I'm 15 And I Live With 15 Older Brothers ! [HIATUS]


Hey, nice to meet you all ! I'm Hyerin and i'm 15 years old ^^~ I think i'm just a normal girl like everyone else but people kept talking about my 'abnormal' family. I mean hey! My father has 8 siblings so is it wrong to have 15 older brothers ?


Kim Hyerin (15):

- Tomboy

- Playful

- Really good at martial arts (thanks to his oppa)

- Likes to aegyo-ing

- Motto: I AM NORMAL !!!!!


Park Jung Soo (Leeteuk:

- The umma

- Afraid of being old

- Likes tidiness

- Fussy sometimes 

- Motto: I Don't Want To Grow Old Fast !!!


Kim Heechul:

- Over narsistic

- Straightforward

- eccentric

- Motto: I Am Me



- Master of Chinese

- Martial arts master

- A great dumpling makers

- Caring person

- Motto: Don't Make Fun Of My Pronounciation !


Kim Jong Woon (Yesung):

- weird (?)

- random act

- Has an amazing voice

- Killer eyes!

- Motto: Weird Is Good 


Kim Young Woon (Kangin):

- The appa

- Everyone calls him 'appa bear'

- Strong

- Over protective towards Hyerin

- Motto: Do You Want To Die?


Shin Dong Hee (Shindong):

- Chubby

- Amazing dancer

- LOVE food

- Kinda innocent

- Motto: Food Is Healthy


Lee Sungmin (Sungmin):

- cute ><

- Master of martial arts (hankyung's practice's partner)

- Pinkaholic

- Motto: Aegyo-ing Is Easy


Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk):

- The innocent one

- Strawberry milk's biggest fan

- Great dancer

- Childish

- Motto: All Hail Strawberry Milk !


Zhou Mi:

- Fashionista

- The 2nd umma after Leeteuk

- SUPER tall

- Create an alliance with Henry and Hankyung as 'Chinese brothers' (since they studied in china for a long time)

- Motto: Good Clothes Represents The Owner


Lee Dong Hae (Donghae):

- Chessy guy

- Childish

- Hyerin's playmate

- Motto: I Am A Human! Not A Fish!


Choi Siwon (Siwon):

- God's #1 fan

- Gentleman

- Nice

- Perfect abs' owner

- Motto: Follow God And You Will Find Happiness


Kim Ryeowook (Ryeowook):

- The chef in the house

- Shorty~

- Lovely person

- Motto: There Is Nothing Better Than Cook For Your Family


Kim Kibum (Kibum):

- Quiet person

- Smart

- Sensitive person

- Evil magnae (with Kyuhyun and Ryeowook and Henry)

- Motto: Don't Talk If You Don't Have Something To Talk About


Cho Kyuhyun (Kyuhyun):

- Evil magnae

- Computer addict (especialy Starcraft)

- Math genius

- Kinda harsh to Hyerin when it comes to math

- Motto: I Am The Best Starcraft Player !


Henry Lau (Henry):

- The smartest at language

- Loves food ! (culinary partner with Shindong)

- Violin experts

- Youngest brother of Hyerin

- Motto: Food And Violin Are The Best Thing I've Ever Had!


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fangqi #1
fangqi #2
sungmin1234 #3
soo cute
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
HAHA! having ONE kyu is alr hard life for teukie, imagine two *faints* and LOL~ youre welcome (?)its just random ideas popping in, no big deal XP update soon ^~^
KrisHanna #5
haha 2 kyuhyuns :D
sungmin1234 #6
you can make she get attack by a fans
M3IQ1heartSUJU #7
Hmmm, maybe can like say she too addicted playing then dun even care abt others le? then none of the bros even can stop her.. only the guy whh u decide hu she will end up wif was able to change her?(: something liddat? Its just some weird ideas popping in my head, if u have better ways i dun mind! Hope u wil not haVe writers block and update soon ^~^ i enjoy reading yr story!(;
nikkirose #8
yah i want joon for her please update soon:))
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
So she getting with joon?(:
I want her to be with Joon.