Love Square Dinner

I'm in love with the girl I love's best friend ♥♥

(At your room)

Janni: done!

You stood up and looked yourself at the mirror.

You: J-Janni, I’m so..

Janni: beautiful!

Both chuckled.

Janni: it’s almost 8. Are you ready to face her?

You: not really sure.

Janni: I bet you’re more beautiful than her tonight.

You looked down.

Janni: I swear JC. Take a picture with her and I’ll compare you both.

You: I can’t do it anymore. We’re not that okay.

Janni: not okay? But you said she has already forgiven you?

You: yeah but there’s something wrong.

Janni: wrong?

You: she doesn’t easily forgive the person who messed up with her but she has already forgiven me in just days.

Janni: well, maybe she has realized that she still wants you as her best friend right?

You: I guess so.. But my feeling with her is just so different compare to the years I’m with her.

Janni: come on JC! Take that off your mind and cheer up.

You forcedly smiled.

Janni softly rubbed your back.

Janni: I don’t believe she has a bad plan to you. You’ve been best friends for so many years.

Janni looked at you in the eyes and smiled.

After getting done, you sat at the sofa while waiting for you to fetch by the assistant of EunJae.



You: he’s here. *about to stand up to open the door*

Janni: Hep! Stay where you are and I’ll be the one to open the door.

You: *chuckles* okay.

Janni opened the door.

“I’m Miss EunJae’s Driver.” He said and bowed.

EJ Driver: Where is Park Jae Cath?

Janni: oh she’s here and she’s ready.

You stood up and bowed to him and he bowed back to you.

EJ Driver: Let’s go mam. EunJae is waiting for you with the others.

Your face turned curious.

Janni: with the others?

EJ Driver: yes mam.

Janni: but I thought.. *looked at you*

EJ Driver: shall we mam?

You softly nodded and went to the car.

Janni: Take care.

You: arasso.

And the car drove away. After, Janni turned her head to Sungyeol’s hotel and saw Sungyeol wearing a formal suite. She saw him entered the classy car same as the car you rode.

“Where is he going? Why is he wearing a formal suite?” she thought.

She watched the car disappear. Then, she turned her head to the right and saw L also wearing a formal suite, more looking good than Sungyeol. Her face turned really curious.

“Why is he…” she thought.

She saw L entered the classy car same as yours and Sungyeol. She watched the car drove away and it slowly disappears.

“Is there any party tonight that I’m supposed to be invited? Or it has a connection with…” She curiously thought while rubbing her chin.


EJ Driver: We’re here mam.

You: hmm?

The car was parked right in front of the venue and saw a very big and elegant restaurant. No one’s inside the restaurant. You only saw the waiters standing at the restaurant’s classy door. The driver went down and opened your door for you to get out the car.

EJ Driver: let’s go mam.

You nervously looked at him and slowly went out of the car. You played your eyes around the restaurant’s surrounding. You noticed a car like yours is coming on your way but the driver asked you to enter already the restaurant and wait for EunJae.

EJ Driver: let’s go mam. EunJae is waiting for you.

You: okay.

You slowly entered the restaurant and were amaze because of the elegant style of the restaurant. You amazingly looked around the resto.

You: wow.

Waiter: this way mam.

You: oh okay.

You followed the waiter.

Waiter: please take a sit.

You finally arrived. You saw a table of four. You were really curious so you decided to ask the waiter.

You: Are there any other two people who will have a dinner with EunJae?

Waiter: yes mam. They’re on their way.

You: may I know who are they?

Waiter: I’m sorry mam but I don’t know them.

You: oh okay. Thanks.

Waiter: you’re welcome mam. Please take a sit.

You: okay.

You took a sit and continued looking around. The waiter left you because someone has arrived.

Waiter: this way sir.

You heard the waiter said coming to where you are.

Waiter: Please take sit sir.

He maybe didn’t notice you so he sat in front of you.

You slowly faced him and your face turned really shocked.

L: what in the world you’re doing here?

You: I’m going to have dinner with EunJae. You! Are you stalking me?

L: why would I stalk a girl like you? I’m also here because EunJae invited me to have a dinner with her. You just came here but you’re not really invited.

You: wha- I have my invitation here.

L: well, I have also my invitation. Your invitation is maybe faked.

You: EunJae’s assistant was the one who gave me this. How could it be faked!?

L: shhh. Don’t shout. You’re acting like an unmannered girl.

You: Kim Myungsoo!

Waiter: this way sir.

You both heard the waiter said.

You: someone has arrived.

L: tss.

Waiter: please take a sit.

SY: Thank you.

You: Sungyeol?

SY: JC? What are you doing here?

You: well uhm- EunJae invited me to have a dinner with her.

SY: we’re same. Are you too L?

L: hmm.

You: really? You’re going to have a dinner with EunJae also?

SY: hmm neh. She invited me.

You: I see. *chuckles*

When L noticed that Sungyeol is about to take a sit beside you, he suddenly stood up and sat beside you.

You were shocked.

You: wh-why did you sit beside me?

L: I realized that I need a toy to play with so I decided to sit beside you. You’re my toy, a toy who always replies back at me.

You didn’t respond instead you gave him a death glare.

Sungyeol has no choice. He sat where L sat a while ago. He’s facing you.

Waiter: Excuse me. EunJae is already here.

You all prepared yourself except L. He was secretly mesmerized by your beauty tonight. He was looking at you. You know that he’s looking at you but you didn’t look back at him because you know he’s just teasing you.

Sungyeol notice it so he drunk a glass of water to hold back jealousy.

L: don’t you think you have put so much lipstick on your lips?

You: why are you looking at my lips anyway!

L blushed and didn’t respond.


EJ: Good evening everyone. I’m very glad you have made it. *smiled innocently*

To be continued…

Sorry for some mistakes. :)

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This is nice.
Chapter 51: Damn you eunjae!! Please update soon u can't possibly leave me hanging here....^.^ :)
gissell03 #3
Chapter 50: NOO!!! I need to know what happend next!!!! Please update soon!!
gissell03 #4
Chapter 11: First fanfic! I'm loving this!! You're writing is really descriptive and interesting
AirysIsabelle #5
Chapter 47: OMG PLS UPDATE SOON!! I dont want to die out of curiousity
Chapter 44: Y do I somehow feel lyk that eun... Idek her name!! Anyway, y do I feel lyk she's with Myungsoo? OMG! Hope not but if they r, JC! Don't look!!!
Chapter 43: omggggggggggg continue update soooooonnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!
Inspiritsusan #8
Chapter 40: I want to know what wil happen next
vindyyo #9
Chapter 40: Hahahaha that taxi door part is seriously hilarious hahah
vindyyo #10
Chapter 36: Huaaaaaaaaaa. I love ittt. A lottttttttttt. Please update soon. OMG my feelsssss. Please update soon.. i dont want to die of curiosity. Author fighting!!!!