Sayonara [I Wish You Eternal Happiness sequel]

[One shot + sequel] I Wish You Eternal Happiness

All those times we were together. Were they all just nothing to you? Ueda thought.

After Ryo's wedding dinner, Ueda drove straight home, crying his eyes out. He was emotionally overwhelmed.

Ueda Tatsuya sat under the long window, staring at the night sky that was unusually cloudy and starless. It was really a bad day.

"I love you Princess," Ryo said with a smile and hugged Ueda tightly.

That was during their celebration of the 1-year anniversary of their secret relationship. They had a small but happy celebration, just the two of them, at Ueda's apartment.

Ueda smiled at the memory he randomly recalled: the day they first started their relationship.

"Remember Princess, we must never tell anyone! If my parents get to know about us.. They'll disown me, murder me, both, I don't know!" Ryo urged.

"Don't worry Ryo, I promise not to tell anyone," Ueda said with a small shy smile.

"Tell what?" Pi asked, entering the lounge of the Jimusho.

"Nothing!" Ueda answered hastily and pushed Ryo, causing him to fall onto the floor and orange juice spilled onto his shirt in the process.

Ryo's face was showing anger, but his lips were slightly smiling, showing amusement.

Instantly, another memory made its way into Ueda's mind. A painful memory.

"Why haven't you ever told me the words 'I love you' to me?" Ryo asked one day. They had been in a relationship for almost two years now.

Ueda wasn't shocked to hear that being brought up. He knew Ryo would ask him one day. But how could he explain that he was, even after everything they had together, afraid of saying out his love because he was scared of losing him?

He chose not to answer.

"So you're not answering me huh? Well. I guess this means nothing to you. I guess I mean nothing to you." Ryo said, leaving the room.

"Ryo," Ueda said, and Ryo stopped at the door. This was it, Ueda wanted to tell Ryo that he loved him, but he suddenly thought of his parents. His father had made sure to tell Ueda's mother that he loved her every single day, but that never stopped her from having an affair.

Ueda didn't want that.

Realising that Ueda wasn't about to say anything, Ryo said, "Goodbye Princess," and left the room. That was the last time he ever called Ueda by the nickname he gave.

That was also the reason why he felt guilty when Kame said that he should have confessed to Ryo: because he never had told Ryo he loved him.

Ueda wiped the tears on his face and went to sleep, knowing well that he will again dream of the person he loved the most.

It may not seem like it right now, but one day, I will stop thinking of you so much. When I do, my heart will still hurt, just not as much. Ueda consoled himself, closing his eyes, trying to block the pain away.

- End -
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