Happy Birthday Sehun, Wherever You Are

Darkness Ascending

It's become something like a talent of mine to go missing on my birthdays. One year I spent the entire day at an ice cream parlor ignoring the looks the woman behind the bar gave me every time I went back for another scoop. 
Why would I want to celebrate today? Why would I want to celebrate the day I was born if it is also the day my parents died? 
Each year hiding got more difficult than the last because of my friends who try but will never understand. 
Which is why today I was spending my time in a place I was sure they would never find me.  I sit precariously on top off one of the abandoned buildings on the pier. Not many people ventured this far out of town because of what happened here. It happened when I was about 10, a large wave unexplained and unpredicted had swept over the pier destroying most of the attractions and the carnival. It knocked an entire building in the water and all that was left was this building and a few rusted carnival rides. 
People say it's haunted and at night you could still hear the screams of those who died in the water. It was a load of crap and I would know because I spent a lot of nights here before. 
I stared up at the inexplicably cold nigh sky. Winter was coming sooner than most people were going to realize. I close my eyes and picture my mother pointing up at the sky and telling me how to read the language of the sky. 
I feel my heart hammering in my chest as I can see only the faintest picture of her in my mind. Never a clear picture. I was worried I was losing her, that I wouldn't remember what she looked like ten years from now. 
I began to see something interesting in the sky a plane was moving around the sky writing letters and when it was finished I felt as if a coal had dropped into my stomach. 

- Happy 18th Sehun, wherever you are- 

I swallow thickly as if I had peanut  butter stuck to the roof of my mouth. Kai... It had to be him and Baekhyun. Bitting my lip I feel the guilt wrapping around me. They just wanted to celebrate with me but I never feel like celebrating. 
This year they seemed like they'd given up on the chase, like they'd given up on me. Was this what I really wanted? 
The words lose their shape quickly stretching out over the sky and as soon as they were gone the sky began to lol and sizzle like a light bulb full of voltage. 
Drops of heavy rain began to fall onto my face, the rain had suddenly started the thunder was rolling through the sky and the lightning was striking in the most beautiful of ways. But what scared me was the wind. Like a powerful hand had shoved a all the air in one direction. I heard a fell voice over the wind turning this way and that my clothes whipping almost painfully against my skin. 

"Ashir glamsudis azarsthudus!" 

The unfamiliar sounds only got louder and louder but then joined up with other launguages. My heart was beating a million times faster in my chest but I couldn't move my feet felt melted into the could like I stepped in drying cement. 


A ball of light appears before me and somewhere in my the back of my mind I register that someone is trying to call me judging by the vibrations of my phone. 
From the ball of light a being appears. I am breathing to heavy now. 
This is impossible! But I still can't move. 
There are ravens around screaming the words over and over again. 

"  Ashir glamsudis azarsthudus! THE BOY ASCENDS TODAY!" 

The figure adjusts to the light and even despite my panic I can tell he is the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. He touches one hand to my forehead staring me in the eye. 

"Who are you?!" I scream over the loud wind. 
The boys eyes shine with coldness.
" I am your physical attachment to Azara just as you are my attachment to earth. I have come to activate your powers so that you may become the prince that you were born to be. " 
"What the hell are you talking about? What is Azara??" 
"It is the world fro elemental like us." 
"Elementals? What the -"
"We have no time for any more questions. I must perform the ceremony now, before Kazac arrives. 
Before I can respond his hands is on my forehead and the other above my heart. 
He begins to speak in another launguage  but the longer he holds his hands there the more my brain begins to understand it. 
I only catch worlds like attachment and eternal blood. But when he releases me he stares me in my eye still cold and unwavering. 
"You shall be in pain all night but you must leave this pier as soon as you are struck. Tomorrow morning we must meet again here in this roof." 
So much was rubbing through my mind but I found my self asking only one. 
"Who are you?" 
His expression doesn't change, if anything it got darker. 
" I am Luhan, your Physical attachment to Azara. Nothing more." 
A ball of light appears again swallowing him whole. I think about what he told me panicked that still couldn't move. Someone must have drugged me. Or in having a nightmare! But just as soon as 9:47 hit the lighting seemed to gather above me the wind moving on top of me and I was struck. Again and again with lightning. I could still hear the faint cry as I screamed 

"Ashir glamsudis azarsthudus!" 

The boy is ascending. 

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i am intrigued, awaiting the next update!
Blue_sky_cloud #2
OMG!!! I friggin love this. Im so happy I checked this out.
Im not kidding, this is really good, made me laugh so hard. This sitory is strangely adddictive, can´t stop thinking about it!
Please update soon!