, the maknaes collapse onto the large sectional while the elder three ponder what to do with Youngjae.


“He should probably sleep here tonight,” Yongguk sighs.


“He can take my room, hyung.”


“Are you sure, Dae? It’s alright, I mean you barely know the guy and all…”


“It’s fine, I’ll take him.”


Youngjae is half asleep and Daehyun all but carries him to the bedroom, gently depositing him on the small bed. The motion seems to jostle him from his weak slumber and he eyes Daehyun above him.


Youngjae has really pretty eyes, Daehyun notes. All wide, and framed by long lashes that seem to brush against his cheeks as he blinks slowly at the elder. His lips are real nice, too, heart-shaped and soft-looking as they part.


“Hey, hey, do you like…use really cheesy car related pick-up lines?”


Daehyun pulls the blankets up around Youngjae and answers with amusement, “No.”


Youngjae is quiet as Daehyun heads to the windows, closing the blinds and the elder thinks he might have finally fallen asleep.


He’s wrong.


“Hey, Daehyun, want a free lube job? Get it? Lube job?”


Youngjae laughs gleefully, while Daehyun stands at the foot of the bed with his arms crossed.


“That’s real inappropriate.”


“Whaaaat, I thought we were friends now!”


“Do you talk to all your friends like that?”


“Just the cute ones.”


Daehyun shakes his head, smiling softly as he shuts off the light and heads to the door.


“ ’Night, Youngjae.”


“Hey! Is your battery dead? Because I’d love to jump you! Oi, Daehyun, why are you leaving? Don’t go, I don’t mean it! By the way, that’s quite the nice rear bumper you have there!”


Daehyun shuts the door, face-red, and speedily walks away to the living room.


It isn’t any better, because everyone there had clearly heard Youngjae and are making no attempts to hide it.


He plops down beside Yongguk, pulling his knees up and hiding behind them as Yongguk laughs along with the others and ruffles his hair.


“Youngjae’s usually not like this, you know.”


Himchan chimes in from his place next to the maknaes, “Yeah, he just hasn’t gotten laid in a year.”


Junhong grins, “He’s gonna kill you for that.”


“Like he hasn’t embarrassed himself enough already.”


The conversation veers off, but Daehyun isn’t really paying any attention anymore.



(Who knew eyes really could look like stars?)



*          *          *



When Youngjae wakes up it feels like he’s been hit by a semi. There’s water and two painkillers on the side table and a note in Yongguk’s messy scrawl telling him there’s a new toothbrush in the washroom and that he’s downstairs working if Youngjae needs anything.


Yongguk will always be his favourite.


Once he’s freshened up and talked himself into venturing outside the bathroom, he grabs his wallet and keys and gets ready to head home.


Of course, Daehyun is having breakfast in the kitchen when he tries to sneak downstairs. He’s surfing through something on his phone as he eats, and for the first time Youngjae notices the little mole under his eye and the cute little dimples high on his cheeks as he smiles.


Youngjae is really screwed.


Daehyun finally looks up and sees the other and he smiles and gestures to the food, “Mornin’, Youngjae. Want some?”


Youngjae shakes his head, “No, thanks.”


He thinks about excusing himself and heading out, just like that, but he’s made a bad enough impression already.


“Look, um, I’m sorry. I was kind of a mess last night.”


Daehyun raises a brow, “Not enough of a mess not to remember, I see.”


Youngjae winces.


Daehyun considers the other for a moment, before standing and taking a few steps in his direction. Youngjae is slightly taller, he realizes, and broader too, strong shoulders tense under his sweater as he looks at his feet and refuses to meet Daehyun’s eyes. When he’s done torturing the other with his silence he laughs and shrugs good naturedly.


“It’s alright, Youngjae. I’ve had a few messy nights myself.”


Youngjae smiles gratefully and walks closer to where the mechanic is, “Can we start over? Hi, I’m Yoo Youngjae.”


Daehyun grins and reaches out to clasp Youngjae’s outstretched hand.


“Jung Daehyun. Nice to meet you.”


(Youngjae’s right. His skin is soft.)



*          *          *



“Can you stop pacing already? I feel like I’m watching a tennis match.”


Himchan glares at the younger man and rolls his eyes when Youngjae only continues, sipping at his coffee idly.


They are in the elder’s immaculately designed kitchen the next day as he tries to talk Youngjae through his mini-meltdown.


Himchan is Yongguk’s best friend, and to be honest, Youngjae isn’t sure how or why that happened. Himchan is the picture of the stereotypical upper middle-class Seoulite, complete with style straight out of GQ and the ability to reduce one’s self-esteem simply by raising a single, perfect eyebrow.


Yongguk resides above his garage, pretty much lives in coveralls, and eats instant ramen for every single meal.


Enough said.


Youngjae’s just finished rambling about the whole Daehyun Situation (Junhong’s term) as Himchan listened and made snide remarks every other sentence. By the time Youngjae has slumped down at the kitchen counter, face down on the surface, Himchan has rolled his eyes enough for them to start hurting.


“You want him. Well, we’d established that. More than that, you like him. A lot.”


Youngjae flails.


“God, you’re embarrassing. And what’s the big deal? Just ask the guy out.”


“Have you looked at him? I don’t even know what to do with a guy like that!”


Himchan grins lasciviously, “Oh, Youngjae, we all know what to do with a guy like that…”


“I’m serious, he’s all fit, golden beach boy and I’m a pasty nerd that can’t even tell when the oil in his car needs changing and whose parents wouldn’t let him go down a slide without a helmet! He probably thinks I’m some pretentious . Like you!”


Himchan ignores the insult, seems to be ignoring everything Youngjae is saying, staring at his view of the skyline with a strange smile on his face, “I went to see Yongguk the other day and I couldn’t tell what I liked more; Daehyunnie’s cute little or the cute little sports car he was bent over.”


Daehyunnie? Daehyunnie?


Youngjae glares, “YOU. Stay away from his cute little !”


Himchan raises a brow as he laughs, “Oh? Kitty’s brought out his claws, huh? Ah, you kids are so cute.”


The elder man reaches out to ruffle Youngjae’s hair and Youngjae flails away.


“You got it bad, Jae.”


Youngjae sighs forlornly.


“This is the worst thing ever.”


I really like the idea of Daehyun speaking all Southern style...idk if you guys noticed my attempts to make his accent apparent, but hopefully you can hear it in your head.

Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 3: That ending got me, though. Yongguk is not impressed, Youngjae!!
Chapter 3: i love this!!!! it's really funny!!! i love how youngjae is such a nerd and cannot communicate with daehyun and his friendship with yongguk and all this mechanic thing and the garage environment... it's really unique and cool. i love the way you make daehyun's accent sound, i could listen to it in my head (as you hoped it'd happen) and i really like the fact that you left who tops and who bottoms up for imagination!!!! i'm enjoying all of your stories, you're great!
Chapter 3: Ohmygodddd this is so hilarious hahahahaa Youngjae though, every time he opens his mouth XDDD That "Get out of my garage" oh my god I laughed a lot too at that part when I imagined it XDD Drunk Youngjae too! Drunk Youngjae is hilarious hahahahahahah his pickup lines omg I'm dying XDDD lube job and rear bumper hahaha I can't even- XDDDDDD Youngjae's relationship with his car reminds me of my cousin and his car hahaha
zZSleepyHead #4
I can't get over it. Youngjae's character is so perfect omg. ALL DAEJAE FICS NEEDA BE LIKE THIS I SWEAR. THIS GIVES LIFE, I SWEAR. OH MY GODS.
zZSleepyHead #5
Holy freaking moly. This was HILARIOUS. I couldn't stop laughing. I am so glad that I've managed to stumble to this fic. Holy ssssss. I can't even right now. You're so ing good at this holy . LOL lady, you make me laugh.
daehyundarklight #6
Chapter 3: hahaha... so funny...
aslan88 #7
Chapter 3: this was hilarious, great job with this fic XD
Chapter 3: This was so cute :'D Haha, I've been going through a bunch of your fics and I really like the way you write :3 Great job!!