pabo, i like you.

Hopeless Love



Yuri's pov:  


do I really like him? I pondered for awhile as Jungkook waved his hands at my face continuously. " earth to yuri... earth to yuri... " I snapped out of my thoughts as I continue walking with him. 

" do i really like him? " I questioned myself as Jungkook chuckled cutely, " it's obvious yul, you're expression looks so weird after you and him made eye contact. " goddamnit, no... " no...." I whined upon realisation. Ever since I knew Kai a few months ago, I thought I felt something for Kai, yet I didn't want to admit it. I always thought he was a jerk and a playboy in my eyes, yet I've fallen for him. Why can't I fall for someone decent and cute like Jungkook? Hot and friendly like Taehyung? Tall and memerizing like Kris? Out of all the boys I know, why must it be the who treated me so badly? 

He ditched me for the girls and went on flirting, forgetting about my existence, I felt stupid for even choosing to come to this school in the first place because of him! I felt stupid that I didn't realise my feelings for him till now. 

" yul.." Jungkook called out as I gave him a bitter smile. " cheer up! Call me when you need help okay?" Jungkook winked as I chuckled at his action, I waved him goodbye as I stepped into my house. Throwing my bag on the sofa as I went upstairs to my room and throw myself on the bed. 

I grabbed the doll that my father gave me before he passed away as I throwed it on the bed, literally; my so-called letting out anger pet. " appa... why...." I said softly as tears welled up in my eyes.


*dengdeng* My phone rang as I glanced at it glumly, it was Tiffany. 

" do you want to know more about kai?" - Tiffany 3.05pm  

I sighed as curiousity overtook me, I swear i'm concerned about him. I like him. I like that . Without knowing why, I typed, "  uhm, sure." 

Conversation thread  blue - thoughts


alright? you seems weird though.


nothing! I just heard from Baekhyun that Kai might be dating Min ah. They've been together recently. (you're right)


why are you even concerned about kai? tbh, i thought you hate that kai??

long story. 

you like kai.

quit denying








say it! Do you like kai? 


pft, not saying the truth huh? i'll kick your tmr when i see you.

omg, chill

say it then!

yes, you happy tiffany hwang miyoung???

omg, i cant believe it. my dear babe is in love. <33333


shut up! so are you gonna confess to him? 

no, in fact. he hates me. ottokae??

well, idk but are you gonna ignore him? 

thanks for the idea. 

wth yuri?! are you gonna ignore him for real? 

yes, i am.

well, i hope its something good. But I sincerly hope you would confess to him. I don't think kai even hates you. 

it's not what you think. 

alright then, goodnight and bye.

I closed her phone as I rested on the bed,  I'm gonna ignore him for real. To forget him, to find someone instead of him. I closed her eyes as I thought of something. " call me if you need any help okay?" I opened my eyes as I stood up as browse my contacts, jeon jungkook! 

" yoboseyo?" A voice responded as I smiled happily, " jungkook! I need your help! Meetup in the nearby park alright?" I asked eagerly as Jungkook replied, " sure. see you there!" I happily jumped out of my bed as I changed into some simple long sleeve shirt and pants as I took my cardigan and slipped out of my house without telling my mother knewing she might scold me. I shivered as I glanced at my phone, wow 5 degrees celceius. Nice attire I wore. I scoffed at my sillyness at running out of the house without wearing more. 

" hey yul." Someone called out as my eyes sparkled in delight as I saw Jungkook running towards me. He dressed in simple coat as pants. Except the fact that he look handsome despite me, who looked like a begger right now. " aren't you cold?" Jungkook glanced at me as he took off his coat and drapped it over me. " j-jungkook, i'm not c-cold." I lied as he laughed at my sillyness. " don't be silly, i can see that you're cold." Jungkook chuckled as I scoffed, " smart . " 


" so...what do you need me to help you?" Jungkook asked as I scooted closely to him, looking at his reaction as his eyes widened. " jungkook-ah, be my boyfriend." His eyes widened even more wider as he was speechless, I laughed at him as Jungkook stuttered, " h-hey, a-are you serious about this? I thought we're joking in the beginning!" I laughed at his adorableness as I speaks, " fake one, silly." I chuckled as he reply,  " oh." 

" disappointed much?" I asked as he denied, " no! no!" I pinched his cheeks as he whined, " oww!" " Sorry jungkookie." I speaks with aegyo as Jungkook frowned, " i didn't agreed to it yet!" He replied as I frowned, " whyy?" I pouted cutely as Jungkook smirked, " not for free." I smacked his arm lightly as he said, " 1 week of unlimited starbucks." He smiled at me sweetly as I was stunned, " bwoh?" 1 week of starbucks would definately be a lot of money and by then i'll be bankrupt. He will definately buy those expensive drinks that cost almost 9 dollars. 


" or else no then." Jungkook folded his arms acting like a baby as I reluctanly agreed, " sure, only below $7." That will be the smallest cup, I laughed evily as Jungkook agreed, " okay yuwee." He cooed as I give him the disguisted look. " yah! You called me jungkookie!" He quarrel as I giggled at his adorableness. 






I woked up early as I curled my hair at the ends to make it curve at the ends as I wore a white shirt and a varasity jacket, paired with leggings and short blue shorts. I

wore my dark red converse shoes as I walked out of the house to meet Jungkook. He sure looked handsome and cute in a simple outfit he's wearing. 

" let's go." Jungkook said as he put his hand out as I intertwined his hands with mine, his hand is sure warm and comfortable. I'm just not used to it. I swear looks could kill as the girls looked at me with their death glare. oh no, I thought as I saw Kai raising his eyesbrows as I avoided eye contact with him as Jungkook speaks, " hey, lunch later alright?" Jungkook speaks sweetly as I smiled back as Tiffany hooked her hand right with mine as Jungkook leave for his science lesson. 


" so this is what you're thinking?" Tiffany asked as I nodded, " I think Kai's jealous hahah." Tiffany laughed as I smiled along, well. A fake smile of course, serve him right for being a jerk to me. Now is your turn. 


So here am I, waiting for Mr Jeon Jungkook to appear and bring me to the cafe, apparently their teacher can't bear to let them go. I guess. I fished out my phone as I recieve a message. It's from Kai, I scoffed as I opened the message, at the same time feeling excited of what he's gonna say. 

To : yuri

From: kim jong kai.

as your bestfriend, i deserve to know what's going on wif you and jungkook since ytd. 

Meet me at the carpark after sch. 

I scoffed as Jungkook appeared behind me,  " hey, let's go." Jungkook called as he dragged my hand to the table that he and the bts always sit on, the table in the middle, beside them was exo's. As Jungkook, Jimin and J-hope went to order, Taehyung starts attacking me with questions, " so how did you and jung get together?" Not knowing what to say, " hmm, we like each other so we started dating." I speaks as I heard a scoffing behind me, I turned around as I saw Kai, with Min ah clunging onto him like her life depends on him. what a b*tch I thought as jealously overtook me. 

I looked back to the table when Jungkook brought food over to me, he starts feeding me with some soup as I finished eating my sandwich. " i swear i'll vomit right here seeing both of you spoonfeeding each other." J-hope commented as Jungkook gave him a death glare. Well, he's not the only one. I thought as I heard cursings behind me. 





I heard my phone ringing continuosly as I closed my phone in annoyance, can't I study in peace? I packed my books as I slung my bag over my shoulder. As I walked towards the carpark to meet Jungkook, I heard footsteps pacing towards me.

" kwon yuri!" Kai called out as I walked faster.

" yah!" I looked behind as I saw him running towards me as I starts to walk faster, I didn't want to meet him. 

Where's jungkook? I thought as I fished out my phone, ignoring the fact that Kai is now right infront of me. I didn't want to look at him, so I will throw away my respect for him as texted Jungkook.


to : jungkookie <3

from : yul <3

jungkook-ah, where're you. meet me at the carpark alright? hurry up. miss you. <3


I typed the message as I send it to Jungkook.

" yah.." He touched my shoulder as he began panting for breath, I swear my heart was beating real fast and I tried to ignore him. " why didn't you respond when I called you?" I didn't reply as I lowered my head, continued fidgeting with my phone, " yahh..." He called out as I bet he's really annoyed right now. He took away my phone as he glanced at the text I'm texting to Jungkook, I rolled my eyes as I snapped, " return it." 

" what, miss you?" Kai asked as I huffed in annoyance, " yah! Don't read it! Jerk!" I took it my phone away as I looked and saw Jungkook running towards me. " what? " Kai sliently said as I smirked as Jungkook ran towards me. He pecked my cheek infront of Kai as he said to Kai, " don't you ever let me see you bother yuri again." Jungkook threatened as Kai scoffed as I clung onto Jungkook like what Min ah did to him, " let's go kook, ignore this guy here." I said as I walked away with Jungkook leaving Kai behind, understand how i feel before? .


" hey, you alright?" Jungkook asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder, I didn't feel anything like heart beating fast like what Kai did before, sending my heart beating real fast. " mm." I mumbled as I think of Kai continuosly, " hey.. want some starbucks?" Jungkook asked as I lit up immediately then, biting my lower lip, " hey, i should be the one." Jungkook smiled,  " it's alright." He said as he treated me to my favorite drink, java chip with caramel. 





I changed into my sleeping pajamas as I settle for bed,  suddenly I heard a knock on my glass window. I frowned, whose the throwing things on my window?! I stood up annoyed as I withdrew my curtains as I stuck my head out. Just right below you, is Kai. In his hands is a stone, once he seen you, he put down the stone as he bit his lower lip. nice tactics, i won't fall for it. You thought stubbornly as I was about to walk away from the window. 

" why are you doing this?" He asked as I sighed, he's a fool. I didn't replied, I squinted my eyes as I saw something behind him. It was a rose, red rose. " why?" He asked again, he looked really cute with those eyes begging me to answer me. " do what?" I answered as he pointed, " you didn't answer my calls, " oh really? I sliently checked my phone, right. 5 missed calls from Kai. " so what?" I asked as he frowned, " y-you... you are trying to ignore me aren't you?" Kai said disapointingly as I felt a pinch in my heart. 

" no." I lied, " you don't have to lie." He shrugs, " just say you don't want to talk to me." 

I sighed heavily as I said, " that's it? kbye." 

" n-no! W-wait!" He called out as I walked away from the window. 

" yuri.. come down will you?" He pleads, I didn't respond. 

" even you're not listening to me.. i just want you to know or not. I didn't know why you're ignoring me and not even bothering about me anymore like you used to. I didn't know what I did wrong but I'm sorry. " He says as he sighed. pft, you didn't even know what happened jerk. 

" i sound so desperate right now though, waiting for you to come down, talking to you when you're not listening. But, I'm worried for you. Out of a sudden, you started dating Jungkook, you ignored me when I wanted to talk. Is there something wrong? Perharps I could help you!" He says as I mentally sighed. you couldn't. you didn't even know.


There was slience for awhile before Kai said, " can't you just say or respond to tell me you're listening?"

" can't you come down and at least listen to what I'm trying to say?" He spoke softly but still audible. 

" yuri.. just.. come down or can you just look at me from above?" His soft and husky voice shook me internally as I gave in to his request as you looked down at him, you could see he put a on a weak smile as he hold up the rose in his hands. 

" i've something for you." He says as I nodded as I replied, " yeah, i know." 

" can you come down and at least i could give it to you?" He pleads as I smirked, " no. I'm going to sleep." 

" b-but, I miss you so much." I was stunned about what he said, I felt sick and horrible about ignoring him. But, why? " I miss how you argues with me all the time, you and your boredness. Your arrogance towards me, how you look at me when I went flirting with the other girls." What?! 

there's something about you I like." He spoke as I raised my eyebrows. 

" you can't lie, you can't act like you don't care but yet you did. You're easy to see through." He spoke as I froze, does he know about that too? 

" you know my IQ is way higher than you." He spoke as I hissed, " shut up!" 

" I know, that..." He spoke as I asked, " what?!" 

" you hate me flirting around." I rolled my eyes at his reply, I don't want his reply like this. " but there's something i didn't know." I sighed in relief. Thanks god he's a fool sometimes. 

" find out yourself then." 

" i'm doing it now." He spoke as I rolled my eyes in annoyance, " night." I spoke as he called out again. 

I'm not gonna get swayed by him easily, I not going to. I was determined about that, " yuri... I-I love you. " He spoke as it took me off guard. That 3 words breaks my guard from him that I've been keeping for long. what is this soccery?? I was so shocked and stunned to say anything. I was speechless, I felt my heart clenching as he spoke again, " i'm going... i'll leave the roses at your doorsteps. Goodnight and bye.." He spoke slowly as my mind tried to process what is he going to say next. 

I frozed as the thought of him leaving my makes my insides crumble. I opened the door as I sped down the stairs, ignoring the polka dots pyjamas I'm wearing and the horrible look on my face right now. 

I opened the door harshly as I looked at Kai who was shocked at my appearance in the doorway as he was about to place the roses on the doorstep. I was being to exagerating but I swear, I saw dried tears on his cheeks. Had he been crying before? Why haven't I realise that.

Kai just smiled bitterly as he turned to walked away, I grabbed his wrist, turning him around as I hugged him tightly. I didn't want him to leave. " h-hey.." He muttered as I broke out and cried. " don't cry.." He mumbled as his eyes looked into me, full with tenderness and affection. My skin burned as he touched my cheeks to wipe away the tears. 

He looked at me affectionly as I thought I was dreaming for a second, he was a jerk before and then a gentlemen now. He tilted his head as before I could even comprehend what he is going to do next, he place his full lips on mine softly as I froze, he didn't move his lips, he just kissed me like that.

He break the kiss as his hands is still on my face. " i always wanted to do that to you." Kai muttered as I widened my eyes. " i just tried to hold my feelings for you by flirting the other girls." He confessed as I stayed slient as I inhalded the mint smell on his uniform he yet to change. 

" apparently it didn't work, I-I still love you." He confessed shyly as a blush creep up to his face, he holded up the rose as he tried to change the subject he was trying to say, " will you accept this? It-" I wrapped my hands around the petite rose as I inhaled the sweet smell of the lovely red rose. 

" i hope you like this." Kai says, fiddling with his fingers as I smiled sweetly, " i love it." I said as he then spoke.

" And then you dated Jungkook, you made me go crazy." He muttered as I giggled at his confession, " it was fake." I muttered as his eyes starts to lid up. " really?" He asked as I nodded guilty of lying to him.

" why did you do that?" He asked curiously as I said, " uhm.. you?" 

"what?" He asked as I lowered my head and mumbled, " to get away from you." 

" why?" He asked again as I confessed, " i love you." Kai widened his eyes, " that's why I tried to ignore you by dating Jungkook, thinking you would go away, i was stupid. It hurts a lot." I explained as I apologised, " sorry, jongin." 

He shooked his head as he smiled, " i'll forgive you. I've been a jerk to you. I'm sorry."  He hugged me as he took the rose between us, " uhm. Yuri... will you be my girlfriend?" Kai asked hopefully as my eyes sparkled with joy. 

" yes. I love you jongin." I muttered as Kai leaned towards me with his hands wrapped on my waist. 

" i love you too yul." He said as he sealed the gap between us with a kiss, with the rose inbetween us. 









damn, i felt that the ending so bad. This isn't what I really wanted. 

I will try to edit it if I got the time. Gosh, it's my exams soon. 

But I hope you guys would like this two-shot? I spend a lot of time on this. 

Be sure to leave a comment or a vote! 

I might create another one-shot around this month if i had any idea. 

comment the couples you guys would love! I'd love to know what pairings you guys like. 

much love from me! <3







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Chapter 2: Wah. This is too much for my feels. I like this ine. ^^
Chapter 2: Um.....what about that Min Ah? Did Kai and her broke up? ?_?
Btw,I love your KaiYul story~
Chapter 2: My oh my Kaiyul !!
You're a great authornim !
I adore you :) seriously :---))))
shonaxoxo #4
Chapter 2: Ahh!!! Kaiyul 4everrr!!! The feeelllssss
Chapter 2: cute!
i like how you incorporated the rose <3
sad for jungkook
but at least kaiyul are together! c:
Chapter 1: LOVE IT!! <333
Yuri omg you're soooo jealous!!!!!
Can I ask you what "whatsapp" is?
Anyways, great chapter!! Got me excited for the next!
you have no idea how much i love them XDD
and to incorporate them into exoyul?
double feels <3
however, i feel awkward reading/writing bts x yuri
cause of the big ; 3 ;