Chapter Thirteen

What happened?

        “You don’t have to do this” Dara didn’t know why Bom was paying her so much attention, or why she began spraying her mist on her. All she wanted to do was go in to the practice room and practice the choreography to their song. She had no idea why everyone was treating her so differently. Her sister had tried to convince her to “dress to impress” and had even gotten her brother in on it. Chae-rin kept glaring at her, and had become unreasonably cold towards her. The BIGBANG boys had been trying to engage her in conversation, giving her hugs, and begging her to go to their recording studio with them. Other artist within the building kept looking at her with brighter smiles than usual, giggling and whispering as she walked by. Everyone was strange. The only one who wasn’t treating her differently was Minzy.

          “I know I don’t have to but I want to. You should always look your best.”  Bom smiled and continued spraying her with her mist.

          “But why?” she eyed the younger. She sprayed the bottle one more time, aggravating Dara so much that she grabbed the bottle and tossed it on the floor. She was tired of the stupid spray. “I don’t know what’s wrong with everybody but I need to get away from all you crazies.”

          Dara couldn’t take it take it anymore. She left the Bom in the room alone, quickly walking down the hall when she bumped into Taeyang.

          “Oh noona, thank goodness I ran into you. I need you to help me with something.”

          “Not now, I need to escape.” She tried to walk past him but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in the opposite direction.

          “It will only take a minute. Besides you’ll regret it if you don’t come with me.” She heaved a heavy sigh and allowed herself to be dragged along by the eager young man. A migraine was beginning to form and she fought the desire to kick this man in the balls, run to her car, go home and sleep for the rest of the day. She was too nice for that; instead she followed him down the hall, the opposite direction of the parking lot, and into one of the practice rooms. It was empty and dark. Dara thought that he may have seen her state of distress and was offering a place for her to rest. He stood in the doorway as she wandered in.

          “What is so important Youngbae? I have a migraine and I want to go sleep it off, so if there’s nothing of importance-”

          “No, it’s important. Just not to me.” He closed the door, leaving Dara in solitude.  She looked around into an empty room. She felt like she was a part of a horror movie, being picked off by someone with a chainsaw or a hook for a hand.

           Music started to play beautiful, sad, and emotional. She had no idea what was going on but tears started to form in her eyes.

         Today I'm Gonna write a sad song,

         I'm gonna make it really long

         So that everyone can see,

         That I'm very unhappy.

         The floor lit up, lights were placed on the floor in the shape of a heart. Bouquets of roses were hung elegantly on the wall petals were scattered everywhere. She was even more confused. Her breath hitched and her heart pounded. A tear fell. She was about to leave the room, obviously intended for someone else, when she felt a pair of strong familiar arms around her. She couldn’t contain her emotions anymore and allowed her tears to fall.

          I wish I wasn't always wrong

          I wish it wasn't always my fault

         But the finger that you're pointing

         Has knocked me on my knees

         And all you need to know is

         “I love you.” It was the voice she had wanted to listen to, saying the words she wanted to, no needed to hear. She turned to face the person who had given her so much joy and caused her so much pain. He looked ethereal and angelic; all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him and make everything since the night of the party disappear. “Did you miss me? I missed you.”

          He had the nerve to ask.

          I'm so sorry it's not like me,

          It's maturity that I'm lacking

         So don't, don't let me go

         Just let me know that growing up goes slow

         He pulled out a box, and Dara’s heart raced faster than ever before. He showed her a necklace with a pendant in the shape of a small swan. The blue stone in its wing gleamed in the light as he pulled it out and placed it around her neck. All she could do was stand still. She hadn’t said a word.

          I wonder what my mom and dad would say,
          If I told them that I cry each day.
          But it's hard enough to live so far away.

          She held the swan between her fingers, admiring it. He came back to her. And she was so happy, until she realized he came back because, “You left.”

          I wish I wasn't always cold

          I wish I wasn't always alone

         When the party is over,

         How will I get home?

         And all you need to know is

          “I’m sorry.” He looked down at his shoes.

          I'm so sorry it's not like me,

          It's maturity that I'm lacking

          So don't, don't let me go

          Just let me know that growing up goes slow

         “I thought it would be better if we avoided each other. But I didn’t like it. Then I thought about how every time I try to do good it back fires and only hurts you. So I thought I should leave so that I couldn’t hurt you anymore. But I hated it. I hated not seeing you or hearing your voice.  I hated not talking to you every day. I hated not being able to tell you how I feel and how you make me feel. I wanted to give you the space to be happier. But I wasn’t happy and I hoped that maybe you were happier with me than without me.”

         If all the rules were made to bend

         And you swore you were my friend

         Now I have to start all over again

          “So instead of talking to me you ran away? Because what I thought about my happiness meant nothing.”

          Cause no one's going to take your place

          And I'm scared I'll never save

          All the pieces of a love we made

         “I just thought it was what was best. I didn’t want to hurt you, but I kept messing up and making you cry.” He gently grabbed her by the shoulders and lowered his head closer to hers. He stared into her eyes, “And that’s the last thing I want to do.”

          And I'm so sorry, it's not like me

         It's maturity that I'm lacking

         So don't, don't let me go

         Just let me know that I can slip and fall

         And you won't let me go

         Just let me know that growing up goes slow

         She grabbed his hands and pulled them off her shoulders. A sigh escaped her lips as she began taking the necklace off.

          “What are you doing?” she grabbed his wrist and placed the necklace in the palm of his hand, gently wrapping his long fingers around the gift.

          “You left, you just ran away. And I was hurt. I cried. I was so upset because I thought that even if we weren’t together, you still cared enough to tell me you were leaving. But I was wrong. Now that you’re back I don’t know if I can forgive you.”

          “Dara,” he raised a hand and placed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I-”

          “I’m sorry.” She turned towards the door and walked out. She headed down the corridor that she was in moments ago and allowed her tears to stream down her face. She could still hear the song as she left the building and headed towards her car.

          And I'm so sorry

          It's not like me

          It's maturity that I'm lacking

          So don't, don't let me go

         Just let me know that growing up goes slow.



         The music still played. Seungri held the necklace in his hand, contemplating chucking at the wall or putting it back in its box. His hyungs walked in as he returned it to its case and fell on the floor.

         “How’d it go?” Daesung asked, smiling in all his naivety.

         “If it went well would he be here alone and on the floor Dae?” Jiyong commented.

         “What are you going to do?” Youngbae asked the younger. They watched him hang his head in defeat. He was about to cry, again. So many tears had been shed because of his stupid decisions.

         “Stop it.” It was barely a mumble but everyone heard TOP. “Stop crying.”

         The others looked at him, each with a stare of either confusion or astonishment at his confidence. Seungri looked at him with sad, pathetic, wet eyes.

          “Stop crying. All this is your fault. We don’t know what happened at the party but I am 100% certain it was your fault. You are the one who decided to break up at the café, the one who decided to end it at the studio, and the one that went to Japan. She was here, she waited. You can’t be upset over the fact that she got tired of waiting.” He crouched down, now eye level to the younger.

          “But she waited for you which means she cares. Stop crying and fight. She fell in love with you once, do something to show her why. Make her fall in love with you all over again. I root for you, but you keep making yourself out to be the victim, and I cheer for you less and less. You are not the victim of your stupidity, she is.”

           It took a minute before Seungri could comprehend the honesty and the affection behind his words. He sniffled one more time and sighed. He smiled up at the elder. “Thank you hyung.” He jumped up and ran out the room.



         “Who else knew?” Dara was wrapped up in her blankets in bed, too tired to be anywhere else.

         “Everyone, he sent an email to the entire building.” She pinched the bridge of her nose to stop the headache forming due to Minzy’s words.

         “Why would he do that?” No it wasn’t working.

         “He got help from Durami and Bom and a few other people and though he should just announce it to everyone else.” She realized why she was getting all the unwanted attention lately.

          “Durami knew?!” She was going to interrogate her sister. “What did the email say?”

         “Let me open it. ‘To all YG artists and staff, During my stay in Japan I was able to think a lot and I had a few words to say. I left to run away from something, or rather someone. But I’m coming back for them. So I hope that you could a look fondly upon me as I take this step and ask the wonderful Miss. Sandara Park to be mine. Treat us like you would any other couple. Thank you, Lee Sung Hyun’”

         “Oh my God no.” Dara felt like she was going to puke.

         “He has quite a way with words. Gummy thought it was cute, Seven Oppa said he was being stupid.” Minzy’s words didn’t help her at all.

         “Now everyone is going to think I’m a bad person for not accepting.”

         “Probably, but who cares? We won’t think any differently of you and other than your opinion no one else’s matters so who cares?”

          “Thank Minzy-ah, I really appreciate it but I think I’m going to sleep this nightmare away."

          “That’s fine. Love you Unnie!” The two girls hung up.

          Dara felt herself about to drift to sleep when she heard a knock at her door. She got up to answer it and saw her dongsaengs and Chang Sun. She sighed but moved to the side to let them in.

         “Unnie I bought beer and some food.”

         “Noona I brought you some chocolate and some movies to watch.”

         “Yah! She’s my noona not yours! And I brought these two. You can keep them both.”

          She couldn’t help but laugh. How could she do anything else when her dongsaengs were so cute and so caring? They put everything on the table and began to set up the movie.

           “I heard you turned him down. Good for you noona. You don’t need him.” Sang Hyun stated as he put the movie into the DVD player.

          “Yah! How could you say that?” Durami glared at the younger as she threw a chocolate at the back of his head.

          “Yah! I bought this chocolate for noona to eat and feel better! Why are you throwing it at him?” He looked over at Sang Hyun. “You okay?”

          “Yeah I’m fine hyung it was just a piece of chocolate.”

          “Yeah but it looked like she threw it with force.”

          “How did you all know about this?” the boys hang their heads and avoided looking at her. “Well?”

          “I told them.” the boys started nodding, trying to get any of the blame off of them and using Durami as a protective shield.

          “How did you find out?” She narrowed her eyes toward her sister.

          “Lee Seung Hyun texted me to tell me you turned him down. Before that he texted me to see what kind of necklace you would like. It was pretty a necklace, not what I would have gotten you but it was beautiful none the less.” Durami began opening bottles of beer and passing them towards the boys, she then raised one up for Dara to take. When she didn’t, Durami began to sip it.

           “How did he get your number?”


           “What did you tell him?” Durami tossed Dara her phone.

           “He’s saved as ‘Unnie’s <3’ you can check for yourself. Now let’s sit and watch the movie. Chang Sun, what movie did you bring?”

         “I brought a couple movies. Dumb and Dumber, The Boondock Saints, Star Wars, Love Actually, Miss Congeniality, honestly I brought a lot because I didn’t know what everyone would like.” He hesitated to hand them the bag of movies.

         “Doesn’t matter I already put in The Boondock Saints.” Sang Hyun sat with his back against the couch next to Durami. Chang Sun did the same, but on the opposite side of her. “Noona aren’t you going to sit and watch. I heard that it’s good.”

         Dara sat on the couch next to Durami, allowing Sang Hyun to sit between the two. She played with Durami’s phone to see what she and Seungri talked about. It all seemed innocent enough, but it irritated her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

         “Shh movie, hot guys with guns.” Durami continued to eat some onion rings. Occasionally Chang sun would open his mouth and she would feed him one, their eyes never left the movie. Sang Hyun ate the chocolate that was meant for Dara. All three watched the movie intently. Dara on the other hand was thinking about what had happened earlier today.

        He had gotten help from her sister and her fellow 2NE1 members. He sent an email to the whole building, it was embarrassing, but it was sweet. She had to talk to him.

        “Stop smiling about your event and watch the movie. It’s getting to the good part. Haha 1 guy with 6 guns.” Dara looked down to see her brother was asleep, she gently shook him.

         “Sang Hyun, go to the spare bedroom and sleep.” Her brother got up and slowly headed over to the bedroom. “Why is he so tired?”

         “He’s stressed.” Chang Sun said in his defense.

         “About what?” Durami asked as she gave him a second beer.

         “You two.” He drank some of his beer, until he noticed their perplexed expressions. “He wants you two to be happy. He’s tired of seeing noona cry and Durami alone.”

         “I’m happy alone.”

         “Well that’s not what he says.” He continued to sip on his beer as they watched the last scene of the movie.

         “Well what does he think we should do?”

         “He says he doesn’t really like Seungri for Dara, but that if he makes her happy he doesn’t understand why she turned him down. He’s also looking at some eligible bachelors that he thinks you would like.”

          “I didn’t accept him because he hurt me.”

          “Please tell him not to set me up with people. I like my life just hanging out with him and unnie, and now you. But I don’t want to date anyone. He should spend the extra time he has to worry about me to practice his choreography or catch up on sleep.”

          “What? His choreography? His choreography is fine. Besides it’s what he wants to do, I can’t control him. And noona, he hurt you. But can you honestly say you weren’t happy when he came back?”

          “Yah! Why are you being insightful?” Dara grabbed a pillow and held it close to herself as she scowled at the young man. Durami found it appropriate to ruffle his hair.

          “I thought you said you weren’t smart Chang Sun.” She went to replace the movie in the DVD, completely oblivious to the slight blush that rose to his cheeks. “Okay so to get unnie in a lovey dovey mode, I say we put on Love Actually, any objections?”

          “I’m sleepy so I’m going to go to bed. You guys can watch a movie, just don’t stay up to late. Joonie you can sleep in that room with Sang Hyun and I’ll save you a spot on the bed with me okay Durami.”

          “Yes mom.”

          “Joonie, she isn’t going to listen to me. Can you make sure she goes to bed? She likes to stay up late, and you both need sleep.”

           “Yes noona.”

           “Fine, I won’t stay up late. But if you’re going to be a tattletale then you pick the next movie.”

           “How is that a punishment?”

           “It’s not, I’m just indecisive.” She plopped herself on the couch as Chang Sun put in Miss. Congeniality. The last thing Dara saw before heading to her room was Durami offering him a piece of chocolate as he sat next to her.

          Dara went to her room and thought about the events of the day. Of course she was happy he was back and of course she wanted to accept him. But every time something got a little difficult he had ran away. Before the party, all their disputes were small and more playful than anything. But he ran away when she wanted to talk about them. What would stop him from running away the way he did in the café shop, in the studio, to Japan? Nothing, nothing would stop him.

           That’s right nothing would stop him, but maybe someone? Maybe Dara was enough to keep him from leaving again? He came back for her and maybe that was enough to start again. For the first time in a while, Dara smiled. She smiled at these new positive thoughts and allowed herself to drift off to sleep.


I hope you enjoyedthe update. My last final is on Thursday so I'll probably update again on Thursday or Friday. Comment your opinions, I like reading what you guys think oof the story as it goes on. ^^

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Chapter 8: Nmn... Bom is older than Dara, it's just a little weird Dara being the oldest! But I like the story authornim!
Chapter 16: I still love if despite the ending
Chapter 16: I loved it :D !!
Chapter 15: Finally, they make a good decision, good chapter author, update soon :-)
Chapter 14: YAY!! And Dara is more important to him is cute ^__^
Chapter 13: So cute! Please get them together that so cute! Joon and Durami should get together as well keke
Chapter 13: Next chapter please, I want pandara together again,
Chapter 12: Update soon I want to know her reaction!! XD
Chapter 12: This gets better and better.... Can't waiiiiit for the next chapter.... Glad Durami helped ♥
Chapter 12: So romantic Seunghyun <3,