Chapter 6

Im Sorry

It was Saturday night and cars were all lined up outside Tao's and Kris's place celebrating thier wedding party. " I wish you could've brought the boys over my poor ones are so bored", Tao said as he handed Kyungsoo some strawberry juice. " I just don't feel comfortable haveing them arund Jongin right now, its not like i'll tp them from seeing thier dad but-" Kyungsoo stoped talking when he saw who Kris let in the door. Kai walked in with a bottle of wine in his hands, and handed it to Kris with a smile. Kyungsoo quickly walked out of the kitchen and into one of the spare bedrooms insode the house. Kris patted Kai's back. " glad your here." " have you seen my wife?" " he's with Tao, like always", Kris smiled as someone yanked him to the side. " you disgusting ungreatful pieace of!-" " now now clam down Tao before you hurt the baby", Kris said as he picked a pregnant Tao up an carried him off.

Kai walked everywere around the house but still couldn't find Kyungsoo. He checked one of the spare bedrooms were he found him on the phone talking to thier sons. " I promise to give daddy a kiss for you" Kyungsoo said smileing into the phone. " goodnight you two and liten to grandma", Kyungsoo said clicking the end button. He heard the door close behind him, but his expresion changed when he saw who it was. " I came like you told me to", Kai started to say but a smack in the face stunned him. Kyungsoo had thrown his phone at him. " while I was pregnant you sick son of a !" Kai picked up Kyungsoo phone an saw that it was cracked. " we should get this fixed or buy a new one." " is there anything else I should know about Jongin!, do you have anther child!, are you married to someone else!" Kai sighed as he threw the phone on the bed. " look I knw what I did was wrong, and for the rest of my life I will make up for it,but please for the sake of our children-" " you weren't thinking about our kids when you were ing now were you?"Kai grabbed for Kyungsoo's hand but Kyungsoo kept pulling away. " you got the papers today didn't you, i'll pick them up on monday", Kyungsoo said walking towards the door. Kai grabbed him an turned him around. " your killing me! can't you see that!" " you've already killed me Jongin. i'm as good as dead now", Kyungsoo said walking out of the room.

Kyungsoo ran outside an got into his car. " i'll just stay with my mom for a while", he thought as he backed out of the driveway an proceeded to drive off. Kyungsoo got onto the highway as it started pouring down on him. He couldn't really make out what was aheadof him so he decided to slow down on the highway. Little did he know a truck driver not paying attention speeding went over the line an slamed into Kyungsoo. The car slid across the highway as Kyungsoo cradled himself. After the car stopped, Kyungsoo that he was alright, but when he looked up to big bright lights slammed right into him. The last thing Kyungsoo remembered as the car flipped in the air was seeing a picture of him and Kai smileing as Kai rubbed his belly. The car landed upside down an Kyungsoo's hand went limp.

Kai looked everywere in the house for Kyungsoo but couldn't find him. His phone started ringing.
- " Is this", a female said on the other end.
-" yes."
-" im afraid the Mrs.Kim has been in an accident and is in ICU at the mom-", before the woman could finish her sentence Kyungsoo ran to the door. " whats wrong?", Kris asked as Tao glared at Kai. " i-its Kyungsoo he's been in an accident!"

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Chapter 7: Wth.
scarletpearl #2
Chapter 7: I agree with bts_mblaq it's really much better if you just killed Jongin and let D.O moved on, (because Kai is soooo stupid) anyway it's also a good thing that they have their happy ending at least D.O is happy :)
MissBlue1015 #3
Chapter 7: Poor Kyungsoo :(
shilkyu #4
The one that sould be in kyungsoo's position is kai.The one that sould be in kyungsoo's position is kai.
Chapter 7: poor my kyungsoo oppa n kim jongin u idiot guy
bts_mblaq #6
Chapter 8: I would have preferred if you had killed Kai off instead and Kyungsoo moved on.
dodoamapol #7
Chapter 8: T-T dodito why!!!! It is not fair.. but love is love
xellamari #8
Chapter 8: taoris plz!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: kim ing jongin!!! what the hell dude!