Chapter 7


Lies Chp. 7




Why? Why did everyone choose tonight to eat out…? AND at the SAME PLACE???

Peniel was freaking out. He hadn’t expected to meet with any of the members tonight, not until he got home of course, that way he and Ilhoon could talk, BUT it was just his luck that they all ended up eating out tonight at the same restaurant. As the other guys stood greeting each other, he looked at Ilhoon desperately trying to figure out how they were going to pull off their little act with the other guys around.

Ilhoon, seeing the other start to freak out quickly made sure the members weren’t paying attention then leaned in to whisper into the other’s ear to calm him down so he wouldn’t blow their cover. If the other guys found out they were “boyfriends”, the plan could be ruined.

“If they ask, it’s fanservice for the waitress. You don’t have to do a lot of skinship if you’re uncomfortable in front of them. Do you want me to take the lead?” he whispered into Peniel’s ear then pulled back to see his face for an answer.

Peniel shook his head slightly, “No, I am nervous, but if it’s fanservice I can do it…but you don’t like a lot of skinship so it would be awkward right…”

“I can deal with it for this occasion,” Ilhoon nodded with a serious face.

“Hey, what are you guys talking about? Were you even listening?” Eunkwang ended their little convo.

“Ah sorry, hyung. What were you saying?” Ilhoon said as he and Peniel turned to the rest of them. Sungjae frowned, he had saw them have their secret talk but didn’t know what was said.

“I was just saying that we should eat together since we’re all here,” Changsub stated and Hyunsik nodded from the side.

“We already ordered though,” Ilhoon tried to convince them.

“Yeah, and we already finished eating…”Sungjae said gesturing to himself and Minhyuk, also trying to get out of eating with them.

“So you can get dessert or something,” Hyunsik said with a look like ‘duh’.

Just then the waitress came up and tapped Ilhoon on the shoulder lightly. He turned to her with a questioning look. She smiled nervously as the other guys paused for her to speak as well.

“Ah, sorry, but your meal will take a little longer to prepare. One of the employees accidentally turned off the gas switch so the stoves have to heat up again. Is that okay?” she said nervously, she hoped they weren’t angry or upset.

Ilhoon looked to Peniel with a sigh, and Peniel looked to the girl with a small smile.

“It’s okay, our friends just made it here so we can eat with them,” Peniel said reassuringly to the young waitress who smiled in relief.

“Yeah! Now, um, excuse me Miss, can we put these two tables together?” Eunkwang asked the waitress.

“Oh, yes! That’s fine and I will be back to take you guys order in a bit,” the young lady smiled and walked off.

Changsub and Hyunsik grinned while Sungjae and Ilhoon just tried not to look disappointed as Peniel and Eunkwang started to push the table across from the booth close together. Once connected, the boys all chose their seats. Eunkwang was at the head of the table. To his left sat Minhyuk, Hyunsik, then Changsub in the corner; and to his right sat Sungjae, Peniel, and Ilhoon in the corner.

“Ah~ a nice family dinner!” Eunkwang said happily looking at his boys and they all laughed.

“Since you two already ordered, let us use these,” Hyunsik said taking the two menus that Peniel and Ilhoon had before and passing one to their leader and sharing one with Changsub.

“Yah, Sungjae, do you want dessert?” Minhyuk asked him.

“Mm, I guess so, since we’re going to be here a little longer.” Sungjae decided. He looked over at Peniel who was playing a game on his phone.

“Hyung, if you want to play then play with me,” Sungjae said snatching the phone and putting it on his side where the other couldn’t reach it. Peniel looked shocked for a moment the turned to him grinning.

“Really, Sungjae?” he shook his head, “What do you want to play?”

Sungjae grinned, happy that his hyung was focusing only on him. Eunkwang and Minhyuk started talking as Changsub and Hyunsik were still deciding on what they wanted.

“Hmm, let’s…play…slaps!” the maknae exclaimed holding pout his hands palm up.

Peniel grinned at him then suddenly slapped his hand.

“You lose!” He laughed.

 Sungjae pouted playfully, “Hyung! I wasn’t ready!”

“Oh well, better luck next time,” Peniel said holding out his hands as the younger did before.

Sungjae stared at him then tried to slap his hand but Peniel was quick and moved them back with a chuckle. Sungjae couldn’t help but smile as he tried again and failed. Ilhoon watched from the side. Sungjae glanced at him but didn’t really pay him any mind.

On his next try Sungjae missed, but his fingertips brushed Peniel’s at the last second.

“Ooh, hyung I’m gonna get you this time,” Sungjae said grinning wickedly when suddenly Ilhoon reached out and slapped his hand in Peniel’s holding it tight. Peniel and Sungjae both looked at him surprised.

“Too late, maknae, I win,” Ilhoon said grinning really wide, it almost looked fake.

Sungjae frowned and Peniel didn’t know what to say. Luckily, the waitress came back and took the others order. After she finished writing them down, she glanced at Peniel and Ilhoons joined hands and squealed.

“Aww~! You guys are so cute! It’s nice that your friends support you too!” She said looking around at the other members who hadn’t said anything about the small contact.

Peniel smiled embarrassed and put his head down not looking at anyone as Changsub, Hyunsik, and Eunkwang laughed lightly at what the girl said thinking she misunderstood. Minhyuk just faked a smile while Sungjae sat shocked. He couldn’t believe this girl thought they were a cute couple!

Sure Peniel is cute, and Ilhoon too if I’m being honest, but together? As a couple? No way. I disagree 100%! Ilhoon shouldn’t even be Peniel’s boyfriend! I should be getting that compliment!

“Oh, thank you for the compliment,” Ilhoon smiled while lacing his fingers with Peniel’s and squeezing making the girl squeal once more before going off with their orders.

“Yah, why didn’t you tell your Appa you were dating?” Eunkwang pretended like he was upset and that they were really dating.

“Yeah, why didn’t you tell?” Minhyuk questioned staring at the two boys accusingly.

“Oh, we were just waiting for the right time,” Ilhoon said playfully hooking his arm around Peniel’s shoulder making him lean against him and letting the others think it was all fake.  He sent a look to Minhyuk so that he would keep quiet.

“Yeah, what he said,” Peniel said with a nervous laugh as his head rested on Ilhoon’s shoulder. Sungjae looked at him but he avoided his gaze.


Minhyuk looked across the table to their maknae. He couldn’t imagine what he was feeling right now as the guy he loved was in the arms of one of his “close friends”. He wished he could do something to help the boy, but obviously only he and Sungjae actually knew that Peniel and Ilhoon were dating. Minhyuk wanted to call them out but he didn’t know how the others would take it if they knew it wasn’t a joke.

“Ah, this isn’t going to last long, Peniel’s too nice for this guy,” Changsub said jokingly looking at Ilhoon skeptically.

Ilhoon’s mouth hung open, “What?! I’m nice!”

“Hahaha, I agree with Changsub! If those two actually got together, Peniel would probably just get bossed around by this guy,” Hyunsik added in, jerking his finger in Ilhoon’s direction and laughing with Eunkwang.

“No way, I’d be a great boyfriend! Anyone will be lucky to have me,” Ilhoon argued trying to save his character.

“Okay! Then you have one week to prove you’ll be a good boyfriend to
Peniel!” Sungjae said suddenly. If Peniel was going to be with anyone besides him, he would make sure that guy would be right for his hyung.

“Oooh, I think that’s a challenge,” Hyunsik said instigating.

“Oh, challenge! Yah Ilhoonie, whatcha gonna do?” Changsub chimed in grinning widely.

Peniel just looked between himself and the others wondering how their conversation came to this point. What about his opinion?

“Yah, don’t I get a say in thi—” Peniel was about to speak up but got cut off.

“Challenge accepted!” Ilhoon said staring Sungjae in the eyes, “But…Sungjae has to do it too! One week and then the others will choose the better boyfriend.”

“Deal!” Sungjae agreed glaring at his hyung.

Peniel just sat in shock not knowing what to say. He looked over to Minhyuk who seemed to be thinking about something.

Wasn’t Sungjae dating Minhyuk? How could he just accept to pretend to be someone else’s boyfriend when he already has someone? Minhyuk hyung, why didn’t you protest against this? If I get a chance, I will ask him if this okay. Childish maknae, why did he bring up this silly challenge in the first place?! I mean, I am a little happy that I get to pretend Sungjae is my boyfriend…but I also feel bad because it’s not real and he already has Minhyuk so it’s like he’s cheating. Ahh, I really don’t know what to do!

“This should be interesting,” Eunkwang laughed at his dongsaengs.


After another hour of playful bickering and hidden jealousy, the boys finally finished their dinner and were headed home. The night was cool and the city lights twinkled as the boys walked back to the dorm. Eunkwang and Hyunsik were making light jokes with Ilhoon at the front, behind them Minhyuk was walking while deep in thought, Changsub was behind him talking to Sungjae on his left while Peniel was on his right.

The challenge was still bothering Peniel because he didn’t want it to affect Minhyuk and Sungjae’s relationship. Even though he wished he was in Minhyuk’s place, he still wanted to support them. Gathering his courage, he slyly glanced to make sure the others were preoccupied with their own conversations then sneakily grabbed Minhyuk’s hand, making him half turn to him curiously, and slowly guided him until they were slowly walking at the back of their group.

Slowing so they were a few paces behind the others, Peniel then turned to his hyung who was looking at him wondering what he wanted. He opened his mouth to speak, but found he really didn’t know how to approach the topic.

“Hyung, are you okay with this?” He finally asked keeping his voice a little low so the others wouldn’t hear.

Minhyuk looked at him confused, “Okay with what?”

Peniel sighed, “You know…Sungjae pretending to be my boyfriend and all for this challenge. I mean…he is your real boyfriend so wouldn’t that make you upset that he’s with someone else, even if it’s pretend?”

Now Minhyuk was really confused. What was this kid talking about Sungjae being his ‘real boyfriend’. Since when did that happen?

“Peniel, what are you talking about? Sungjae isn’t my boyfriend…” Minhyuk spoke slowly.

Now it was Peniel’s turn to be confused. His face scrunched up, “But…I saw you guys in the couple stores…and I heard you guys say you were…you were using me to make each other jealous...then Sungjae said he was confessing…”

Minhyuk grabbed his wrist and stopped them from walking. He turned to Peniel and looked at him to see if he was being serious because there was no way this kid could be that dense. Could he? Peniel just looked really confused.

“Ah, pabo…look, first off we weren’t using you in the jealous way that you are thinking. Yes, Sungjae was going to confess, but not to me. I don’t like him that way, I only see him as a younger brother and besides, he likes someone else if you haven’t noticed.” Minhyuk explained. “We were in the couple store because I was helping him find a gift for the person he likes.”

“Oh..okay…then what does that have to do with me?” Peniel asked, understanding most but still not getting why he was involved.

Minhyuk slapped his hand over his eyes in frustration taking in a deep breath. This kid really was dense. He opened his mouth to explain but was interrupted by the others.

“Yah! Hurry up you two, why are you so far behind?!” Eunkwang hollered to them from their distance down the sidewalk.

“Calm down, we’re coming!” Minhyuk called back trying not to sound as frustrated as he was. Taking Peniel by the wrist, he dragged him back to the group shaking his head.


When they made it to the others, they finally were entering their dorm. Peniel immediately went to take a shower to think about the new information he learned. Sungjae went in their small kitchen to get something to drink, Ilhoon went to their room, and the others just got settled down to wait for their turn in the shower. Changsub told Minhyuk what they were talking about before he and Peniel got interrupted.

“So, hyung, we’re taking bets. Who do you think will make the better boyfriend?” Changsub asked him.

Minhyuk pretended to think about it for a bit as he took a seat on the couch next to Hyunsik. Eunkwang sat next to him on the floor leaning against the couch waiting for him to answer as Changsub went to the joined kitchen to get something to drink as well.

“Hmm, if anyone should end updating anyone in the group, I’d say Peniel and Sungjae would make the best couple,” Minhyuk said pointedly looking at Sungjae as he walked through the living room to go to their shared room.

Sungjae looked at his hyung like he was crazy. He was pretty much spilling the youngers secret right here in front of everyone! Sungjae blushed and quickly went into their room. The others however, seemed to be mulling it over though and coming to their own decisions.

“Hmm, yeah, I could see that. They do work well together, and already do lots of skinship and fanservice together,” Eunkwang said with a slight chuckle.

“Yeah, and pretty much already have a couple name,” Hyunsik said grinning.

“Penjae!” Changsub blurted out smiling at the others as they continued to joke about the unrequited couple.

“But,” Hyunsik started, “ Sungjae is more childish. In a relationship, people look for someone who can be more mature right? So I think Ilhoon might actually be a little better.”

“That’s true, but people also want affection, and Ilhoonie says he doesn’t like skinship,” Changsub said, “In that aspect, Sungjae is better.”

“Eh, Ilhoonie says that, but I think if he really likes that person then he will show lots of skinship,” Eunkwang spoke up for his dongsaeng.

“Maybe..I still say Penjae wins though,” Minhyuk said sticking with his ship.

“I agree!” Changsub grinned raising his hand in excitement.

“Two for Penjae, and two for Penhoon?” Hyunsik said looking at them.

Eunkwang nodded siding with Hyunsik on the Penhoon team.

“Starting tomorrow let the games begin!” Changsub cheered.


Annyeong! Sorry this update is a little behind, I had a convention to prepare for and attend last week. I don’t have a set schedule but I had been trying to get out at least one chapter a week so I feel kinda bad. I tried to update before the con but I didn’t finish the chappie in time.

So honestly, I forgot how I ended up with Minhyuk and Sungjae dating, so when I was writing this I was like “What the heck! How did those two even get together? Am I doing this right?” Lol I can’t believe I forgot that, but I went back and read that part to remember.

Anyways, I hope you somewhat enjoyed this chappie, PLEASE COMMENT it makes me better

Until next time~! (^.^)/

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dhiyarnaw #1
Chapter 1: I don’t know if you still see this but if I’m able to contact you I might be able to continue this story if you could tell me some of your rough ideas.. cause i really like this story and it’s really a waste to not continue an interesting story like this
blingblingcutelocky #2
Chapter 9: noooo ill nvr know what gonna happen!!!!!!!!!!!
Otaku4lyfe #3
It's sad that you don't update anymore! I really liked this story!
Throwaway-143 #4
Chapter 5: I know this is Penjae but Ilhoon and Peniel are a cute couple >u< Though I have no idea what their ship name is..
skgenting #5
Chapter 9: I like the Ilsik couple more but let see this great authornim piece of art :)
SamCamui #6
Chapter 9: Ilhoon and Minhyuk realy??
That would be interessting ^^;
I like the couple IlSik (Ilhoon x Hyunsik) more but ... okay lets give it a try xD
hope the next update will coming soon <3
Chapter 9: Now, everything's clear. Except for the magnae.

I'm eager to know about what will happen next :D
zianart #8
Chapter 8: Please update soon!! I want to see who wins!(I'm on the Penjae team)
Chapter 7: Okay, I feel really dumb, but I thought the whole 'thinking' "speaking" thing was some deep quote or something (I don't even know) but then I realised in this chapter that it was a key and I almost slapped myself...
Chapter 8: Nawwww major feels in this chapter, update soon!