Chapter 9






"Okay, guys, I'm gone." Peniel called from the front door as he prepared to leave.

"Where are you going? I thought you didn't have schedule 'til hour," Eunkwang called from the living room.

He had just got bavck about twenty minutes ago from his schedule and had a short break before his next one. So, he was watching tv with Changsub and Hyunsik for a bit. Peniel was with them but got a text and then got up getting his stuff and headed to the door.

"Ilhoonie is finished with his schedule, so he asked me on a lunch date before I have to go to my schedule." Peniel told the leader as he opened the door and stepped outside the dorm.

"Oh. What about Sungjae?" Eunkwang asked coming and standing in the door to see him off.

"He's sleeping. And besides, I don't think he really wants to be around me much  seeing as how he ignored me earlier after breakfast." Peniel smirked wryly.

"What? What happened?" their leaders eyes got big. Peniel laughed.

"It's nothing serious, he's just being stubborn." Peniel assured him, "Don't worry about it. I'll see you guys when we get back later, if you're not sleeping already."

Eunkwang nodded and waved  before closing their door as Peniel made his way out of the building to meet Ilhoon. It was a nice day out side. The sun wasn't to bright and the wind wasn't too strong. Peniel smiled. He would have liked to take a walk on this nice day, but the place he was going was a bit far so he hailed a cab and just looked out the window.

Twenty minutes later they pulled up outside a small cafe on the corner of a busy street. Peniel paid the taxi and got out heading straight into the cafe.



Said boy turned his head to the left at the call of his name and saw Ilhoon already seated at a table in the back corner. He grinned while walking over and took a seat  across from the younger. On the table was already a two drinks , two sandwhiches, and a chocolate chip brownie.

"Hope you don't mind, I ordered for us already." Ilhoon said with a charming smile.

"Oh, it's fine. How was your schedule?" Peniel smiled as he looked at what the other had bought for them.

"Eh, it was good. I like it better when we're all together though. It's more fun," the younger said taking a sip of his Mochiatto.

Peniel hummed and took of his drink only to find it was a Caramel Frappuccino; extra whipped cream just how he liked it.

This kid...I really didn't know he paid attention to stuff that I like. Ilhoon your more perceptive than we think, and more caring. It kind of makes me feel bad that I didn't notice before. You really do care about us more than we know.

They paused their conversation to begin eating their sandwhiches. They didn't have a lot of time before Peniel would have to go to his schedule.

"So...did you like the flowers?" Ilhoon questioned with his head down as he played with his straw.

Peniel, still chewing his food, felt his cheeks tint a little bit as he recalled the flowers he placed on their table back at the dorm. He swallowed and tried to hide his grin as he took another sip of his drink.

"Yeah, they were really pretty. And the letter was sweet, too!" Peniel stated happily as he avoided eye contact with the other who looked up at that statement with a smile.

"What did those nosy hyungs say?" the rapper questioned then took a bite of his sandwhich.

"Haha, I guess you already know they made fun of it!" Peniel laughed, "But hey, they were also surprised too. We really didn't expect you, of all people, to do something like that."

"Heyy! I told you guys before! I can be romantic-ish...kinda, haha!" the younger laughed defending himself.

They made small talk the rest of the hour they had left and finished their food. Once they were done, Peniel took the brownie to go because he wanted to be able to "savor the choclatey taste" as "these things can't just be gobbled up", and they left the cafe. Ilhoon hailed a cab and decided to ride with the other over to the place where Sungjae and Peniel were going to be having schedule.

"You sure you want to come? I know you're probably tired, so you can just go home." Peniel said as they got into the cab. Ilhoon told the driver the place to go before answering.

He shrugged, "I'm not going to stay. I just want to make sure you get there okay. Isn't that what a good boyfriend should do?"

Peniel chuckled, " Yeah, but...this isn't  a real relationship...really. It's just a competiton."

"Competition or not, I'm treating it like it's real because my character is on the line. And plus, I've got someone I want to impress,too." Ilhoon stated seriously.

Peniel was shocked. When did that happen?

"When did you find somebody to impress? Who is it, do I know them?" Peniel asked curiously.

"Not telling." Ilhoon looked out the window.

"Eh~ Do you love them?" Peniel said with a cheshire grin on his face as he poked his dongsaeng in the side.

Ilhoon's chinks tinted a little, but nothing more.

"C'mon, you can tell me. Maybe I can help and after all this is over we both will get what we want." Peniel tried to persuade the other.

Ilhoon peeked at him from the corner of his eye for a second before he fully turned to him and stared at him with no emotion.

"I like Minhyuk-hyung..."


"What?!" Peniel exclaimed with his mouth hanging open. Ilhoon just turned back to the window.

"Wow. That's so cute! ANd you have a chance!" Peniel giggled like a school girl with a secret.

"How do I have a chance if he likes Sungjae?" Ilhoon questioned turning to look at him.

Peniel just grinned cheekily, "Because he doesn't like Sungjae. Not in that way at least."

"What? But you sai-"

"Yeah, I know. But when you guys made this stupid competition up at the restaurant, I felt it was wrong if he was dating Sungjae and Sungjae was going to be apart of whatever this is." Peniel explained, "But when i asked him as we were going home he said that he and Sungjae weren't dating or anything like that!"

Ilhoon just looked at his hyung shocked. This was good news and he was just a little bit happier knowing that after all this he might not end up alone. Peiel just grinned at him until he smiled back and shook his head in disbelief at his good fortune.

Just then, they pulled up to the building where Peniel's schedule was to be. As both boys looked out side the window, they saw Sungjae coming down the sidewalk to the building.

"Since we're still in this competition, I'll still treat you like my boyfriend, but after this is over you have to help me get Minhyuk-hyung to be mine." Ilhoon said preparing to open the door.

"Deal." Peniel nodded.

"Cool, now let's put on this show." Ilhoon smiled and held out his hand as he opened the door to get out of the taxi. Peniel took his hand and they both exited the car right as Sungjae walked up and was about to go int the building. Acting as if they didn't see their youngest member, Peniel and ilhoon said their goodbyes while hugging close. Then just as  they pulled away, Ilhoon sneaked a kiss to Peniel's cheek.

Seeing the two boys arrive together Sungjae paused then stomped over.

"Times up for today hyung, it's my turn." He said coldly while grabbing Peniel's hand and pulling him inside the building.

Ilhoon just smirked and shook his head as he got back in the taxi and headed back to the dorms.


Annyeonghaseyo.... (T.T) I'm sorry for this SUPER LATE update. I really have no excuse for not updating the first two months after the last chapter, but this third month my personal computer crashed and I've lost all my stuff so now I'm using someone else's. I know you guys are probably mad at me and this chapter doesn't make up for it at all, but I still hoped you liked it and will contiue to read this story.

I will try to update again soon, but like I said, my computer crashed and isn't working so it may be a little bit before I get up another chappie.

Sorry again (u.u)/ byebye!        -Happy-Birthday-Sungjae-btob-born-to-bea  hqdefault.jpg

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dhiyarnaw #1
Chapter 1: I don’t know if you still see this but if I’m able to contact you I might be able to continue this story if you could tell me some of your rough ideas.. cause i really like this story and it’s really a waste to not continue an interesting story like this
blingblingcutelocky #2
Chapter 9: noooo ill nvr know what gonna happen!!!!!!!!!!!
Otaku4lyfe #3
It's sad that you don't update anymore! I really liked this story!
Throwaway-143 #4
Chapter 5: I know this is Penjae but Ilhoon and Peniel are a cute couple >u< Though I have no idea what their ship name is..
skgenting #5
Chapter 9: I like the Ilsik couple more but let see this great authornim piece of art :)
SamCamui #6
Chapter 9: Ilhoon and Minhyuk realy??
That would be interessting ^^;
I like the couple IlSik (Ilhoon x Hyunsik) more but ... okay lets give it a try xD
hope the next update will coming soon <3
Chapter 9: Now, everything's clear. Except for the magnae.

I'm eager to know about what will happen next :D
zianart #8
Chapter 8: Please update soon!! I want to see who wins!(I'm on the Penjae team)
Chapter 7: Okay, I feel really dumb, but I thought the whole 'thinking' "speaking" thing was some deep quote or something (I don't even know) but then I realised in this chapter that it was a key and I almost slapped myself...
Chapter 8: Nawwww major feels in this chapter, update soon!