I will be Okay if You are Happy

The Price of Wealth
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“You better not do anything weird or erted in front of my mom…” Arya warned Kai when they were in front of her house.

Kai gave her an innocent smile: “What makes you think I'll do that? I’m a good boy.” and grabbed her hand to drag her inside.

Arya sighed but she didn’t pull away, she was starting to get used to the way of how her hands fitted into Kai's.

She found her mom in the living room. Wow she’s actually home…is it because of me or of the whole engagement mess… probably the second…

Mom: “Arya start-…Oh hello Kai.” Her eyes fell on to their intertwined fingers.

“Anyohaseyo Mrs. Lee.” Kai gave a ninety degree bow.
Her mother immediately smiled at Kai, Arya just rolled her eyes.

“I’m sorry for not breaking the news to you earlier and creating this mess… I didn’t want to rush into things, I know that moving for Arya was hard and I wanted to make sure that she had enough time to think everything through before anything was decided… we were going to tell you but on Sunday…”

Wow thought Arya, Kai sure knew how to talk… even though she didn’t know how much of what he said was true it still felt nice hearing those words…

“Arya! How come you never told me anything?”

“You were never interested in my life…I didn’t know you’ll be now…” it was a line Kai had taught her in his prep talk on the way here.

Her mom frowned: “When did you guys start dating?”

“First week of school.” another line.

“What about Chunji?”

Arya felt her blood freeze. That was something Kai had missed or purposely avoided. Honestly though Arya didn’t think her mom would even remember Chunji, now she understood that maybe she was underestimating her mom a little bit too much.

“We broke up.” Arya noticed Kai’s eyes widen slightly from the corner of her eye but she ignored it.

Her mom raised an eyebrow: “Really? Who broke up with who?” she might not seem like it but she actually cares for Arya a lot, and she remembers Arya telling her about Chunji a few weeks ago?

Arya didn’t know what to say, she didn’t want to say anything, she didn’t trust her voice.

Kai seeing that Arya had completely froze, stepped in: “No one really broke up with the other, it’s just the long distance relationship, it’s tiring to keep it up… Tha

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I've been going over editing the chapters, renaming some of them and combined some shorter chapters so if you find anything different that's probably why ;)


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ok definitely going to read all your longer chaptered stories now!! totally excited to read this now <3
Chapter 53: wow this is magnificent
11xoxoxo #3
Chapter 54: Just three words...I love it! >.<
Chapter 53: I love this story so much!!!
dhiya_arisa #5
Chapter 54: nice storyline
ude #6
Chapter 3: cant wait to read
Chapter 54: love the story <333 omg loving Kai even more nowww >.<
Chapter 53: amazing story ♥♥
kpopisawesome2 #9
Chapter 54: <3 nice story!!! ps. tht pic of baekhyun is so cuttte XD
immiiy #10
Chapter 54: Awesome story!!!♥♥♥♥♥