Chapter Twenty-Six

My Ex-Boyfriend, Oh Sehun

Chapter Twenty-Six

Luhan's POV

I was placed in stupefaction when I looked to the outside of the van just like what the members said. There were thousands of fans hurling themslves near the van, the security guards instantly storming over to make some way. We stepped down from the van one by one and I swore the screams grew louder. I was more than grateful and appreciative about them making the efforts to come here but there were literally so many fans that our way was blocked and we couldn't even proceed. I stole a glance beside and saw that the Exo-K members were in the exact situation as us a few meters away. Each guard were sent to protect each and every one of us to make our way in. Despite the guard telling them off, many fans continued to push their way through to pass us gifts they bought.

A polite smile was wearing on my face since it was rude to just reject them. I bowed a couple of times with a small smile but kindly rejected their offers, which caused them to raise their voices to call for our names again, but I just kept my head down low. It took us so much effort just to get in the airport but the situaton worsened in the airport since many of them were waiting inside. We were told before to not accept their gifts because once we accept one, many others will come forward to try and pass their gifts, which will definitely make things more chaotic. But still, feeling slightly bad, I received some and quickly look away.

Frequently, I turned back to check the other members as well since it could be dangerous sometimes. The fans couldn't control themselves and will end up hurting us or even worse, themselves. I waited for Lay and Chen behind to catch up before continueing to slowly make my way through with the help from the guard. After what seemed like forever, we were finally able to reach an area without many fans since it was blocked. It was the VIP area that was arranged for us for check-in and most of us were already exhausted from coming in. I threw my bag onto the seat before sitting down, huffing. The fans were still outside trying to take photographs o us through the transparent glass windows.

"Wait a second―" One of the staffs that came along with us stopped while he glanced around us. I noticed something was off as well but unfortunately, I couldn't pinpoint it at the moment. I looked up at his words while panting slightly. The other members who had sat down as well were anxious while looking at one another. Then I realized what happened. "Where's Su Mi?" Sehun asked, scanning every area while he walked around.

"Didn't she came down with you guys?" The staff asked Suho while the members started to worry. Everyone was tensed and nobody dared to make a single noise. The staff recounted with her finger while tapping the other finger desperately on her phone. "We're only missing with her," she informed us. Suho was silent for a second before he went to talk with the staff about Su Mi whereabouts. I was panicking as well since there were many people outside the area crowding and if she was among them, that would be big trouble. I began to tap the ground with my shoe while biting my lips. I watched them discussed in the serious atmosphere, not saying a word.

"I think she's out there, I'm sure she came down from the van with us. But she was missing after we came in the airport," Sehun explained, his hands fidgetting with the strap of his bag while he adjusted his snapback apprehensively. "We need to find her, she can't be alone out there right now among the fans!" Sehun raised his voice from being agitated since we were finding a way to find her as well. We can't just go out like that in the current circumstances.

"Sehun...calm down. We'll get her," Suho muttered, furrowing his eyebrows while Sehun groaned. I almost chuckled at the second while watching the view. It was so ironic and contradicting to the daily lives between them. Besides, it was the first time watching Sehun acting like this and I must admit it was interesting. I felt bad for a moment, almost laughing while Su Mi was missing but I looked beside me and the other members were refraining a smile as well. Someone's really worried.

"But she may be just out there! You know how dangerous those fans can get!" Sehun insisted while the staff contemplated for a way to get her. "I can go out and search for her," I stood up, volunteering all of a sudden since it wouldn't be good leaving Su Mi out alone like that. Sehun's got a point. "I'll follow Luhan hyung," Sehun added. The staff didn't allowed us to go since it could cause more trouble again for us to go out like this and the fans could get crazier. Thus, they decided to sent out some guards to find Su Mi while we could only wait hopelessly and do nothing about it. Sehun almost cursed when he heard about it but still sat down beside me.

I assured him that Su Mi will be fine but he was still troubled and felt uneasy about it since he was shaking his legs on the seat and moving about. It didn't take long before the guards actually brought Su Mi back to the area. I was pleased to find that she was fine and wasn't hurt. "Where did you go? We were so worried!" Tao exclaimed while running to Su Mi but she smiled it off and said that she was lost for a moment and we were already gone from her sight.

"But among us, someone was exaggerating you should have seen it." Baekhyun teased while chortling. Sehun, however, wasn't affected by his words as he was looking intently at her hands. "What happened?" he asked, his face was all back to the cold and expressionless one and I was impressed by how fast it could change. Everyone's gaze travelled to Su Mi, who gave a look. "What?" 

"Your hand, it's bleeding."      

She lifted her hand and noticed it before she cackled, "It's nothing. I just sort of fell." Afterwards, Sehun didn't speak much and all he did was to remind Lay that he actually brought plasters and told him to pass one to Su Mi. Lay, who remembered after hearing his words did as he was told. I grinned slightly while watching Sehun. This guy...he's still in love for sure.

Your POV

"What's up for breakfast?" Jongin asked while we were in the hotel lobby. We were currently in China after we were barely able to catch our flight. We spent the previous night here in China and it was satisfying. The hotel was enormous and the scenery was great. Today, however, was sheduled for the variety show shooting and we have to be there by late afternoon. Hence, I managed to get them to wake up early today for a good breakfast. all of them had their own hotel rooms since they must be tired as well from all the practice and travelling. We were still waiting for a few members who haven't arrived from their rooms.

"What's taking Baekhyun and Luhan so long?" Chen whined while we continued to wait. Some members were yawning and some were using their phones as usual. I was getting impatient and was about to call Baekhyun when I spotted them walking out from the elevator. They came forward and I took the attendance. "So what are we having for breakfast? I'm starving." Tao spoke in his China accent korean.

"How bout this? Let's just get some of us to go and buy food. The rest of us can rest in the hotel rooms." Baekhyun suggested out of nowhere, sending weird looks to the other members.

"What the―then why did I come all the way here for―" Baekhyun elbowed Chanyeol on his stomach before he apologised and agreed with his plan. "I'm sleep deprived. I need sleep," Baekhyun yawned as he covered his mouth. I eyed them, bewildered by their sudden behaviour. "So...any volunteers?" Baekhyun asked again. It turned taciturn while no one volunteered to get the food.

"I'll go then." Luhan llifted his hand. Before I even say anything, he pulled me by the arm closer to him and held onto my shoulders. "But Su Mi will come with me," he smirked while the members made some teasing noises. I blushed slightly before pushing him away. "Okay then, go get some good food for us and be back quick. Don't starve us." Baekhyun shrugged before turning around to walk back to the elevator.


Everyone turned around, stopping from returning back to their rooms. My eyes slightly widened at the voice while I turned around as well, looking at Sehun. "I'll go as well―since it's boring at the hotel," he curtly said before casually walking over to us. I caught the other members jeering and snickering but stopped when Sehun looked at them. I swallowed at the suspiscious actions before shrugging and leaving the hotel with Sehun and Luhan.

We reached one restaurant nearby since the weather was cold and we didn't want to walk any further. Luhan helped us to order the food in chinese since he said he knew the place well and often come here before he left for Korea. He also introduced to us many of the famous dishes and I could see he was jovial coming back to his own country. Sehun didn't speak much and I even wondered why he came with us in the first place. We ordered some drinks and settled down at a table to wait for the huge amount of food we ordered for take away.

"Why did you come with us though, you could have slept in the hotel." Luhan asked. Sehun was in a daze for a moment before he avioded our gazes. "It's boring there. I've had enough of sleep," he answered, obviously lying about the sufficient sleep part. We reached the hotel too late yesterday since the flight got slightly delayed because of us. They didn't even have more than 8 hours of sleep and their eyebags were forming so patently.

After the food was ready, we paid and left the restaurant with big bags on our hands. I reprimanded them for not putting on any masks and they could be easily recognized by the fans but they persisted and said that there weren't many people in the area and it would be hard for them to be found. I almost scoffed at their words. Even though the area wasn't populated, I was worried.

I increased my pace without waiting for them, walking in front hoping that they could catch up and walk faster as well. We were walking along the almost empty streets at a quick pace with me in front while the both of them followed behind. A group of girls could be seen walking towards us as well while chattering happily and I grew nervous because of that.

We were about to walk past them like nothing happened―or so I hope since I was looking down the whole time, before I heard a girl's voice. "Oh Sehun!" It can't be.

I snapped my head to look behind and the scene made my eyes bulged. One of the girls was clinging onto Sehun's arm while Luhan looked dumbstruck at the moment as well. Sehun was looking at her, totally traumatised while his mouth was left slightly opened. But it wasn't the fact that he got recognized shocked me. It was...

"Oh! Isn't that Su Mi? Long time no see!" she simpered while holding tightly onto Sehun's arm from the side. I clenched my fist at her words while gritting onto my teeth as tight as I could.

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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: She is going to be a manager
omg its 03:57 am here ))):
i need to read this!!
gonna read this later :3
zoshika #3
Chapter 57: Aww they came a longg way❤Im happy that their relationship worked up despites all the obstacles they were having.Its beautiful to read how everything they hve faced from the start until the end.I would LOVE To Read some events after sumi became their choreographertho!!Could not wait if you decide to write it!!❤❤
Chapter 57: That was a beautiful story! thank you so much! :*