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Sighing in boredom for the umpteenth time, i turned the tv off. " Geez.. It's so boring today. Nothing to do nor watch."  I tossed the remote onto the couch and got up to the kitchen. As i poured myself a glass of water, a voice said to me. " Bored, bored, bored. Is that all you can think of?" Is that who i think he is? 


" Jimin!" I ran to him, hugging him like there isn't tomorrow. " Whoa there. Guess somebody misses me." I let him go and took his blazer off. " how are promotions doing?" His wide smile turnd upside down and his eyes looks ever so tired.


" You've gotta be kidding me. Waking up, get dressed, have your flight on 10 then there comes our concert at 12. The only time to shop, 3:30 to 4. Then 5, comes out variety shows then back to the hotel to get changed at 7:50. After that heading out to eat, get surrounded by multiple fans, then at 9, comes out pur concert again . Finished at 11 plus then our flight back to Korea 1:20. Finally, i'm here." I tried to let his words sink, bits by bits. After a brief silence, i finally answered. " Wow, that bad huh?"


" You should go and shower." He chuckled at my response then ruffles my hair. " My towel?" With my right hand, i gave him his towel and he took it before heading to shower in the bathroom. Well, of course.. Duh! Everyone showers in a bathroom. How funny of me.


I grabbed a hold of my apron b

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