Last Kiss


Last Kiss


Reminder : Keep the song on replay.


Seohyun took Jonghyun’s guitar and began to strum it according to Yonghwa pace, harmonizing with his rhythm. It was the first genuine guitar duet between both of them without any practice. An impromptu performance. Naturally, she began to sing to the rhythm smiling in between the pause.

Yonghwa removed his intense gaze from the guitar to Seohyun who was strumming along with him, lending her beautiful voice to the rhythm creating nothing but perfection. It was one of the rare moments when a duet felt so complete. Like it was meant to be. He looked at her, not removing his gaze. Smiling at her nodding cutely to the music, feeling its rhythm.

“I still remember the look on your face, lit through the darkness at 1:58”

Who can forget how his face lights up the room the moment she stepped in, it was a new feeling for her. She was sure that he is an idol like her, but his sheepish grin looked like what a school boy would possessed when they meet their favourite idols. He seemed very mischievous through his crooked smile. She must admit that his crooked smile is very charming because he doesn’t seem like the type of guy that is girlish like how male idol sometimes are. He doesn’t come across very rockstar-ish too. Maybe this gig of hers weren’t that bad at all. Maybe she made a wise decision to participate in this virtual show, though she still felt like crying now she found it refreshing to meet people blindly like this. We Got Married is her platform to broaden her mind to accept people more easily. She was just a curious 19 years old that wanted to know what love is, but it wasn’t easily achieve with her uptight and shy personality plus the name that she carried that can crash a lot of men egos. The SNSD maknae, Seohyun.

She was hella nervous to the point of crying , but somehow everytime that he smiled at her, amusingly she felt soothe. Certainly it was amazing how this guy looked nothing but energetic considering the busy schedule that he had possesed. It was definitely intriguing.

The girl was late, and it doesn’t really bother him that much because girls are usually like this. But heck, he can’t stop thinking about who is his partner. Is it some actress, some stuck up celebrity, some rising idol like him, or noo.. is it someone that more famous than him? Maybe someone that he knew? It was nerve wrecking but it seemed like a fun show plus he can promote CNBLUE name more. It was his task as a leader, a responsibility that he must carry. After 2 false alarms apparently the real girl is entering the revolving door. He still can’t seemed to take a good look of the girl, but he knew her posture showed that she is a really feminine girl.

In 1…2…3, yes he is grinning like a mad idiot. It was the pure SNSD maknae, Seohyun. He never expected this, for years. It was really amusing, because he is a SNSD fan. One of millions of legion of fanboys that they possessed. But what more amusing to him is how nervous she looked, how she walked straight like a log to the MBC hallway carrying a pink blanket, with a bag pack. It was cute.. really is. He stepped outside letting Jungshin to pretend as her husband. First time he really looked at her despite encountering each other in music shows, she has a pair of the most sparkling, enchanting eyes that he ever seen. Those small awkward giggle laughs that she lets out, made his heart stopped a little. It was lethal, how her eyes curved into crescent moon, when she laughed awkwardly at his random jokes. Or how she just blurted random stuff and weird stuff at times, it was unique. He never encountered such person in his entire 21 years of living. He was scared of how he would guide her, or to avoid being a negative influence in her life.

She was 19, wise beyond her years but still she is so naive that he had felt the urge to protect her from the world even though she might be the one that experienced it before him, the showbiz world.

“The words that you whispered, for just us to know, you told me you loved me
So, why did you go away?”

She bowed to all the staffs and then to him before curving a melancholic to him , thankful for all those patience he put up with her ridiculously hard nature to approach. It was hard not to look back each time she walked away from him, knowing that he still is there looking at her. Knowing that if she ran back there, he is still there for her but the moment she stepped in he will be gone and all this wonderful journey that they had will fade away as time goes on. It was reality the moment it ends, the thoughts of what will happen scare her? She really did like him or maybe even love him but is it just a delusion created by this virtual show? Is it real or is it made believe.. There were thousands of scary thoughts playing on her head.

This is the ending but somehow at this last shooting of theirs, they tried not to make each other feels like it was ending. Like it was going to start anew. Of how he gave her a sort of proposals and how she tried to reassure him that he is the closest that a guy possibly could have been to her. Silly and little gestures, but will it stay?

All and all she was scared of what might happen after this. Seohyun had received a bouquet of flowers from Yonghwa that day and with it, a card was put in. She inhaled the scent of the flowers before opening the card to read it. She was the type to differentiate that’s why she preferred not to read it out loud in television, she at least want to preserve some of it to herself.

To Hyun~ , its been such a long time since I called you that right? Ahaa, it might be because I grow more comfortable with you.

5 things I like about you : 1 – Your heart that genuinely care for people around you.

2- the way your eyes sparkle when you are with me.

3- You are like a diamond that I need to polish, and I like that you always say that I bring the best of you.

4- I love the way you flare your nose, your cute button nose. :DD Coin nose! Hehe

5- The look of your back when you are in the kitchen.

You are the type of girl that doesn’t let fame gets to your head and you are very naïve, it was surprising considering you are in this brutal world very early. You never for one judge me, and accept me. Eventhough its hard, at the end of the day you try to adapt to me. I never realized it, but just a flick of the switch I got a feeling that I might like you. May I change the like to love Hyun? Because I’m falling for you so hard.

I love you Seo Joohyun.

She had finished reading the moment the door of the dorm was opened revealing the unniedul that was sitting on the living room, each girl trying to keep themselves awake. They looked at her worryingly but no words was spoken. She dropped the flower and the card and ran to the balcony. She tried to search for him, and he was walking away to his car. It was a painful sight, is this how he felt looking at her just now?

She dialed Yonghwa’s number which he picked it up even before it rang. It was silence, but she heard a sniffling sound coming from his part. He really do love her..


“Yes Seohyun, you read it?”

“I did.”

“Wha..t do you think then?” He stuttered a bit.

“I love you too.” Seohyun can’t see his reaction because she could only see his back.

"Really?!" His voice sounded nothing but happy, yes he was indeed ecstatic. How are he not? The girl in his dream reciprocate his feelings? Hell yeah.

"So what now oppa?" Seohyun said, sounded nervous.

“I will wait, not because you ask me too. But because I want to. Take your time, don’t overthink ara?”


They hung up and she looked at his back as he walked away until the figure was gone from her sight, she entered to the living room.

“Are you okay?” Taeyeon asked her.

She tried to smile, but instead the tears are falling and just like that all the unnies try to comfort her that night.

Yonghwa never went back that night, he went to pojabangcha, and drink a couple of soju’s with his dongsaengs saying that his room reminds him of Seohyun, the fact she had visited there and listened to his composition.

“I do remember, the swing in your step, the life of the party, you're showing off again and I roll my eyes and then you pull me in, you are not much for dancing but for me, you did.”

Seohyun remembered how Yonghwa have two left feets, and how terrible he was at dancing. He learned though when she offered to teach him although whining a little bit. She felt grateful because he tried to take parts on things that she loved. It’s a great thing if they can dance someday, a slow dance. That’s why she always insist on him dancing. Like she is insistent on learning guitars, sharing of interests so they would not run out of things to talk about. Every single cheesy sentence that he said, and those annoying remarks that she is his, and how he understood her more so than anyone in the world or how sometimes he showed off to his and her friends that she belong to him. She might scoffed at it but secretly she just a girl that like being called his. A nice cover to her blushing cheeks.

“Say you love how I walk with my hands in my pockets.”

Seohyun was not the type of girl that would fan his ego and fangirl him. She was not there because of his look and it was refreshing. And she rarely compliment him not wanting to hear his ego flaring up so he loved those little moments when Seohyun compliment him because it felt special.

 “How I kissed you when you were in the middle of saying something. I pray that you still miss those rude interruptions”

I was staring at you, smiling to your non-stop nagging loving that you took great care of me and how you intend to keep your promise to my mom. But you won’t stop, and at the heat of the moment I crashed my lips onto yours.

“So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep and I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe and I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are.”

He remembered stealing glances when Seohyun slept, she looked like a baby while sleeping. With her messy hair bed, and fresh looking face. Or how she inhaled and exhaled each time or how she frowned when there are some loud noise.

 He gets into her close circle of friends to get new update about her without being obvious.

“Just like our last kiss, forever the name on my lips, forever the name on my lips
Just like our last”

Jasshik was the endearment that he would use whenever he felt touch or loved by her. It naturally came on the tips of his tongue slipped away endlessly when he gaze onto her face that is smiling sneakily at him.

They harmonize the last note together, with Yonghwa ending the song. A smile crept by their face as they looked into each other eyes. The flashes of the image of Seo Joohyun reading a book invade his mind and clouded his vision. Somehow he felt sad and happiness mixed together. Unknowingly his smiled was covering for the tears that started to pool in his eyes.

The crowds started to erupt with loud cheers and applause.

And somehow the moment felt complete.



Author's Note

A strong sense of feels surge in the moment i heard of this song, Yongseo came across my mind. Weird right? Normally, i should have think about my first love LOL. This is such an open ending lol, but well it wasnt fluff just romance. If you want fluff read Showing Off My Famous Girlfriend, and if you want Angst, go for Our Worn Out Rings. I rarely wrote oneshots though XD

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The chapter is finished. Will update in a few hours.


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cnsdGirl #1
Chapter 1: Agh! The song doesn't helping at all!! ㅠ_ㅠ
Uhuk uhukk..I know it's not angst, but..the way you potray this story is awesome. Too awesome that I can cry a river here!! Miss themmm!!!!! YongSeo!! ㅠ_ㅠ

ela2807 #2
Chapter 1: Sooo sweeetttt..omg *_*
kmrsanchez #3
Chapter 1: This made me miss yongseo more :(
ela2807 #4
Realy no angst? Okey then...
mcyongseo #5
Can't wait to read this! I miss Yongseo so much :(
cnsdGirl #6
'Not angst'. But why I can't breath properly.
Mian~ btw, miss to comment on your fics~ :3