Chapter 2

True Love Knows No Boundaries

Taeyeon's POV

"Universal Studios South Korea"

They have it here too? Woah...nice~

"Let's go!",Jiwoong-oppa said after he paid for our tickets.

"No's really huge.",I opened my mouth as I looked around.

"Eonni,you're not a kid.Please close your mouth.It's embarrassing.",Hayeon laughed and push my chin up to close my mouth.

"Oops~ haha.But's soo huge!"

"Yeah yeah~ we all know that.Now c'mon! Let's go ride the roller coaster!",Jiwoong-oppa said and pulled me and Hayeon along.


After we rode the roller coaster,we went to all kinds of rides.Too many,I can't even remember.It's soo fun.I'm impressed with Hayeon though.We rode all those dangerous rides,but she's not scared at all.She even said she wants to ride it for like..3 times for each ride.The heck...


“Oppa,eonni,I’m hungry~”,Hayeon pouts.

“Araso,my princess~”,Jiwoong-oppa said and pinches her cheeks.

Then we went to this buffet restaurant called the ‘Starz Restaurant’.

Buffet? Now this is my place! Ngehehe~

“Yah~ don’t smile like a creep.Again,you’re embarrassing us.”,Jiwoong-oppa knock my head.

“Aiish…don’t tell me what to do.”,I stuck out my tongue.Hayeon just laughed at us.

After we found our seats,we picked our own foods and began eating and talking.


“Man…I’m full.”,I said after I finished my last bit of food.

“Me too.”,Jiwoong-oppa said.

“Me three.”,Hayeon continued.

“Okay~ let’s go home.It’s getting late.”,Jiwoong-oppa said and now we’re on our way back home.



As soon as I entered my home,I could smell the smell of food.

Hmm..must be the chef cooking.

I thought and went closer to the kitchen.

Wait…this smell..familiar…….


I entered the kitchen and saw my omma cooking.

“Omma!”,I shouted and then run to her and hug her.”I missed you soo much! *kisses her cheeks*”

“Taeyeonnie?!”,she shouted and hugged me back.”When did you get back?!”

I let her go,“Let’s talk later,okay? First,let's continue cooking or the food will burn if we keep on talking.”

“Araso~”,my omma giggled and continue cooking.


After I help her with the cooking,we sat down in the living room and started our talking session.

“So Taeyeon-ah,when did you get back?”

“Just this morning.”

“Oh? Why didn’t you call us? We could’ve picked you up.”

“It’s okay.I took a cab here because I wanted to surprise all of you.But sadly,you and appa weren’t here *pouts*”

“*pinches my cheeks* Aigoo~ mianhae Taeyeon-ah.But you did surprised me just now.”,she smiled.

“I know~ hehe! Oh by the way omma,where’s appa? Is he still at the company?”


“Tae--Taeyeonnie?! Is that really you?!”,my appa suddenly came.

“Appa!”,I shouted and run to hug him.”I missed you soo much!”

He hugged me back,”I missed you too,Taeyeon-ah”

I let him go and sat back down across my omma and appa.

“When did you arrived home?”,my appa asked.

“This morning and I took a cab here.I didn’t call you because I wanted to surprise all of you.But by the time I arrived,only Jiwoong-oppa and Hayeon were here.”

“Ohh~”,my appa made an O-shape with his mouth.

Yeap.I have his genes.Such a dork haha.

“Ohh! Taeyeonnie,you must be hungry.I asked your omma to cook dinner for us.Come,let’s eat~”,my appa said and went to the kitchen followed by my omma.”Call Jiwoong and Hayeon too.They’re in their room.”

“Err…as much as I want to eat dinner with omma and appa,I can’t…I’m already full.The three of us went to eat at a buffet restaurant.Mianhae omma appa!~”,I said sadly.

My omma chuckled,”It’s okay Taeyeon-ah.I’ll cook all your favourite food some other time,okay? You must be tired,so go to sleep,okay?”

“Jeongmal?! Gomawo,omma!”,I said and hugged her.

“Well,I’m going to bed now.Goodnight omma appa.”,I kissed their cheeks and went to my room.


After I finished showering,I wore my blue pj’s and slumped onto the bed.

Sooo comfy…….

And drifted off to sleep.



It's been awhile.Sorry for not updating "><

I've been busy with exams and school works.And I still am ╥_╥

I'll try to update more often when I'm free :)

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tae1810 #1
Chapter 2: It's a nice start,can't wait to read more :)
Chapter 2: Nice start ^^ and it's really interesting
Can't wait to read more^^