Tainted Love


" Don't you feel like when the person you love doesn't know And you just want to tell them ?! Yet, they love another person. " Donghae asked Her with an angered tone.

She nodded her head. " I do. And it hurts. It hurts more if that person told you, face to face .. that the love will never returned. " Her voice cracked at the end.




Aerri ran for her life. She was being chased by her own kind. She for being lighter than them, relied on her speed. She huffed and praying for someone , anyone to save her from death. She tripped, she tumbled on her back. The two caught up with her.

She hissed, and beared her fangs at them. They just laughed.  Than a howl. They all froze at the spot. There was glowing red eyes .... of wolves. Two came and revealed themselves. The two vampires ran off before they got killed. 

Aerri was bleeding from her side. She hissed at the wolves, that surrounded her. She from the blood loss , fainted. One of the wolves. Picked her up bridal style and they left along with him, with they're arch enemy in their protection.


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