


Zico raced down the stairs of the building while he dialled his best friend's number.



Kyung, call the boys and my brother and tell them to meet at the park. It's important, hurry!”


He quickly put his phone away and ran towards the place, where he was going to meet them.

The boy knew that he was supposed to go alone, to fight alone, but he knew that he couldn't.

It wasn't possible for someone to defeat a whole gang alone, no matter how strong he was. That's why he decided to call his gang and brother, who hopefully would bring his own gang along.

When Zico reached the park, he saw his friends talking with each other, their motorcycles standing behind them.

Yo, Zico!”, they greeted him.

Where's my brother?”, Zico panted as he tried to regain his breath.

Jaehyo looked at his watch and was about to answer, when they heard the sounds of motorcycles coming near them.

Zico met eyes with Taewoon, as the latter got off of his vehicle and approached his brother.

I'm glad you came, hyung.”

Taewoon softened at the sight of his brother.

No problem, Jiho. What's wrong? Why did you call us?”

Chin Sun and Chin Ho... got kidnapped. I don't know by whom, but he called me to meet him at the abandoned train station in XXX, alone. I need your help, guys. I can't fight them alone and I need to save my family. Please, help me!”, Zico was at the verge of breaking down, tears welled up in his eyes but he needed to be strong for his loved ones.

Hey, calm down... it's going to be okay. We need to make a plan first. You will have your family back in your arms, I won't let them touch my nephew and sister-in-law.”

His brother pulled him into a tight hug and patted his back comfortingly.

Zico pulled back and everyone looked at them expectantly, waiting for them to make a plan.

Let's start!”


15 minutes later Zico parked P.O's motorcycle infront of the train station.

He breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm down.

I'm coming to save you.”, he whispered and slowly went up the stairs to the platform.

Come out you bastard!”, the boy yelled, ”Give me my family!”

Zico heard footsteps nearing him and turned around to face the man, who had dared to kidnap his family.

He was small, well-built and had a scar across his face.

Finally we meet, Woo Jiho. Do you remember me?”, the man smirked as he stopped right in front of the taller.

Zico gripped tightly onto his jeans, his gun pressing into his thigh.

He looked at the man and searched in his memories to find out who that man was.

Something in him clicked and his eyes widened in shock as he suddenly remembered him.

Lee Jin Suk. The man whose brother he had killed almost a year ago.

Suddenly started to shiver as the memories kept flooding back to him.

Oh! You recognized me. Well done, Woo Jiho. Do you know what you've done wrong? Or do I have to remind you of your mistakes?”

Zico couldn't utter a word as he was too shocked.

Now... don't you think it's time for your punishment? I got your little family and I think you're pretty desperate to have them back, right? But it wouldn't be funny, if I handed them to you without letting you suffer. You killed my brother and now you will pay.”, Jin Suk growled, “Bring them out!”

Two men, each of them having a weapon in their hand, dragged Chin Sun out of one of the buildings.

Chin Sun had a bruise under her left eye, her cheek was red and her eyes puffy from crying all the time.

Chin Ho was in her arms, crying loudly while clinging onto his mother.

Jiho! Jiho!”, his girlfriend screamed as she tried to break free from the arms holding onto her.

Quiet!”, one of the men barked and gripped her tighter.

Zico got furious, seeing his family in pain.

Don't ing touch her!”, he yelled and tried to run to them, when a fist collided with his cheek.

Jin Suk looked at him from above and put his foot in his chest, pressing him down and making it hard for the boy to breath.

Where do you think you're going?”

Zico pulled at the foot and threw the man on the ground, before punching him rapidly in the face. Someone suddenly tackled him to the side and kicked him hard in the stomach, causing the boy to groan loudly in pain.

Zico saw a few men running towards him, quickly got up and was about to fight them, when his and his brother's gang beat him to it and attacked them themselves.

We got your back, bro.”, Kyung smiled at him, before kicking a man.

Zico searched for Jin Suk with his eyes but couldn't find him, so he quickly ran towards Chin Sun and Chin Ho and swung his fist into the face of one of the men holding his family and kicked the other in the process.

They both fell to the ground and Zico took that moment to turn around and was about to take his family into his arms, when he halted.

Jin Suk was standing behind Chin Sun, holding a gun against her temple.

The girl was trembling and looked at her boyfriend with scared eyes that were begging him to save her, their baby still in her arms and crying.

Although she was trapped, she still rubbed Chin Ho's back soothingly, wanting him to stop crying because it was breaking her heart.

Zico was lost. He didn't know what he should do.

One wrong move and he would never see his girlfriend or son again, or both.

Their lives were at risk.

Please...”, Chin Sun whimpered, “don't hurt my son. He didn't do anything wrong. You can kill me but please don't kill m-”

Shut up!”, Jin Suk hissed and pressed the gun tighter against her temple, “Woo Jiho, everyone gets what he deserves, right? So it would only be fair, if I took someone precious away from you, because you took one away from me.”

NO!”, Zico screamed,”I beg you! Kill me instead of them! They are innocent. I deserve death, not them. They didn't do anything, so please...”

He was crying at this point, not being able to control his emotions.

No matter how strong the boy always appeared to be, he couldn't bear living without them, they were his everything. And worse, if he was the reason for their death.

He killed Jin Suk's brother, not them, and now he had to pay.

Okay, you're right. It would be better if I killed you. Then you would disappear from this world and I would get revenge for my brother.”

Jiho, no!”, Chin Sun sobbed,”please, don't kill him! It was his mission to kill your brother, he had no other choice! The one who's at fault is his boss, not him!”

It's okay, Sun. You know that I would do anything for you guys. I love you.”, Zico said and smiled sadly.

Oh, how heartbreaking. Say goodbye to your lovely family, Woo Jiho.”, Jin Suk laughed and pointed his gun at Zico.

The boy closed his eyes, waiting for the pain when he hear the shot, but instead of that, he could hear a loud scream, which didn't come from his own mouth.

Zico opened his eyes, only to see Jin Suk lying in the ground with a puddle of blood under his head and Taewoon standing behind him, with a gun in his hand.

No one, I repeat, no one tries to hurt my family, bastard.”, he sneered before walking away.

Zico stood there shocked until the cries, coming from his girlfriend and son, pulled him out of his trance.

He quickly ran towards them and engulfed them into his arms, kissing their heads and leaning down to kiss Chin Sun on the lips.

My family, my love, my son, my babies...”, he whispered while tears ran down his cheeks,”I'm so must have been scared...I'm sorry. I will quit my's all my fault.”

Jiho, look at me.”, Chin Sun said while cupping his face and leaning her forehead against his,”I won't say that it's not your fault, but you still saved us. You were about to die, just for us. We love you so much.”

Tears streamed down her face and Zico kissed them away, before turning to the baby in his arms.

After crying for so long, he had fallen asleep in the secure arms of his father.

Chin Ho, my precious son. Daddy is sorry, I won't let it happen again.”, Zico whispered and kissed his son's cheeks.

They stayed in each others arms for a while until Kyung called them to go home.

B-Bomb had brought his car and drove the family to their apartment.

Arriving, they bid goodbye, before going upstairs into the warmth of their home.

Zico laid the sleeping Chin Ho on their bed, not wanting to be separated from his son that night, and kissed his forehead before going to check up on his girlfriend.

Chin Sun was sitting on the floor in front of the mirror and applying ointment in her bruises.

The boy took a seat next to her and turned her, so that they were facing each other.

Let me do it for you.”, he mumbled and took the medicine from her hands.

Lightly, not to hurt her, he applied it on her wounds, blowing on them when she winced.

When he was done, he wrapped his arms around her, lifted her up and carried her to their bed, where Chin Ho was sleeping peacefully.

I'm really sorry, babe. I should have listened to you, I should have never become a gangster. Look what happened just because of me. If you hate me now, I would totally understand it, but please don't leave-”

He got cut off by soft lips pressing against his. Closing his eyes, he pulled Chin Sun onto his lap and brought one hand up to the back of her neck, not wanting the kiss to end so fast.

Chin Sun pulled away first, panting slightly, and rested her head against his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck.

No one hates you and no one is going to leave you, Jiho. I love you so much, you know that? And your son does too, so stop talking nonsense. I'm tired, let's talk about this tomorrow, okay?”

Zico nodded and laid both of them down. Taking Chin Ho in his arms, he put the little boy in between them - the latter immediately clutching his father's shirt - before covering them with the blanket.

He pulled Chin Sun carefully closer to him, afraid to wake up their son, and kissed her forehead.

The boy was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, when he heard his girlfriend speak.

Ah, after everything that happened, I think you need punishment. Mh... what about... no for two weeks? Sounds good, right?”

She giggled and buried her face in his shoulder, pretending not to hear the sounds of protest coming from him.

But babe! How will I survive two weeks without ?! That's not possible!”

Shut up, Woo Jiho. Before two weeks become three weeks or longer.”

That's not fair!”, he pouted.

Stop pouting, you look ugly when you do that.”

And now you're calling me ugly?! What the ?!”

Language, your son is in the room.”

He's not my son, he's our son.”

A whine cut off their conversation and they looked at their son, who woke up because of his parents and was now staring at them with big eyes.

It's your fault, Jiho! Now you have to entertain him until he gets tired, good luck.”, Chin Sun closed her eyes and buried herself in the covers.

Zico looked at Chin Ho and groaned. How was he supposed to make a hyper baby get tired?

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it ^^ 

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-claps- i liked it~
sulminnie #2
Chapter 2: hahaha..the story is nice..namja Zico..kekeke.hope to have another chapter again.thanks for this one :)
Chapter 1: Good first chapter!