001: The Characters


"Eunhae-yah!" The loud call shocked the internal quiet atmosphere of the cafe where Eunhae had been calmly enjoying browsing the daily news while waiting for her friend Soomi. Many of the surrounding neighbors shot the newcomer a look of distaste before returning to their own activities. A few packed up their belongings and left, already recognizing that the likelihood of a quiet afternoon just flew out the door. None of these reactions registered, however, with the bumbling, cheerful Soomi who skipped past the departing people and landed in the chair across from her best friend. "Well, that took a lot longer than I had expected." She continued, the decibel of her voice only minutely lower than before.

"Soo, people are staring," Eunhae commented nonchanlantly. She was used to the attention; it followed the energetic Soomi to more places than she could count. Life went on despite the stares so Eunhae never fussed over it.

"Well, let them," Soomi retorted, but lowered her voice to a socially-acceptable level. "Anyways, I have exciting news. Guess who's supposed to be appearing at M1NT tonight?"

"Considering that M1NT is an expensive, expat bar, I would say someone foreign and rich," Eunhae replied. Her best friend nodded excitedly and motioned for her to take a guess. "Oh Soo, you know I've always been terrible with names. Don't make me guess."

"DAVID BECKHAM!!!" Soomi screamed. The rest of the cafe glared again at the duo and, this time, Soomi caught them. She flashed a smirk but grabbed both her purse and Eunhae's hand and left the cafe. "Come on Eunhae. You know how much I adore him. Victoria Beckham gets him all the rest of the days of the year, but tonight, he's mine!"

"You're seriously going to hit on a married man?" Eunhae raised an eyebrow incredulously.

"Oh please. He's a celebrity. It's different." Soomi replied nonchalantly. Eunhae could only shake her head with a sigh.

"Hyung. We are heading to M1NT tonight right?" Tao asked in excitement. He was hopping up and down in the new clothes he had just purchased earlier that day. "I look gooooood. I need some ladies to admire it." He posed as he finished his sentence. His hyungs could only watch in amusement.

"Yeah, BEAST owes us and, to be on the safe side, we are collecting out in the open to avoid suspicion. Last time they paid us, they tried to set us up and I am not taking taking that chance again." Kris responded with the slighest hint of anger as he recalled the events of the last exchange.

"We are ready this time." Xiumin added darkly. BEAST had managed to sneak a hit on him the last time and he was pumping to get revenge. He cracked his knuckles threateningly.

"Guys, stop. It will be fine," Lay rushed in to calm his friends. He was always the odd one out in the gang; after all, he valued peace and harmony. It was not that the other members preferred war and danger, but they did not shy away from it like Lay would. Instead of fighting, he was known as the healer. He spent years training as a doctor before leaving a prestigous hospital out of loyalty to his friends. Money was never an issue and he felt a deep tie with s that staying at the hospital could have never replaced.

"You guys are too loud. Shut up and let me nap," Luhan complained from across the room. He huffed and pulled the blanket over his head again. Luhan was mysterious. Even to his group, he remained an unyielding character. While he was caring and protected his friends and family with everything he had, he never showed any emotions and never shared many words. The sentences he spoke usually consisted of curses or threats and were never without a hint of darkness and anger. Despite the angelic face, everyone who has ever dealt directly with him has learned to back off if they valued their life and that was just how Luhan liked it.

"Are you guys fighting again?" Chen shook his head in disbelief as he walked into the house. EXO-M called him the 'mom' of the group, and for good reason. He knew how to take care of people when they least expected it. He also cooked their meals and insisted on staying healthy even though they were a gang. 

"Nah. Just talking about M1NT tonight. I hear that soccer star is coming!" Tao continued as if he had never heard the other members' responses. He continued to strut from side to side in his new outfit, testing various facial expressions in the mirror. 

"Yeah, David Beckham." Chen informed them. Luhan's ears perked a little to hear about the soccer star, but sleep got the better of him and he went back to sleep.

"Are you sure you're the same Eunhae who didn't even care about this party this morning?" Soomi gave her friend the up-and-down several times in approval. "Because, damn girl."

"Haha, thanks." Eunhae laughed and gave her friend a thumbs-up. "You look great yourself."

"Of course. This dress is brand new and it better impress some hot guys or else I'll be extremely upset." Soomi commented while giving herself another twirl in the mirror. Eunhae shook her head again in disbelief, but she loved her friend all the same. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go!" Eunhae reached out a hand and Soomi pulled her onto her feet. The two friends walked out the door of Eunhae's expansive apartment in good spirits. 

A few floors down, the EXO-M boys were gathered in Kris' apartment preparing for the club as well. The only people who were fully dressed were Chen and Xiumin. The rest were in a scramble to get dressed.

"Tao, you were dressed earlier. How are you still not ready?" Chen could not help but note in disbelief.

"I had second-thoughts so I changed, but now I don't know anymore!" Tao yelled as he scurried back and forth with mismatched jacket and pants. "Ge~~~ Help!" He whined towards Kris who was placing final touches on his hair.

"Figure it out yourself Tao. You're old enough." Kris retorted without a moment's heistation. He peered over at Luhan who was still sleeping and kicked him lightly. "Get up man. We're going out." Luhan snapped open an eyelid and glared at him, but he reluctantly moved from his position on the leather couch and went to the bathroom to get ready.

After 20 more minutes of convincing  Tao that he had made the best outfit decision, the EXO-M boys left the building as well.

A/N: Hi guys. I know this chapter is super boring, but it helps to set things up a bit. Hang in with me here! Thanks.

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tinado58 #1
Sounds mysterious and the female lead isn't weak or girly so that's a plus! Will be waiting for next update! Good luck!
Nice description & story - Yuki