Result (May 1st, 2014)

EXO's Hogwarts Sorting Hat Entries (do open it guys it's a poll ;) )

hi guys! i'm back with the temporary result. but before that i need to straightened some things out. on the last chapter, it was written that Chen's result was in ravenclaw but he had 4 votes on slytherin. now the truth is that i typed it wron it should be zero. so chen's reall result is ravenclaw. 

and now for the result. 


Xiumin: Hufflepuff

Kris: Slytherin

Suho: Ravenclaw

Luhan: Gryffindor

Lay: Hufflepuff

Chen: Ravenclaw

Chanyeol: Gryffindor

Baekhyun: Gryffindor

D.O: Gryffindor/Hufflepuff (still a tie) 

Tao: Slytherin 

Kai: Slytherin

Sehun: Slytherin


so there you have it! this is just temporary because i'm not sure with the result. and for Kyungsoo... he's still in between gryffindor and hufflepuff so i'm not sure either. the result is starting to look clear, i mean it's already obvious. but i think, in my opinion, Lay should be on ravenclaw because he's a genius! if you have ever watched EXO's showtime episode 9 and 12, you would understand why i said that. 

now now it's just temporary. but i hope that i would be cleared out soon so until the nest result guys. bye! :D <3 

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Chapter 1: Yo yo yo man~ I am looking forward to this story. Excited!
Chapter 4: Yay~ Can't wait to read it!
CrazyTine #3
Chapter 3: LOL. I voted Kyungsoo on Ravenclaw. AHAHAHAHAHA! Not really helping much in breaking the tie. I'm okay with Lay in Hufflepuff. He's smart but he's more of a sweetheart. XD
CrazyTine #4
Chapter 2: Chen really belongs to Ravenclaw. I was expecting Xiumin to be in Hufflepuff. XD
Chapter 2: Sehun in Slytherin = ̄ω ̄= Hehehe...