Did not expect it to be him

I can't do this anymore

"SHUT THE UP!" I screamed as loudly as i could. The others just scared at me, clearly in shock.

"you don't know anything you stupid ignorant people. You don't know what he was feeling, you don't know what anyone is feeling. A few weeks before Kris took of i heard him on his Phone Talking to his mother. He was Talking about hospitals and his mother wanted him to quit the band. It sounded serious. So don't just make assumtions. We are all angry, we are all sad. But that doesn't mean we should blame Kris. Afterall it was his desition to make, not ours. And it doesn't matter what reason he had, we should still be supportive and respekt his desition. He couldn't do this anymore, he was tired. I have had the same feelings and i am sure you all have to. So please stop badmouthing him. Please." I didn't realize the tear that was streaming down my face. It had been so long since i cryed last, and it felt painfully good. 

"Chen" i heard them say. I heard Yixing say it to. "Chen please don't cry. We are sorry. We are. Please Chen." 

My tears just got worse. "Please" i Said.  "Don't."

yixing slowly approached me, hand outstreched. "Don't do what Chen?" He asked. 

"That." I cried harder now. Why couldn't they see what i meant. "Stop calling me that." 

The others looked at me, confused. " you what?" 

And that was the second Time that day that i exploded. "YOU IDIOTIC PEOPLE CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT? SERIOULSY ARE YOU STUPID, I HATE YOU ALL YOU" they started at me, shocked walking towards me with questioning faces. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME. OFF JUST OFF ALL OF YOU" and i ran. I ran and i ran. Out of the training room, up some satirs and out on top of the high building, looking down the short fence, staring at the cars.

Should i jump? It would end my pain, for sure. It would end everything.



But i would hurt so many people.


I wouldn't have Time to jump either, as the door opened. I spun around. I thought i had desapeared to quickly for anyone to follow me. But on the other hand, this one is fast. 

" what do you want?" I questioned.

the person stared at me. "At first i didn't understand what you were Talking about. I have noticed you being sad lately but not why. But now it finally makes sence, after your outburst."

okay, he had caught my interest. What stupid thing did he think i was sad for.

"It's the name,isn't it."

i stared at him, shocked. I never suspected he would be the one to understand.

"it is, isn't it? Please answer me. It's because of Chen? Please Jongade, please. Am i right?"

my heart was pumping. My eyes were teary. Finally after all this someone Said it. 


Someone called me Jongdae.


author's note.

heeeeyooo i am back with yet another chapter. Who do you guys think the mystery man is? Any ideas? Until next Time!!





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Chenchenlay #1
Chapter 6: Aww my poor baby..Thanks God he has Xing and everybody loves him..
Chapter 6: I really really like this.
From how jongdae hates to be called chen, how jongdae felt when yifan left bcs what you wrote is exactly how i feel about yifan.
Jongdae's explosion, zitao - jongdae's part and finally the lovely xingdae.
but I cant help but feeling a bit distracted by the spelling errors. There were quite a lot of spelling errors, but apart from that, i love this story.
i hope you'll fixed it when you hv the time and i am sorry for giving such comment.
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 6: Wow this was a rollercoaster of a story. I'm really glad Tao was there to talk to Jongdae and the fact that Yixing and him got together in the end.
parvitasari #4
Chapter 6: Ohhhh my chenlay feeeeeeellll... They're my #1 otp.. Thanks for this wonderful chenlay story.. it makes me love this pairing more and more.. Uh they're so cute, right?
parvitasari #5
Chapter 5: It's Tao for sure!!
darkshoumy #6
Chapter 5: i just love it!!!! Tao is just to kind, cute and lovable!!!!! :D yeah for some Jongdae/Tao!!! hohohoho Tao going to call up Yixing up now, can't wait to know what will happen between the 2! ;-) thank you ^^
InternalWar #7
EvvA_chRome #8
Chapter 5: Fml taozi i didnt expect you at all not even a single tiny expectation came across me before im sorry baby. Glad to know that at least jongdae finally speak up and talk abt his feeling, not trying to cover it and letting it rotten inside more deeper. Please let your insecurity go after that wise talk with zitao, dont let them drowning you. Wow so there's gonna be chenlay next? I hope yixing wont do anything weird that can make my bb suffer. Update soon!
Chapter 4: Finallyyy!!! Hmmm maybe it is Channie? Minnnie? XingXing? Junmyeon?