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Just as he promised , after school , he headed straight to the park .
As always , sitting on the same bench with his headphone on , hummed to his favourite song 
while mentally compiled a choreograph in his head .

Feeling the ticklish at the same spot , Bambam look down and put away his headphone .
Theres the furry ball trying to find warmth at his skinny legs .

"Hey stop it Fluffy , you'll only make him hates you even more "

Mark come to pick Fluffy up but she growled , fiercely .

"Easy Fluffy , I'm not gonna hurt you "

Mark try once again but he got the same response from Fluffy and Bambam cant help but chuckled .

"Excuse me , did you just laugh ? "

Bambam look at Mark who is now glaring at Bambam with his arms folded .

"Fluffy didnt want you ok "

Mark pout immediately and Bambam have to fight the urge not to kiss the pout away .

Seriously , why are you so cute ?

"Its all your fault ! "

"Its not my fault that your cat loves me more than she loves you "

Bambam squat down and ruffle Fluffy's fur and the way Fluffy lean , nuzzling to his hand is so cute .
But no , Bambam not gonna admit that out loud .

"And here I thought you're scared of my baby , Fluffy "

Mark voice out his opinion when he saw how Bambam pet his cat .

"Told you before I'm not scared of it . I just dont like it "

I hate cat actually . And I'm trying hard to like on

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Update soon!!! It's been long time aurthormin! Waiting for the update
popsiples #2
Chapter 23: update please! its been so long since you last updated this fanfic :(
catsKatty #3
Chapter 23: Omg!! It was great fic!! Update juseyoo~~
JailynC #4
Chapter 23: update please
totallynotMyaSoriano #5
Chapter 22: Update!! Please!!!!
totallynotMyaSoriano #6
Chapter 22: Oh mah gurd
nekonekochi #7
Chapter 1: Just started to read, I'm in love with markbam xD <3
jyp_stan11 #8
Chapter 22: Eyy~~ mark, dont be so nasty. You must remember that bamie is still innocent. Lol :D
c'mon shah, keep writing. \(^.^)/
jyp_stan11 #9
Chapter 21: Finally, you updated this story. ^.^ and markbam will spend their new year together. Cant wait
shah, can you make a long chapter? Keke