
The Personal Assistant (semi-hiatus until - INDEFINITELY)

Baekhyun was still at the restaurant relishing his jjangmyun; stalking Jongdae and his date reduced to an after thought compared to the needs of his stomach and taste buds. He had his priorities straight like any other university student: food came first, ing with his friends second. He was actually so into his food that he didn't even notice his name being called by one of the waiters. He resurfaced his head from his bowl when Kyunghee painfully pinched his hand to get his attention. 

"Are you trying to get us discovered?" She hissed through her teeth. "Go to the waiter before he calls you a second time."

Baekhyun quickly got out of his seat and made his way to the waiter, looking over at Jongdae to see if he had been discovered. Seems like Jongdae was so engrossed with his date that he didn't even hear his friend's name being announced to the whole restaurant. As Baekhyun got closer to the waiter, he received the most judging look he had been given his whole life. OK, maybe not the most since he had Jongdae for that but it still was unusual to get the look from a stranger.

"You have a phone call from a Jongchicken... Please refrain from using the restaurant phone as your personal line for chatting with your friends."

Baekhyun dipped his head apologetically, "of course! Thank you for letting me use it."

He took the phone from the waiter's hand and spoke into it, "Hello?"

From the other end he heard sounds of fighting over some crisps and a loud slam before he heard the voice of his caller.

"Baekhyun? Hey dude, its me Jongin." The other took a pause to laugh loudly and obnoxiously into the line, causing Baekhyun to put that phone since distance away from his face to protect his ears, "What's the point of having a phone if you don't keep it with you? Anyways....Someone should thank me, because guess who got a job because of this guy!"

Baekhyun couldn't suppress the smile that spread across his face, "Yessss! Thank you Jongchicken."

"What? That was just an alias name so that you know who was calling. My name isn't that common that I throw it around just like that because, in case you didn't notice, I am pretty famous."

"My apologies Jongchicken. Of course I understand that."

"Stop it," Jongin whined, "I can feel the mock in your tone."

"What are you talking about?" Baekhyun asked, feigning sweetness, "I'm just making sure that your alias isn't discovered."

Jongin's horrified whisper was heard through the phone, what have I done?

He continued to whine to Baekhyun, "I supported your selection because I thought you would be on my side with things. You weren't supposed to tease me. Does our one day friendship mean nothing to you?"

Baekhyun laughed, "Ay ay, I am sorry. OK?" The laughter was dimmed on his face when he got a pointed look from one of the other waiters. "Um, I think they want me to stop talking soon. Did you want to say something else?"

"Ah, yeah. If you could come in some time to sign the contract and finance the details of employment with us. When can you come?"

"Right now. I'm on my way."

"K. See you soon buddy."

Baekhyun put the receiver down and walked to his seat. "Kyunghee, I'm sorry but I have to go now. Can you please take care of the payment?"

"But what about the food? Can I have it?"

Baekhyun nodded as he ran out of the restaurant.


He reached the Exotic building half an hour later and walked up to the secretary to announce his arrival. 5 minutes later, Jongin stepped out to greet him, Kyungsoo in tow. 

"Hey, Baekhyun! You didn't have to come in at once. Jongin just rushed you needlessly." Kyungsoo said with a smile.

Baekhyun noticed how the teen idol's smile started out with a smirk before spreading across to the other side. It was a really cute thing to look at, though Baekhyun knew better than to comment on it. He looked at Jongin when the other started talking.

"I was excited! I wanted to let him know asap. I just didn't think he wouldn't carry his phone around with him. By the way you should always have your phone with you, now that you're his assistant." Jongin started walking towards the HR office, all the while giving tips to Baekhyun who was walking behind him, alongside Kyungsoo. 

Baekhyun kept his eyes trained on jongin's back but he felt quite fidgety under Kyungsoo's scrutinising gaze. The other hadn't stopped looking at him even once since he had arrived, and was currently side eyeing him. It was as if he was still being interviewed, and Kyungsoo was the interviewer; judging, comparing...

"Is this the new Personal Assistant?" Baekhyun turned to the source of voice to see the other 3 members of Exo walking towards them. He bowed quickly, confirming their guess.

Junmyeon smiled kindly as he moved towards Baekhyun and patted his back, "Nice to meet you. Take good care of my dongsang. Seriously, don't up or else-"

Jongin jumped forward to protect his new friend. He knew that despite his looks, Junmyeon could be scary if he wanted to be and Jongin didn't want Baekhyun to get scared so early on.

"Of course not. He was chosen because he was capable. He just started, don't scare him off yet." He dragged Baekhyun by his arm into the HR office, announcing his arrival in a loud voice. He was about to enter the meeting room along with the HR representative, Kyungsoo, and Baekhyun to sit through the signing of the contract but stopped when Sehun grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him back.

"And where do you think you are going?" Kris asked, "You can't keep skipping group practices to go do your own stuff, you brat!"

Baekhyun watched the rest of the group go with regret as he followed Kyungsoo into the meeting room. He wouldn't lie, he was feeling intimidated. It felt like maybe Kyungsoo would take some time opening up to him, so Baekhyun had been thankful for Jongin's presence.


The explanation of the contract provided some level of comfort to Baekhyun since he had to put his full focus on learning the details. It was boring, and once Baekhyun had signed the contract, and the HR representative was explaining company rules, Baekhyun found himself loosing track. His attention was more on the idol he was going to work for after today. Kyungsoo seemed to have been just as bored as Baekhyun was, since the idol was playing with what ever his hands could get a hold of. It was a very distracting habit, and Baekhyun really just wanted to grab a hold of the other's small hands to stop him. 

Sighing, Baekhyun tore his eyes away from Kyungsoo's hands to look at his face only to see that the other had his eyes on him already. Baekhyun got flustered at the notion of getting caught staring when Kyungsoo gave him one of the sweetest smile Baekhyun had seen in his entire life.

Well, if the job , at least figuring out Kyungsoo would be interesting!

Hallo people! I was done early so I decided why not upload this today? I am feeling benevolent. Totally not procrastinating... nope!

So this is how I write. Of you like it then please upvote or comment... Whatever is your style. 

Notice how the ious author was using Roman numerals to mark chapters? Is not my style so I changed it. Hope you don't mind. And if any one of you join us later, don't feel shy to comment. I love having comments even if it is not for the latest chapter.

Hover over the name of the stories to be able to click on them to get to them. Same for the awesome people..

Other stories: snow white,   bad kids,   best of best* exo fic recommendations,   Baeksoo oneshot* collection,   you found me!,   Stupid Exo Oneshot collections,   The God of laziness,    Exobend

Awesome people: Tina08,  PeasentOTP

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Chapter 27: Yaaahhh!!!!! you AUTHOR...Please Update...?????
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 27: Uh oh... i hope Kyumgsoo will make the right decision and will not hurt both Chanyeol and Baekhyum (if that's possible hehe)

And welcome back authornim. Its been a while... God bless
Chapter 27: now im really dreading towards the next update..... but if baekhyun cant be with kyungsoo, let him be with kai...?
Chapter 27: You're not gonna let baekhyun go just like that right do kyungsoo? That's not nice baekhyun will be so sad??? I'll be sad too if my baby is sad ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
thecrud #5
Chapter 27: I forgot why i stopped reading this fic but now i remember why. Okay, i'm gonna stop reading to whatever that might gonna broke my heart into pieces again. Gosh, i need my dose of fluffy baeksoo.
Chapter 27: what i really dreaded lmao. im sad thinking sad baekhyun makes me sad
Been desperately looking for fics in the baeksoo tag tbh xD
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 26: BaekSoo is on the way haha. Love love love
SuperFluffyCat #9
Chapter 24: YOU BROKE YOUR HANDS?? D: D: D:

Also awwwww baby Ksoo with the insecurities ;-; He's a shining star. I'm glad Baekhyun's gonna help him realize that. ;u;
Chapter 24: ...How on earth do I manage to finish reading the latest chapter of a fic and end up commenting on the foreword everytime? What is dis o_o

Anyways I'm so happy you updated! And I hope your hands are okay D: