Snow White

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Chapter Two;


“That’s impossible, ridiculous, absurd. NO!” Sehun raged, “That girl can not be MY mate. I am too young, I don’t need one right now, or ever.”


“What’s the matter? You should be ecstatic! She’s not ugly, in fact she’s gorgeous.” Kai asked, bewildered, “I was a bit frightened that with your karma you would end up with some ugly, annoying, spoiled brat.” Sehun growls at Kai who puts his arms up.


“No, no, no. I can’t have a mate. They are trouble.” Sehun denied.


“Oh c’mon, she even glared at you and talked back to you and you didn’t scratch her face off, it’s so clear you like her!” Baekhyun reasoned, “But she did seem a bit friendly with that kid. Younger brother maybe?”


“No, I’m here on a mission. I can’t be distracted. I’m not gonna court her.” Sehun said determinedly.


“BWOH???” His friends scream, in disbelief.


“Yah, you idiot, no MALE, I repeat NO MALE rejects their mate. Are you even a man?” Kai said. Sehun turned to glare at him, “I’m just kidding please don’t hit me.” Kai cowered away behind Chanyeol.


“I don’t have the time and I’m not willing to go through that trouble. And I bet that kid is her boyfriend.” Sehun said in disgust. “What are you all standing there for? Let’s get a move on!”


D.O. turned to Suho when Sehun got out of hearing range, “How much do you want to bet that that kid is gonna find some reason to track her down and find out who she is within a week?”


Suho smirked, “A week? I say within twenty four hours!”




“How arrogant was that guy!? ‘No one dares speaks to me that way’ What the hell?” Eun Mi imitated as she paced around the room, “I really hate guys like that!”


Luhan, who was on the bed chuckled, “You know, I think he might like you. Or find you interesting at least.”


Eun Mi stopped to stare at Luhan, “HA! Good one. He was like glaring at me.”


“Glaring at you? Or staring at you in endearment? He looked like the wind got knocked out of him when he first saw you, and he wouldn’t stop staring at you either.”


“Shut up and sleep.” She facepalmed.


“I don’t know for sure but it seemed like he had something for you.”


Eun Mi rolled her eyes, “Yeah, feelings of mutual annoyance. See you later Luhan.” She closed the door and went back to her house. Luhan laid back and sighed, he knew things were gonna change soon, and not in his favor.


“I’m back!” Eun Mi hollered while racing up with stairs.


“Eun Mi! Theres something I need to ask you! Hurry! Come into my room.” her younger sister Minyoung yelled back. Eun Mi turned and made her way to the other side of the hall and entered the room.


“Is something the matter?”


“I think something serious is g

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omg is this real life did i actually update who am i


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Chapter 24: Hello! Just wanting to know if you plan to finish this story?
I really like and I’ve been anticipating for an update. Thank you!
Moonlight_23 #2
Chapter 8: Okay that isnreally a bad move sehun
Moonlight_23 #3
Chapter 6: When would sehun told her abt the truth?
Chapter 20: She is so good in fighting!!!
janelle15 #5
Chapter 23: Don't tell me it's going to be a girl with two mates.?≧ω≦ specially since her father reacted like that. of course i will always be with sehun lol and please just please don't make kai and that annoying girl to be mates. i will probably be really devastated if that will happen. Fightinggg and more ideas to come!
janelle15 #6
Chapter 23: Don't tell me it's going to be a girl with two mates.?≧ω≦ specially since her father reacted like that. of course i will always be with sehun lol and please just please don't make kai and that annoying girl to be mates. i will probably be really devastated if that will happen. Fightinggg and more ideas to come!
Chapter 24: Fighting author-nim, I know college can be so tiring .. But you'll get used to it ;)
Be strong
Chapter 22: Oh my god .. Sehun.. Why dont you accept her Already T.T
Chapter 17: I like how their cute relationship grow ~
Nice chap!
Chapter 13: Her father is so cute ^°^