With Him

With Him

With Him [BaekYeol ONESHOT]


Byun Baekhyun wants to die to free himself from worries since he was a kid. Park Chanyeol wants to extend his arm to help someone like what other people did to him.


And both of them experienced how unfair the world is.




Byun Baekhyun; 10 years old


"Baekhyun-ah, drink your medicine now." His mom told him for the nth time this day.

It gets annoying and old to Baekhyun's ears but he could never say any complaints. His mother has always been the one taking care of him. She never left him even when his father already lost hope and decided to get away. She was always strong and hopeful that Baekhyun will win his fight. But how could he win when he already stopped fighting?


Byun Baekhyun is dying and he's letting it happen.



When his mother handed him the tablets, Baekhyun smiled at her. But when she's not looking, Baekhyun took the chance to put the medicine under his pillow so he could throw it out later. He pretended to swallow it when his mother eyed him again.


"Good Baekkie~ Now sleep. Tomorrow's your first day in school this year and you better be good okay?"


Baekhyun only nodded but he knows history repeats itself and just like last year, he's going to be bullied again.




Park Chanyeol; 10 years old


It was freezing cold and Chanyeol doesn't know where to go. He ran away from home because he just can't take it anymore. His father would always beat him up and hit him even when he's not doing anything wrong. It was just too much for a ten-year-old Park Chanyeol.


He crept near a bench and sat there and hugged himself. It didn't gave him much warmth but atleast it lessened the coldness.


When he closed his eyes, memories started flooding in his mind. The belt his dad used to hurt him when he messes up. The whip his dad uses when he goes home late from school. His father's hands that slapped him way too many times. All of those appeared in his head. He couldn't take it anymore.


So Chanyeol screamed. He screamed and screamed until his throat hurt and he cried. He cried for being so coward not to fight back. He cried for being so stupid to decide to leave only now. He cried because he knows he's never going back. No way. He cried because life was just too unfair.


Just then, an arm was extended in front of him. He looked up to face a smiling woman who looks kind enough to even give him her warm and fluffy scarf.


Then a new home and a new family.




Byun Baekhyun; 13 years old


"Baekhyun, you're graduating from elementary after many years. I'm so happy for you!" His mother beamed when he went out of his room. He snorted at his mother's expression. He was the one who's supposed to be excited. He should be the one jumping in joy to finally escape those bullies.

But he can't. Because he still have his illness and he's not dying fast like what he wants.




Park Chanyeol; 13 years old


"What school do you want to enter now, Yeol?" Mrs. Do asked him while driving her car. Chanyeol just finished his graduation and was now about to go home and celebrate with his so-called brother. He only shrugged at his mother's question.


"But aren't you suppose to take the exams a month ago like your brother?"


"I don't really know, mom. I can go wherever school you put me in. I won't really complain. I just want to finish my studies so I could repay you for everything." Chanyeol said, not looking at his mother while fumbling with his fingers. He knows how kind his new family are and he wants to repay them for taking him in. He owes them big time.


"Oh Chanyeol, you know you don't need to do that. I love you, Kyungsoo loves you and you know that. You're like a real brother to him. He went home early to surprise you but don't tell him I told you. He'll get sad. But what I'm saying is, we all love you. We don't need you to pay for whatever help we gave you. All we need is for you to be there for us whatever happened." Mrs. Do said before smiling at his son, Chanyeol.




Byun Baekhyun; 15 years old


"Just get the hell away from me." Baekhyun harshly told Yifan and his gang. Baekhyun was coughing and there was blood on his hands when he looked at it. But then, Yifan and his gang, consisting of Zitao and Sehun, came to bully him once again.

Of course, he can't let them know he's sick. Or else they might treat him different. It might be good different but it might also be a lot worse different and Baekhyun doesn't want that.


"Why Byun? Are you brave enough to fight us now?" Yifan harshly pushed him to the wall and Baekhyun felt his pain when his back hit the cold wall but he never showed it.


"No. I'm just telling you guys to off because I'm not in the mood to entertain you, s." Baekhyun turned around, ready to leave when Zitao grabbed him by his collar.


"What the hell did you just say, huh Byun?"


"I said, off. Or are you too stupid not to understand what I said?" That was when Zitao's fist hit his face.




"Just great. ing great. How am I supposed to go home and explain my mother what the happened?! Ugh." Baekhyun slammed his palms on the sink of the bathroom and he stared at his bruised face at the large mirror once again.


He already looked ed up before and they made it a lot worse. But those people are the ones telling him that dying is not so bad after all. They're giving him the reason to die. So he's still waiting. Waiting for the time that his heart will finally stop beating.


And the world is too unfair to make him live longer.




Park Chanyeol; 15 years old


"Thank goodness you're alright! I thought something bad happened to you since you're not answering my calls. But can you please explain it to me because you know I won't calm down until you do." Kyungsoo looked worried when Chanyeol arrived home at around midnight. He was waiting for him since eight but he got tired and he fell asleep. But the sound of the door opening woke him up and that's when he saw Chanyeol enter the room looking absolutely tired.

Kyungsoo went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and he handed it to Chanyeol who drank it in two straight gulps.


"What's wrong, hyung? Did something happened? I'm here to listen." Kyungsoo asked his brother while unconsciously biting his nails. Chanyeol smiled at his brother's habit then he shook his head and sighed.


"My money was stolen."


"What? Why? What happened? Are you hurt? Am I going to call the ambulance or police? Anyone?" Kyungsoo stood up, ready to call anyone when Chanyeol waved his hands at him and stopped him.


"No no no. No need to. I'm fine. My money was just.. stolen, that's it, so I couldn't go home early." Chanyeol seemed regretful and he looked kind of sad. That was when Kyungsoo knew.


"Did you do it again? Did you try to help other people and ended up being fooled by some guy?" When Chanyeol didn't answer, Kyungsoo knew he was right. His brother was just too kind. He's willing to help anyone without anything in return and it's a good thing, really. But sometimes, it always puts him in trouble and it’s making Kyungsoo worry.


"You're just too kind, hyung. Too kind that sometimes, you're scaring me."




Byun Baekhyun; 16 years old


Walking around at night without anyone with him was kind of stupid and Baekhyun realize that when a group of guys cornered him.


"You're kind of cute ya' know, kid."


Yeah, I know. You're kind of ugly, hope you know that. Baekhyun thought while looking at the three people in front of him. They all seemed scary and ugly but Baekhyun was not afraid. He was never afraid of this things.


"We can have fun with him." Another one of them took a step forward but Baekhyun didn't budge. If these people ever touch him, they'll die.


"I'm going to ing enjoy ing this kid." The third man his lips and Baekhyun fought the urge to vomit. He couldn't take this anymore. He needs to cover his eyes if this continues. This is just too disgusting for his eyes.


When the three of them tried to approach him at once, Baekhyun prepared himself to give them a lesson they'll never forget. But then, someone ruined everything.



"Hey, get the hell away from him, you ugly punks." The guy's voice was deep and it was coming from just in front of him. The three men turned around and that was when they saw someone, a tall man with blonde hair was behind them. He was carrying a baseball bat and he was swaying it like he was ready to hit someone anytime.


"Who do you think you are, huh kid? Get lost!" One of the three men tried to push the guy away but the blondie didn't even move from his position.


"Me? You don't know me? Aww. You just hurt my feelings, do you know that?" He swayed his baseball bat again but this time, it hit the ugly man. "I." The bat hit the head of one man. "Am." He kicked the face of another. "Kai." And he swayed the bat across the last one's face.


When the three men was lying on the ground unconscious, Kai stuck his tongue out at them and Baekhyun almost slapped him for the childish gesture. Kai heard him scoff so he turned and smiled at him.


"Oh hi there. My name is Jongin. Nice to meet you." The guy, who called himself Kai a while ago who was now calling himself Jongin, smiled at him widely and extended his hand, maybe expecting Baekhyun to take it.


"Uhm yeah. I-i'm Baekhyun. But I thought you said your name was Kai?"


"Oh. It was just an alias. Kai is known for beating up guys like those three on streets. Jongin is known for being simply mischievous and playful but don't worry, both are handsome." Then he smiled again and Baekhyun found it cute.



He never thought he could meet Jongin again in school but what's most unexpected was that Jongin ended up being his best friend.




Park Chanyeol; 16 years old


Walking on the streets at night is not new to Chanyeol. He's used to it. And when someone shouts for help, there he goes again. Not even thinking twice before running off to that person's aid.

Chanyeol found a young woman in an alley, struggling to free herself from the grip of another man who seemed older than him.


Is this going to be ? He asked himself but still, he went out of his hiding place and bravely stood in front of the man and the young woman.


"Stop it. Can't you see she wants you to let go of her?" Chanyeol said, looking as cold as ice using his deep voice that intimidates a lot of people. But even with that voice, the old man didn't stop.




"Hey he said stop it. Are you deaf, old man?"



That was how Park Chanyeol met the famous saviour hiding in the darkness of the streets, Kim Jongin.


Chanyeol ended up taking him in like what his mother did to him years ago. He always wanted to help and asking Jongin to live with him and Kyungsoo was not a hard decision. But it was kind of hard to explain things to Jongin.


"What?! Don't tell me you fell in love with me the first moment you saw me that's why you're asking me to live with you? Oh my, I'm sorry, sir. I'm not a cheap man." was Jongin's first answer. But after a long explanation and clarification, he agreed to come with Chanyeol.




"HYUNG! I am waiting for you since this afternoon! You made me worried again. School was off early but I never saw you! Can you even call me or try to simply type a freaking text message because you know I get worried easily so maybe you'll consider that next time because—"


"Whoever you are, please stop nagging. My ears are hurting." Kyungsoo was more than surprised when another guy, slightly taller than him appeared behind Chanyeol and he was covering his ears. Kyungsoo was offended and his blood boiled the moment he saw the latter.


"Shut up. Don't you tell me what to do, whoever you are."


"I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just telling you what's best for everyone's ears." Jongin said before running off upstairs, maybe searching for Chanyeol's room.



"Ohmygod he said it. He just said it." Chanyeol's mouth was left hanging open when Kyungsoo stormed out the living room and slammed his door shut leaving his elder brother still dazed.




Byun Baekhyun; 17 years old


"You've been staying somewhere since last year, right? Can I visit you?" Baekhyun asked Jongin while they're eating their lunch together at the cafeteria.


"Yes, of course. Mr and Mrs Do will be very happy. Chanyeol hyung's obviously fine with it but then there's the nagging machine Kyungsoo. I don't know if you can handle him. He's pretty much annoying. I can't stay in the same room with him." Baekhyun only smiled and shrugged. He's happy that his friend found a family that will care for him after wandering around the streets for years.


"I think I can manage."




Park Chanyeol; 17 years old


"Hyung~ my best friend's gonna' visit today. Fix yourself. You look like an idiot." Jongin tried to wake Chanyeol who was sleeping a lot worse than him today. Of all days, why today. Uggh.


"He's gonna' visit you, not me. So why bother?" Chanyeol said then he covered himself with his blanket, totally hiding himself from the world. Jongin only sighed and shook his head. He stood up and got ready, totally forgetting his hyung who was still sleeping like a baby when Baekhyun arrived.




Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol; 17 years old


The two of them met at a very unforgettable moment when Chanyeol fell down the stairs because he was still sleepy only to find Baekhyun staring at him and Jongin and Kyungsoo shaking their heads in both amusement and embarrassment.


But time stopped when Chanyeol and Baekhyun's eyes met. It was like what most people would call magic but it was weird for the both of them. The feeling was foreign and new but both do not want to dismiss it.


So it grew.




Byun Baekhyun; 18 years old


Baekhyun almost forgot he was sick and dying. He would not even remember it if he didn't almost died this morning when he can't breathe at all and he vomited a lot of blood causing him to faint.

His mother panicked a lot but Baekhyun didn't care. Or he tried not to care just like before. He was waiting for this since he was a kid and now, it's near. He knows it. He can feel it.


But something in his mind tells him to fight, for the sake of the friends he managed to make.




Park Chanyeol; 18 years old


Chanyeol was trying to compose a song just because he felt like it when Jongin called him and told him that Baekhyun was rushed to the hospital that night. That moment, he could not move. Even when Jongin already cut off the call, he was still holding his phone and his mouth was still hanging open.

It took him a whole minute to process the information given to him before he rushed out of his room, almost bumping Kyungsoo on his way out.


"Yah hyung! What wrong? Where are you going?" Kyungsoo sounded worried but Chanyeol just waved at him and shouted, "I'm going to the hospital to see Baekhyun!"


"Why is Baekhyun there? What happened?" Kyungsoo shouted back but he never got the chance to know because Chanyeol was already gone, leaving Kyungsoo worried for his friend.




Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol; 18 years old


Even after a month when Baekhyun was hospitalized, Chanyeol wouldn't leave him alone. He would never let Baekhyun without anyone by his side. He would always be there and Baekhyun finds it cute that the latter cares for him and protects him that way.

When Chanyeol was told about Baekhyun's sickness, Baekhyun thought Chanyeol would avoid him. There's no one, except Jongin, that wants to be associated with a dying person anyway. But he was wrong. The information of Baekhyun's illness just made Chanyeol cling to him more.


The attraction between them was too obvious for the people around them but they were both oblivious of their own feelings.


Baekhyun thought that Chanyeol was helping him just because he's too kind to let the elder suffer but what he doesn't know was that Chanyeol stopped paying attention to others. All his attention was focused on Byun Baekhyun. No one else but Baekhyun.




Byun Baekhyun; 19 years old


Going to a university was something Baekhyun never thought he could experience. He thought he would die before having the chance to get to college. He used to wish he would. But now, things are different.


Byun Baekhyun was fighting his illness. For the first time, Baekhyun wanted his heart to beat forever.




Baekhyun usually spends his day with Kyungsoo, since they have all their classes together. They would sit together at lunch and chat about music and stuff when they have the chance. But when Jongin enters the scene, that was when thing get a little wilder since Kyungsoo and Jongin would always argue about the smallest things. Surprisingly, it didn't annoy Baekhyun even the slightest bit. It made him feel more alive.

Then Chanyeol approaches them to stop Jongin and Kyungsoo before they bite each other's heads off. Baekhyun felt the same butterflies again when he looked at the taller male. It was always there whenever the two of them interacts. Chanyeol was like the switch that triggers those feelings.

There were also times that Baekhyun thought he'll have a heart attack because his heart was beating too fast when Chanyeol held his hand.



It took Baekhyun a month to finally realize it was love.




Kim Jongin; 18 years old


Chanyeol promised himself that he would never leave Baekhyun's side whatever happens. He promised to take care of him and be someone the elder can lean on. Anyone in their school mistook them as a couple because of their closeness. Both would often be found sitting next to each other while laughing and smiling like there's no tomorrow. Baekhyun would even sleep on Chanyeol's lap on some occasions and Chanyeol would sing for him as a lullaby.



"If I hadn't known better, I'd think they're in a relationship." Jongin said while watching his two friends from afar. He was standing next to Kyungsoo beside a tall tree. It was lunch time already and yet Chanyeol and Baekhyun are still not moving from their positions.

Baekhyun was still sleeping on Chanyeol's lap and the taller of the two was writing something on his notebook.


"Actually they look good together. I just don't get why they're not yet together." Jongin turned to face Kyungsoo and he saw the pout on the elder's lips.

, he's so cute, I want to kidnap him. Jongin thought. But he quickly shook it off and for the first time, he agreed with Kyungsoo.



"So are we just going to stand here and not do anything? Because if we are, I would like to eat my lunch now even under this tree because I'm hungry. I will manage to be with you just so I could eat now." Kyungsoo started complaining again and of course, it won't stop. Jongin wanted to run away as early as he could but he wants to see Chanyeol and Baekhyun, so he stayed. He just took his earphones from his pocket quickly to avoid hearing Kyungsoo's nagging.



It was only after thirty minutes that Baekhyun woke up and stretched and Jongin's phone battery was dead so he stopped listening to music. Jongin saw Chanyeol stopped writing to smile and talk to Baekhyun. But they can't hear it since they're a little too far from them.


But Kyungsoo and Jongin saw exactly how Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol's right cheek before they stood up and walked away, hand in hand.



". Did you just saw—?!"


"Yes. Yes I did, Jongin."




Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun; 20 years old


The news about Chanyeol and Baekhyun dating was not that of a surprise at all. Everyone expected it. Some are surprised about the fact that they just started dating.

After three years of friendship and a little bit of flirting they finally decided to commit to each other and Jongin and Kyungsoo couldn't see it any better.




Park Chanyeol; 21 years old


Chanyeol ran as fast as he could. He didn't know he could run like this and he might be able to join the track and field team after this discovery. But right now, his first concern is Baekhyun. No one else but Baekhyun.


He thought he stopped breathing when Jongin came rushing into his classroom while panting. He was already nervous and he was expecting some bad news when Jongin appeared at their door but maybe he wasn't expecting the worst news.


"Chanyeol hyung! Baekhyun had a heart attack!"


Those words almost killed him and he instantly ran out of his room without fixing his things. He even ran faster than Jongin because he managed to reach the hospital within less than five minutes.

He was panting and breathing hard when he asked the nurse he first met. The nurse was surprised but she told Chanyeol where to find Baekhyun so Chanyeol mumbled an inaudible thank you and ran again as fast as he could.


He reached Baekhyun's room and he managed to open the door with shaking hands. His mouth had gone dry when he saw Baekhyun sleeping on his bed and Kyungsoo who was sitting on a couch across the hospital bed, looked relieved when he saw Chanyeol.


"I'm glad you came. He won't stop looking for you, you know? Even when he's losing his breath he was calling your name. He really loves you, hyung." There was a smile on Kyungsoo's face and Chanyeol saw pity in his brother's eyes. Why? Was it because Chanyeol has a dying boyfriend and he couldn't do anything about it? Well Chanyeol doesn't need pity. Screw them all. He won't leave Baekhyun no matter what.

He approached his boyfriend's bed and held his hand. He was scared when he felt how cold it was. Chanyeol was hurt. Once again, he felt how unfair the world was to him. He was crying because he wasn't able to be by Baekhyun's side when he was needed the most. He let himself cry and he let Kyungsoo watch him in pain.




Byun Baekhyun; 21 years old


Baekhyun woke up to the sound of Chanyeol's strumming of his guitar. It was melody to his ears and he faced his boyfriend with a wide smile on his face like nothing wrong happened. He saw how Chanyeol seemed relieved when the sweet smile on Baekhyun's face was formed.

But the moment he tried to sit up to be able to touch Chanyeol, he felt it. His heart stopped for a second, literally, and he couldn't breathe. He started to become pale and Chanyeol's happiness vanished in an instant when Baekhyun lost his consciousness once again.



Why is the world so unfair? Baekhyun wants to live now and death is taking him away.




Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun; 21 years old


Things started to get rough. Chanyeol was torn between coming to school or coming to the hospital to see Baekhyun since the elder wasn't allowed to leave his room ever since his consecutive attacks.

In the end, Chanyeol chose Baekhyun over anything else.


His stay in the hospital was nothing but lonely for Baekhyun but whenever Chanyeol, Jongin or Kyungsoo visits him, he would smile and his face would lit up and he would be as beautiful as ever.


Days turned into weeks. Weeks passed by and turned into months. Those months turned into a year and still, Baekhyun is not allowed to go out of the hospital. He can go to the garden using his wheelchair but he can never go further than that so that incase he had another heart attack, he can easily be treated. Chanyeol favoured that idea.



But of course, Baekhyun is naturally a rule-breaker so he planned to escape the hospital just for the fun of it. He made his plan very well and he made sure he'll get back before anyone notices his absence.

But before he could even put his plan into action, he was stopped. Chanyeol figured his plan and he stayed all night guarding Baekhyun, preventing him from going out.



The weird fact is that Baekhyun was not annoyed. He was even happy that Chanyeol was by his side the whole night.




Byun Baekhyun; 22 years old


Baekhyun had a heart attack that almost killed him. The incident almost made Chanyeol lose his sanity. Baekhyun heard everything, the way Chanyeol was calling his name while he was being carried to the emergency room was too much for him to bear. He was awake and yet he can't open his eyes to tell Chanyeol that everything's going to be alright.


By the end of the day, they were told that Baekhyun needs a heart donor or else...




Park Chanyeol; 22 years old


Chanyeol took a deep breath. He held the steering wheel tightly as he looked in front of him.


He's willing to do this. He will do this for Baekhyun.




Chanyeol woke up to the sobs of Kyungsoo by his side. He felt heavy and he can't move. His head hurts and he was having a hard time to speak.

Kyungsoo didn't stop crying even when he saw that Chanyeol was awake. Instead, he started to cry even more. No one can calm him down from this state and Chanyeol felt guilty. It was because of him.


"How stupid are you, really?!" He was expecting this from Jongin who was trying hard not to shed a tear. He's strong and Chanyeol knows that. It was his fault why his friend was feeling hurt.


"Do you think Baekhyun will be happy if he finds out that you tried to kill yourself just to give your heart to him?! Are you even thinking?!" That was it. Jongin snapped and the tears that he was trying to fight was now falling from his eyes. Kyungsoo was still crying beside him and Chanyeol couldn't help but feel pain in his heart by watching the scene.


He had hurt his brother and friend just because he was too stupid to even think straight. Everything just started falling apart.


And Baekhyun...




Kim Jongin; 24 years old


"Baekhyun, where ever you are now, I hope you're happy. You deserve to be. But why do you need to leave us this early? I miss you, hyung." Jongin sat down and hugged his knees. He started to cry silently and Kyungsoo who was beside him, enveloped him into an embrace.


"Jongin, stop it. I know you miss him but please. It's been a year. I know it still hurts but I can't take to see you crying anymore."


"B-but hyung I just can't accept the fact that my best friend is gone forever. He's the first family that I've had ever since I ran away from the orphanage. He's been my mother and brother at the same time and it pains me that he left me all alone."


"I'm here Jongin. I'm here so please stop crying." But the tears from Kyungsoo's eyes tells the opposite.




Park Chanyeol; 25 years old


Chanyeol close the book he was reading and he massages his temples before standing up to stretch. He took a deep breath and went to the bathroom to fix himself.

The moment he entered, he saw himself in the mirror and the scar on his forehead brought back memories to him. The time he tried to kill himself and the time Baekhyun found out. It was heart breaking how Baekhyun cried and started blaming himself for everything but in the end, they managed to fix things up and Chanyeol apologized for his stupidity.

He remembers everything like it was just yesterday but it has been a year since he last saw and touched Baekhyun. He always felt him by his side yet he still feels empty inside him. There was still something missing from his life.




There he stood in front of a cold stone that he hated seeing the most. This stone is the only thing that reminds him that Baekhyun is gone forever.

Chanyeol ran his fingers through the engraved name on the stone and he felt the wind become stronger. He smiled and looked up to the sky.


"I miss you Baekhyun-ah."




Do Kyungsoo; 25 years old


Kyungsoo just arrived home and he immediately saw Chanyeol in the living room. He was drinking. Again. He was holding Baekhyun's photo close to his heart and he was crying.


"Hyung, if Jongin sees you he's going to join you and both of you will be a pain in the . Please have mercy on me. I'm the one who'll take care of you." Kyungsoo said not too seriously as he sat next to his brother.


"I'm sorry Kyungsoo. It's just, everything hurts so much. I can't take the pain anymore and it's killing me inside." Sorrow filled Chanyeol's eyes and those eyes were looking at somewhere. Kyungsoo followed his brother's gaze only to be heartbroken himself.

Because what Kyungsoo saw was a small red box on the table. He doesn't need to open it to know what's inside. He was sad for his brother and he can't help but feel pain for him.


"I wanted him to marry me. I wanted to be with him forever. I won't be able to love another person the way I loved him because I'll love him forever." Kyungsoo hugged his brother and Chanyeol started sobbing even more.


"When Baekhyun cried, he made me realize that I was stupid. Very stupid to even think of killing myself to give my heart to him. I should've realize that I don't need to die to give it to him because it's been with him from the start. He's stolen it from me the first time I saw him."




Park Chanyeol; 8 years old


Chanyeol ran. He ran as fast as he could to escape his father, to escape his punishment.

He reached the playground and he panted because of tiredness. He never stopped running since he went out of their house and he needs to catch his breath.


When he looked up, he saw a boy who seems to be the same age as him who was panting and holding his chest. He looks pale and he's starting to fall to the ground.

Chanyeol immediately ran to him without thinking twice and he managed to catch the kid before he falls.

He was larger than the kid so he carried him a little too effortlessly towards the slide. He let the kid lay there as he watch him. The boy was pretty, he soon noticed. Very pretty in fact and Chanyeol was amazed at the other's beauty that he stared at him for a long time.



It was then that Chanyeol saw the nametag of the kid placed on his left chest.



Byun Baekhyun.

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Omf, why didn't you warn me that it's going to be like this?

I'm just going to curl up in a corner and cry my eyes out rn.

(great story though c:)
funnyevilbunny #2
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh that was story was nicely played out! I live it:-D:D:):-););-)^_^^^^.^;D(: