One can find connections in the most unlikely places

Coffee Shop

A/N: I originally wrote this in the end of January, but couldn't get it done until now. As of now, the story in itself is over 60 pages in Word! And only 19 are the original story. I have noticed the chapters becoming longer and longer... is that okay or too much? I never thought I'd write this much, to be honest. But really, thank you for reading!



Although the unspoken words of Luhan’s situation hung like an unavoidable cloud above their heads, Minseok proceeded to normalize their life as much as possible. They took turns making food, doing the chores and whatever else they came up with doing (the Monopoly-set had mysteriously disappeared after Jongdae had been over, complaining that they were wasting their youth on the stupid game). The day became reserved for the trivial things, basic routines that gave them some of the soon-to-be-claimed normality. The nights were spent in silence - or if not, with a closed door. Words weren’t needed when the sun set, leaving them in the comfortable dark as they retreated to the shadows to face yet another day soon after.

The only thing that shattered the thin glass Minseok and Luhan had put between themselves and the unsolvable questions, was Luhan’s unconscious thrashing at night. Minseok had expected it to stop when they found a path in the thick woods of tangled nothings they were walking though, but it seemed like Luhan’s subconscious couldn’t – or wouldn’t – accept it. Luhan lived a double life, seemingly fine throughout the days while escaping his nightmares at night. It was in his dreams he let out the fear he hid when he was awake, because he didn’t think Minseok could see him. And the older never said anything either. In the extreme cases where he screamed so heartbreakingly loud, so hurt while tears escaped the corners of his eyes – the ones he never dared shed in a conscious state, Minseok would shake him awake but only say it was because he himself couldn’t sleep. It was partly the truth, but even though all he wanted was to repeat to Luhan every word that resonated through the halls in their apartment when he slept, telling him it would never happen again, he didn’t. He could picture the invisible wall he had spent months tearing down reappearing again if he did, and he preferred just being there when Luhan needed it, no words spoken at all. Sometimes, they didn’t need to. And he realized that even though the chapter of their lives they currently were on neared its end, it would always be there. And they would never really get rid of it. But a book goes on. And the author of it grows with it as well as the characters. Minseok just hoped their author would give them some peace after the terrible months of suspension and disappointment they had lived through. But maybe it wasn’t like J. K. Rowling, where the main characters lived through and happily ever after. If their author was more like John Green, killing of the leads in the end, they were in big trouble. At least they couldn’t be lucked out just yet, quite the opposite.

“Hey, Minseok,” Luhan had asked once. They had been cuddled up to each other with their legs intertwined: fingers delicately grazing skin softly in the dark.

“Yeah?” Minseok had replied calmly, more focused on his breath and the momentary decreased pulse and subsiding stress.

“Why aren’t you leaving me? Why do you keep waiting for me? I mean, my situation isn’t very desirable nor really attracting, and it gives you as much trouble as me. Any other rational person would have given up in the end, not wanting or ready to bear the weight.” It wasn’t an insecure question or a plead: it was pure curiousity. Minseok thought about it for seconds that eventually turned into minutes, his fingers cautiously wandering before stopping when they reached the younger’s lips.

“Because,” he traced the outlines of Luhan’s upper lip, “I’m not waiting, you’re already here. I don’t care about the problems it causes: I know you, and they aren’t worth much in comparison.” Lower lip and between, “Of course it’s a weight to bear, and I’ve experienced it. But I’ve never had a burden once in my life, and it becomes easier when we’re two. I guess what I want to say is… I don’t know where I’m going, but as long as I have you there, I’ll gladly walk straight forward. Things disappear with time: even if we do to, I’d rather we do it together.” Because Minseok had felt so dependent on anyone ever in his life. Even if it looked like he was the one helping Luhan, it was quite the opposite. He couldn’t explain it properly, but he felt it even in his bones when Luhan was gone. It was this security having him there – he didn’t know what. But maybe that wasn’t what it was about at all. All he knew was that he gladly would hit those gang-people in the face with a shovel if it helped Luhan just the slightest bit.

Luhan didn’t answer, but smiled into the dark and Minseok could feel his lips curl upwards beneath his fingertips. And they had drifted away to sleep without another word.


They used most of their time getting ready for the re-opening of the shop. Jongdae and Yixing visited frequently, and when they weren’t discussing management, profits, layout or expenses, they were out checking up things for the shop. They were all agreeing on that point: they would keep the look, but needed to upgrade certain things. They were also re-arranging the rooms, building a kitchen where Jongdae could bake pastries and other goods. None of them honestly believed it would be so much work, but they had all stayed up until three in the night just planning on several occasions.

Of course, it went out over their sleep, as well as school. Minseok still kept his grades up in fear of his mother, but Tao and Sehun had more than once commented how tired he looked these days. He’d just brush it off because he was used to little sleep, but the two didn’t seem convinced although they let the topic go.

But they were happy, and that was what hit them as they walked home in the pouring rain in the middle of the night or woke up the next day, actually feeling like they had accomplished something. They were getting there. Seeing progress from day to day, they were getting there.

A couple of weeks after the first talk in Minseok and Luhan’s apartment, they all met up at a lonely street corner a Monday afternoon. They were casually dressed, if not having been a little more careful with their choice of clothes today. With all other arrangements ready in a map under Yixing’s arm, they were going to talk to the owner of the building the coffee shop was located in. The place was rented until the end of the month, but as the days approached dangerously fast, the four knew they would have to sign a new contract for another year. There was no guarantee they would get it, as they were newly established though the shop was just going to be re-opened. Yixing had prepared them all for an eventual outcome, and that they would have to look for a new place.

The office of the owner was downtown, a couple of kilometers from the shop. It was in the top of an expensive looking building, and as they stepped in Minseok could feel shivers go down his spine. He hadn’t been in buildings like this for years. His father only worked a couple of blocks from here as well, so even being near here made him uncomfortable. This was where the rich people worked. His courage seemed to down instantly, and he wondered how the hell he was going to manage to stutter out even one word. Luckily, Yixing had taken the task of speaking. As Minseok looked over at him though, even he looked a little bit concerned. Were they going to get this? There were probably richer, more influential people around. But instead of worrying further, Minseok tore his gaze away from Yixing and shook his shoulders slightly to release some of the tenseness in his body. This was going to be okay. They were going to be okay.

Things didn’t go quite as Minseok expected, although they went in his favour. As Yixing had turned them in at the reception desk and gotten the name of the owner and the floor he was located on, he seemed puzzled and confused for the tenth of a second, but only Minseok picked up on it as they walked through the lobby and took the elevator up. It was obvious the owner was rich, because as soon as they stepped onto the 34th floor, they were met by two guards who guided them to their boss.

When they made their way into the room, slightly more than a little bit awkward, Yixing gasped. The owner sat behind a big mahogany desk, looking important as he wrote on his computer and checked the neatly arranged stack of papers on his left side. The office was spacious and really fit such an important person. The carpeted floor was spotless, big bookshelves full of books lined up against the wall. A couch was placed fashionably somewhere in the midst of it all, probably for discussing things with customers. The back wall consisted entirely of windows, giving a beautiful view of the city. One couldn’t be afraid of heights here, that was for sure. But what hit Minseok as they stood there rather awkwardly, was that the person looked so young. He had expected it to be some middle aged man, but he seemed to be around their own age although he radiated superiority, wearing something that had to be an extremely expensive suit. Maybe some were just born into greatness, Minseok guessed. He felt like he had seen this person before though, even if he couldn’t really place where.

When Yixing made a noise he looked up, the stoic face breaking into a grin. Minseok furred his eyebrows, wondering what kind of relationship the two could have, as they obviously knew each other. What was Yixing doing?

“Myeonnie!” he squealed, literally throwing himself into the arms of the suited person.

Again, what was Yixing doing?

Both Luhan and Minseok looked over at Jongdae for an explanation, but got none. If anything, the latter looked even more confused and surprised than them.

“M…Myeonnie?” Luhan asked, eyebrows furred as he tried to connect the dots, but finding no logic answer to the scene unfolding in front of them. Jongdae and Minseok didn’t either, and even the security guard standing by the door looked puzzled – his boss probably didn’t act like this.

“Hey, Yixing,” the person – Minseok was pretty sure his name wasn’t Myeonnie, but that was all they had so far, smiled and grabbed their friend’s shoulders as they separated. “I haven’t seen you in ages! Why haven’t you visited me?”

Yixing pouted. “I’m a college student now! I don’t have the time. Also, I’ve been busy with the coffee shop,” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The two almost acted like brothers, Minseok noted. They chatted a little bit, the person scolding Yixing for not telling where he worked at that it was him coming today. Yixing defended himself by saying that he didn’t even know who owned the plot until now.

The temporarily named Myeonnie then looked behind Yixing, noticing the three others standing there, looking as uncomfortable and awkward as it was possible to become. He looked at Yixing and back, smiling.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” he asked, letting go of the other’s shoulders as he walked over to Minseok, Luhan and Jongdae. “I’m Kim Joonmyeon,” he presented himself as he shook the hands of everyone. He greeted Minseok last, and their hands lingered for a short second longer before he let go. His smile was still there, but his eyes became more curious as they looked at each other. And as each second passed, Minseok was sure he had seen this person before. He knew this Kim Joonmyeon… it was the name that triggered something in the back of his mind.

“Have I seen you before?” he tilted his head slightly, letting the words out before he could stop them. But he really wanted to find out, and there was something about this person that made him think he should have remembered.

Joonmyeon nodded. “Kim Minseok, right? Your father Kim Yunseok, isn’t he? We might have met at some parties we both attended,” he replied.

And everything seemed to fit. Minseok usually just greeted the people his father wanted him to greet without really paying attention (which sometimes led to tricky conversations afterwards when people came up to him and he had no idea who they were), but he remembered greeting Joonmyeon. The person in front of him was no other than the face that had covered The Korea Herald, as one of the market leaders of the future. Kim Joonmyeon was the one his mother talked so warmly about, fussing over how he could be so good at his work and still be down to earth. Joonmyeon was the thing, so to speak.

“Oh!” Minseok finally returned the genuine smile, as the memory returned to him. “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you!”

But Joonmyeon just shook his head. “I have a rather plain face,” he brushed it off, returning to his seat as he gestured for his guests to sit down in the couch. Yixing happily gave him the papers he had prepared, and Joonmyeon scanned through them quickly. Well, as quickly as he could, considering it was quite a lot. His face turned back into business-mode, the serious look in his eyes turning on as soon as he put on a pair of silver, round glasses with a thin frame.

And then they sat there nervously, wondering if they had done a good enough job. There were probably a lot of people wanting to rent the place – although it was a little bit secluded it was really nice. No point at worrying over it though, they figured in the end. Done was done and it was all up to Joonmyeon now.

After what seemed like an eternity, the businessman looked up and put the papers down. “Well,” he said, adjusting his glasses. He studied their faces for a second, wanting to let out a laugh at how seriously they took this. It was a good report, really. Something told him Minseok had a part of that though, knowing his major thanks to his father. “It’s seems like you’re all set. I probably wouldn’t have sold the lot to anyone else either way, but it’s nice seeing how determined you are. We just need to discuss the rent and a few other basic things, and I think we’ll be able to settle it rather quickly.” He smiled as the tense looks on their faces disappeared, being replaced by relief. It wasn’t half as bad as they had expected it to be.


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[Coffee Shop: 12.04.15] Last chapter will be published today.


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 28: That was lovely. thank you.
dibsfortwo #2
Chapter 28: I read this story from last year till now and its such a great story. The last chapter with minseok's father was so well written. Great story, please write more xiuhan ^^
got7heart #3
Chapter 27: Omg. I cant wait for the final chapter.
jolliev #4
Chapter 25: this is one of my favourite fics and i hope you will update soon. :)
Chapter 25: Omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg this is f************* ajfjksabfhafvbfb;afn;anfownfw omg author nim this was amazing!!!! Minseok of a mom got a talking too yasss!! But nooo my feels dont take him away you plastic haggg bring luhan baozi back!!!! Hehe sorry had a moment ^.^ keep up the awesome work author nim!!! Fighting >////<
Chapter 24: HOoo plz continueeeeee T.T LOVE IT
subscribed! bcoz this looks great! :D
Mi-ssingkoala #8
Chapter 22: hey! first of all, thank you for writing this despite all the problems/obstacles you're facing rn >_< /sends tons of cookies and hugs/
(*and sends you yixing/lay too bcos his healing power*)
aww this chapter is kinda cute, with the xingdae/chenlay moments added :> and yay i'm also super happy that luhan agreed to the cafe thingy! super excited for what's gonna be next! although hey, no worries yeah, i think your personal life/health is wayyyy more important so go out there, do all that you need to do in your life rn~ all the best author-nim!! cheering for you right here!! /waves pom pom/ ^o^
Chapter 21: >< this is amazing!!! Xiuhan forever~
Mi-ssingkoala #10
Chapter 21: so this story is amazing and i've wondered why i read but didn't subscribe previously D: i love the way you write and i love the plot as well. i love how it has a little angst here and there; like the amount of angst is perfect (for me anyway xD). so thank you for such a story and i actually hope you'd take your time in writing this story and not rush it through just to end it, because it's amazing. ^o^ /gives tons of cookies/

good luck for your exam too!!! ^o^