Full Moon

Full Moon

While all the other cubs were busy nuzzling each other around the cosy fire, a curious little one popped up with a question that Chen had been dying to avoid. 

"So how were babies made, Grandpa Chen?" 

"The birds and the bees, I guess.."

"Then how were we made, Grandpa? I don't see any bees. Just birds," she said, pointing to the birds perched on the branches above them.

Chen laughed to himself and thought about how ridiculous his story was going to be.


"I wonder why humans would ever want to wear these things. They're so awfully tight. Skinny jeans nae style aniya," said Kris as he pulled and tugged on his pants.

"Well, we have to fit in right? These things are the so-called hottest things right now," said Tao, admiring his outfit and taking videos with his X-cam.

"That's only for recording important things, Tao! Don't waste the memory," Xiumin reprimanded the maknae, "and where in the world is Chen?"

With the wind pleasantly whistling in the fields, Chen had decided on a stroll. He had many things to think about. If they did not manage to find this sacred elixir, his home would be destroyed. Worst part is no one knew where or what this elixir was. He and 5 of his friends were chosen to fly down to Earth and track down this elixir but no information was given whatsoever. However, being ever the optimist, Chen refused to give in to his sighs and he took the opportunity to savour in Earth's natural beauty. Earth was something new and unfamiliar to Chen. His ancestors did in fact try to live on Earth considering that both planets were quite similar but they decided to permanently reside in EXOplanet to escape the First World War. 

"Humans are unreasonable and stubborn creatures who resort to violence and destruction, Chen. Never associate with any of them," he remembered his grandma say.

While his thoughts dwindled here and there, Chen paused for a moment. It was definitely daylight but a figure in the distance had summoned another sort of light. A white light with a tinge of yellow but not natural enough to be perceived as the Sun's rays. Not knowing whether to run or approach, curiosity got the better of Chen and he paced in caution towards the source of this godly light. It came from a hand. Baekhyun's hand.

"You can do it too?" Almost as quick as the lightning that Chen commanded, a thunder clap followed. With no rain in sight, he had just called upon lightning. Each and everyone on EXOplanet was gifted with a power and Chen was blessed with lightning at his disposal. To see someone else create light was rather shocking and spectacular.

"Wh-what? How? Did you do that?" Baekhyun asked with astonishment.

"Yes. And you too?" 

"But that's impossible."

"For me, no. But for you, yes. Aren't you supposed to be human? I've never seen you on EXOplanet before. Are you from elsewhere?"

"What do you mean no for you? You look pretty human to me. And what the hell is this EXOplanet? Some gay video game?"

Before Chen could explain, Baekhyun turned around and left, "Look kid, if you don't wanna get hurt tonight, leave. The faster the better. We don't eat puny little things like you."

Wait.. what? Eat..? WAIT PUNY? I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT'S PUNY! Chen dashed forward and grabbed Baekhyun by the neck in a headlock and forced him to his knees. Taken aback, Baekhyun tried to elbow Chen in the gut but failing to do so, his feet collapsed. Sprawled in an awkward position and constantly moving, the two fought each other in a rather lame fashion. Incapable of admitting defeat, Baekhyun transformed.

"Wh-what are you?" stuttered Chen, getting up on all fours and backing away. 

Howling in front of him was a gigantic wolf. Its ears were tensed and alert to Chen's slurred movements, and its eyes held a daunting stare. Baring its canines, it moved towards Chen. "Leave."

Unsure and confused, Chen walked back to the base compound where the rest of his friends were. To his surprise, the shack was empty. Probably went for lunch without me huh? Ignoring the hunger brewing in his stomach, he slumped down in one of the room's dark corners and slept on the floor. 

When Chen woke up, the room was darker than before. The field beyond the window that was a luscious green before was now a dark grey, only distinguishable in the dark thanks to the full moon. As if compelled by the moon's magic, Chen found himself dragged towards the window against his will. What is happening to me? Chen grabbed a table nearby and fought against the ominous pull but out of nowhere, someone crashed in through the window with a gush of wind. In the midst of shattered glass stood Sehun. A smirk tugged at his lips and bloodlust twinkled in his eyes as Kai appeared out of thin air in an instant. 

"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here?" stammered Chen, frightened and fists balled with tension. 

"Nothing... All we want is food," said Sehun, walking closer and closer towards Chen.

"So how do you want it, Sehun? Raw or cooked? I don't know about you but he smells a little fishy," teased Kai as he transformed. 

The transformation was a bit odd to Chen. Kai's and Sehun's clothes seemed to magically disappear and their human skin broke out with a brown coat of fur. Their faces, quite attractive even for aliens' standards, morphed incredibly. However, given the situation, Chen had no obligations to admire this phenomenon. He had to escape. Just when Sehun was about to go in for a bite, Baekhyun in wolf form, appeared and blinded everyone with a killer light. As Kai and Sehun recovered from the blinding light and readjusted their eyes, Baekhyun bit Chen's coat and tossed him in the air, only for Chen to land on his back.

With Chen holding his fur tight on his back, Baekhyun rode out the shack and across the field to safety. Once in a cave, Baekhyun gestured Chen to climb down. 

"You again.. Why did you save me? I mean, thank you. But why?" Chen asked with ragged breath.

Baekhyun seemed hesitant but he then shifted to the darkest part of the cave and said, "toss me your coat, idiot."

Chen burned red with embarrassment because even in the shadows, he could make out Baekhyun's bare . Such smooth roundness made Chen squirm uncomfortably because the only he had ever seen was his own. Baekhyun awkwardly wrapped himself in Chen's coat and thought, ' he's so warm and he smells like.. french fries?'

"So why did they try to eat me? And why did you save me?"

"How do you know I saved you? What if I'm just keeping you as a prey for myself?"

"Hahaha.. If I'm your prey, then you have really bad taste in men."

"Fine. I saved you because.. I've never seen anything like you. What you did with the lightning was... cool." 

"Well, what you did wasn't that bad yourself. My name's Chen. You?"

"Baek.. Baekhyun."

"Are you going to eat me now?"

"No. I have better taste in men.."

Silence soon took over but both Chen and Baekhyun found comfort in each other's presence. Questions hung in the air and so did the cold. Without a fire, both of them found themselves subconsciously longing for each other's warmth and embrace. 

"Do.. you want to.. umm...," mumbled Baekhyun.

"Baek hyung! I'm cold," proclaimed Chen.

"......... C'mere," whispered Baekhyun as he slowly accepted Chen into his arms.

The pair huddled each other and they were intrigued by each other's body. Why does his eye twitch every alternate breath? Why are his hands so delicate and pretty? Is he sleeping? Baekhyun's body cupped Chen's perfectly and so did the spaces between their fingers. Baekhyun could not sleep that night and he spent his time scrutinizing Chen's face. The ends of Chen's lips curved a little as if he was always smiling, even in his sleep. Maybe he's having a sweet dream. Is he... dreaming about me? Chen's eyelashes caught Baekhyun's attention too. Long and dark, they were.. beautiful. "Achoo!" Chen sneezed but not hard enough to be disturbed by. Baekhyun reached out and cautiously touched Chen's nose. As he released his pointer, Chen's nose sprung back and Baekhyun smiled. It was a long night. Time to sleep.

When morning came, Baekhyun woke up and shuffled around the cave. 

"Calm down. It's not like we did anything. Right, baek hyung?" Baekhyun's face grew watermelon red as Chen got up and gave a tight slap to his . The only fine line between Chen's hand and his was a coat and Chen knew that. Chen laughed and winked as Baekhyun crossed his arms around his chest in defense.

"Hmm.. I wonder what Xiumin and the rest are doing," wondered Chen as they walked out the cave and back into the fields, "they're probably eating again."

"Wait.. Your friends were here?" Baekhyun asked with such shock that it immediately caught Chen's attention.

"Yeah we were here on a mission. Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Chen.. But I'm afraid the others have gotten to your friends last night."

"Wait what do you mean? Other werewolves? But you didn't eat me. Surely they won't right?"

"I don't know.. Most of us are capable of controlling ourselves but it was the full moon last night. The youngest Kai and Sehun.. Well, let's just say they are very fond of eating."

Chen started to run out of impulse. He had to save the others. Unable to see Chen in pain, Baekhyun reached out, pulling Chen into his arms. Scared and angry, Chen pushed Baekhyun away with all his might but gave in when Baekhyun hushed calm words in his ears, "It's going to be okay, Chen. I promise. Without me around, Suho would definitely have taken measures to control them. Now get on my back and we'll find your friends, okay?"

Baekhyun ran as fast as he could on all fours, with Chen on his back but when they reached the shack, there was chaos everywhere. The previous night, when Xiumin and the others came back, Sehun and Kai had attacked them. Using the gadgets they had taken from EXOplanet, they managed to trap Sehun in a net. Kai had used his powers to teleport back into the wolves' den and alerted the whole pack. However, without proper explanation, Suho and the rest of the werewolves assumed that Xiumin's group had attacked Sehun first. With all the misunderstandings, the two groups confronted each other in front of the shack.

"We mean you no harm. Now, let our friend go," negotiated Suho to which Tao shouted, "No harm? Are you kidding me? He tried to kill us!"

"Calm down, Tao. This is not our planet. Let's hear what they have to say," said Lay.

"Kai, is there anything you want to say?" Chanyeol asked.

"Okay. Fine. We're sorry. We didn't actually mean to hurt anyone. The full moon made our wolf instincts stronger. We should've fought against it harder but we just gave in to the hunger just because we thought it was okay.. I'm sorry," apologised Kai as he dug his left foot into the ground with regret.

"We're sorry too.. We didn't want to hurt you guys too. We were just defending ourselves. I hope you understand," explained Luhan, raking his hand through his hair.

Lay helped Sehun out of the net and healed his wounds while D.O. got rid of the nasty net. In the midst of this reconcilation, Kris received a message on his micro-computer watch. His face ashened and they could see his world crumbling down.

"Hyung, waeyo?" Tao asked, even though it could only mean one thing.

"EXOplanet.. We're too late.. It's gone."

"What? No. Impossible."

"How could that be? They said it'll be fine if we found the elixir in a month. It has only been a day."

"Please hyung.. Tell us you're joking."

All of them looked to Kris for the answers but just like them, he didn't know how to comprehend this information. It was like a bomb was released onto his lap and it had exploded before its due time.

"Well then.. I know this sounds insensitive of me but all of you are the last remainings from EXOplanet. Nothing awaits you there anymore and I'm sure those who have perished wouldn't want to see you mourn them in eternal grieve. You're on Earth now. This is your new home. Welcome, brothers," said D.O.

"He's right. I'm equally as sad as you are but for those gone on EXOplanet, we have to live well and eat well here on Earth or they would have died in vain," uttered Chen, "and if I'm going to live here, I want to spend my time as a wolf. With Baekhyun."

"Whaaaaat?" Sehun and Tao voiced in unison.

"What are you? A couple? Hahahaha well then.. Baekhyun, do you have any opinions about this?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yes.. I mean, no.. In fact, I'm not sure. I've just met this strange- alien last night but to even think of him leaving makes me feel like if I had strings holding my heart together, it would be cut and broken. So yes, Chen, if you're ready to accept the ups and downs of being a wolf, I will change you."

"Okay. I trust you," said Chen, all serious and adamant.

Very much like a vampire Change, Chen had to arch his neck to the left and at his approval, Baekhyun transformed into a wolf and bit Chen. 

Chen opened his eyes and said, "That's it? Wow that tickled like an antbite." No one else but Chen could see the bliss in Baekhyun's eyes. 

Suho interrupted the moment, gathered everyone around and said, "Let's go out to lunch now! My treat 'cause you know.. I'm rich." 
















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DragonJewel #1
Chapter 1: Ooh can u make a sequel
Annasj #2
Chapter 1: Lol that was great XD But that didn't really explain how were their babies made :)) maybe a sequel?? XD
Thanks for Baekchen^^
Chapter 1: ehehe suho's comment doh XD and chen~ X3
i really like the concept of exo-m-aliens and exo-k-werewolves <3 and the baekchen!! C:
rae228 #5
Chapter 1: Subscribed! xD Loveett!!! I really, Really, REALLY liked the fact you used both the EXOplanet and wolf concepts in this fanfic! And although Chen and Baek just knew each other for a day, Chen still agreed to let Baekhyun turn him! (which shows how much Chen trusts Baekhyun) Does this have a sequel?