Park Bom

Flowers for You

I was just rearranging a bouquet of flowers when the chimes at the door made a sound, which meant there’s someone who came in.

I looked at it, and saw that it was some high school student, specifically a boy. I stopped whatever I was working on, and studied him a little more instead. I saw him walk over to some flowers, and when suddenly he looked at me straight in the eyes, his eyes were piercing and I tried to look away, continuing of what I was working on before. I continued, but not without taking a glances to him from time to time.

What’s this?

My heart suddenly fastened it beating, when he caught my eye again. My body felt quite numb and I felt my face heat up a little.

What’s happening to me? I’ve never been like this before.

My trail of thoughts suddenly came to a stopped when suddenly, somebody tapped the table.

“Uhmm.. excuse me. I-I would like these please”, he spoke as he pointed  at the flowers he was holding. I looked up at him, and we stayed like that for a moment, staring at each other, sharing glances. And none of us broke that, until the chiming was heard, somebody came in.

“Uh-uh. Yes, O-of course”, I quickly picked up what he was holding and gave him his change. After that he went outside the door, walking away.

What just happened?


That night, I couldn’t help but think of what happened that day. I keep tossing around my bed for a few times until I was asleep.


The next day, he came again, and then next, and the next. This keeps on going for a few days. I would always look up to the person coming whenever I would hear the chiming. But on the 6th day… he didn’t come. I don’t know why, but it actually made me quite upset. And when he would, it actually made my day.


The next day, I was waiting for him. I kept on looking at the door. But he wasn’t one of the persons that I saw coming in.

I gave one last sigh, and it was getting dark, I really need to close the shop and get home. I was fixing some flowers when somebody tapped me on my shoulders. Why didn’t hear the chiming… why couldn’t I hear anything? My heart beat fastened. When I realized that I wasn’t wearing my hearing aid. Where could I have dropped it??! How could I have dropped it??!

I can understand how no one saw it, for my hair always covered my ears, for I was shy to let others know about my hearing problems. I was very young when that accident happened and I don’t want anyone knowing anything about that.

Then somebody tapped me again in the shoulders. I turned my back, and my eyes saw him.

He finally came.

Then he started speaking, but I just couldn’t hear anything. I felt my eyes get watery when suddenly the agonizing sound was the only thing I heard. I could only see him speaking inanimately. I wanted to cry out, but I tried my best to hold it all up.

And suddenly, he stopped talking, he only stared at me, but from a smile it dropped to a frown. I looked him once more in the eyes, and I could see disappointment and upset.

What did he say? What does he want?

He suddenly brought out a bouquet of flowers. Those flowers seemed all so familiar... When I realized that, those were the ones he brought from before.

After bringing out those, he just left, walking away. I tried chasing after him, but I didn’t see him anymore. H e must’ve already gone far away from the shop. I held the bouquet and hugged them tightly in my arms.

Every day I would wait for him to come back. Sometimes, I even close the shop very late at night just to wait for him to come.

But not even once, since that day… He never came.

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BlackjackedVIP #1
Chapter 1: Why is it so sad dear authornim?
But good story!
Pyxsis_13 #2
I'm sorry if I made it sad. You may see that most of my stories have sad endings. I don't know, but I'm just fond of making stories that have sad endings. But I still hope for those who'll read my stories, will still like them. That's all. Thanks and sorry again. ^^
perghsukadia #3
Chapter 2: Oh my why so sad huhu..please make a happy one..T_T
Zarina21 #4
Chapter 2: It's so beatiful story an so sad((((( Autornim, pleaaaas, seqwel)
Chapter 2: Whoaa...
Now, I wanna watch Juniel mv.

I like this authornim, but why so sad ??
Huhuhu... I want my gbom happy in every ff, coz we don't know in their real life TT__TT

But it still good :)
Chapter 2: I know this.. Juniel Illa Illa right.. this story and the song made me sad...
ohsodeep #7
Chapter 2: Oh it seems like Juniel MV-illa illa.. you got inspire from there right? But unfortunately the ending is so sad