
The Lee Family

It was beautiful morning in mid-July, the sun shined and warmed up the garden and entire house. If you didn’t know the family who lived there you would say it was a happy mother with his two healthy kids, they lived a good life with no obstacles even though the father wasn’t there. But the mother wasn’t happy, Chanhee hadn’t been really happy since his boyfriend left eighteen months ago, he wouldn’t offer one of his breathtaking smiles before the love of his life returned to him, you could say the was a diamond who had lost its shine.

Chanhee had been busy with the laundry when he heard the doorbell ringing, being confused of who it might be he went upstairs after washing his hands, not wanting them to smell like dirty socks. Silently he hoped it was Byunghun who stood outside, he hadn’t brought his key after all, so with that thought in mind Chanhee fastened his steps and with a wide smile he opened the door, almost ready to jump into the arms of his longtime missed boyfriends, but pure disappointment washed over him when it wasn’t his love, but another rather familiar face standing on the porch of his house. ”Hello again, Chanhee, long time no see.” The male smiled at him. “Minsoo, Bang Minsoo, don’t you remember me? I work with that boyfriend of yours.” Then realization struck him and he almost broke down. Chanhee had seen a lot of movies with sons, fathers and boyfriends being send out to participate in a war, and every time a colleague of those would knock on the door that belonged to the nearest family it was to announce the worst, the absolutely worst Chanhee had ever imagined, he had experienced too many horrible nightmares of exactly this, he would be approached and told that Byunghun, his boyfriend, the love of his life, was dead.

“M-Minsoo? Why are you here? Please don’t tell me he’s..that he’s..” He couldn’t get the word out, that small word. Minsoo just sighed and placed a gentle hand on Chanhee’s shoulder.

“Let’s go inside and talk about this, hm? And I smell fresh made coffee.” Minsoo walked past Chanhee but took his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. Minsoo was Byunghun’s colleague but also best friend so he had been in their house many times. ”Where’re the twins? I want to see them.” He smiled softly at the dumbfounded younger while pouring himself a cup of coffee, Chanhee just blinked and shook his head to wake up.

“They... are playing outside, we can sit out there?” He also prepared a cup to himself and rummaged through the cabinets to find some cookies for them all to eat while talking.

“That’s a good idea, let’s go?”

“Ne…” And with that, they both went outside to enjoy the morning sun and fresh air.

When seeing their mother, Byungchan and Chanmi rushed over and hugged Chanhee tightly around his legs, whom just told them to be careful since he was carrying a tray with hot coffee and snacks.

“Cookies?!” The twins exclaimed happily and cheered when their mother nodded.

After the twins had devoured almost every crumb of the cookies they left the table and went back to playing on the swings. With the kids gone Minsoo turned to Chanhee and cleared his throat before telling the obviously nervous guy why he had come.

“Chanhee, he’s not dead, you can relax now.” When those words left Minsoo’s mouth Chanhee visibly relaxed, his shoulders fell to their normal place and his breathing became normal, but he then again realized something, Minsoo was here for a reason.

“If he’s not… you know, then why are you here?” Chanhee blinked, showing he was confused beyond everything.

“To distract you.” He simply answered while checking his nails for dirt, occasionally he would look over at the now even more confused Chanhee, who then stood and banged his hands down on the table in pure anger.

“Distract me?! From what?!”

“That.” Minsoo smirked at Chanhee’s reaction and pointed towards the door that lead inside the house. And there, there stood the most handsome man Chanhee had ever seen, wearing a black tank-top and green cargo shorts, his blond hair messy as always and he smiled widely at Chanhee, and only at him, even when his legs was captured by two small, crying children he only looked at his beautiful boyfriend, gently he shoved them away as said boyfriend ran to the blond and engulfed him in a tight embrace, he immediately returned the hug and didn’t plan to let go soon.

“I’ve missed you so much Chanhee…”

 “I’ve missed you more, Byunghun. Don’t ever leave me again.” Byunghun smiled happily but pulled away when he felt something we dripping onto his shoulder, he checked his boyfriends face and saw he cried, he caressed his cheeks gently and wiped away the tears.

“Shh baby, don’t cry, I’m here, I won’t leave, we’re going to live our life now, with our beautiful kids, please don’t cry.” Byunghun kept wiping away Chanhee’s tears, who didn’t seem to be able to stop crying.

“Why did you scare me like that?! Sending Minsoo, I thought you were dead!” Chanhee hit his boyfriend’s chest hard a few times to let out his anger and shock. Byunghun only chuckled and grabbed the other’s wrists, stopping him.

“I’m sorry, but I needed some time to change and drop my bag, can you forgive me? Chanhee baby?” He used his best puppy dog eyes on his boyfriend and it worked, Chanhee nodded and kissed Byunghun’s lips softly, who gladly returned the gesture before lifting his boyfriend in bridal-style. “Minsoo, look after the kids, I need some alone time with this beautiful guy here.” He shouted before entering the house, carrying a now blushing Chanhee upstairs to their shared bedroom. Minsoo only laughed and shook his head, already calling his own boyfriend, inviting him over for some babysitting.


A/N I'm back!! And I'm so bad at writing long chappies, sorry guys;; 

Serious question! What do you think will happen next chapter? eue



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Vkook_jikook #1
Chapter 2: Hi... i really like this story... hope you can update soon...
Chapter 2: Update soon please >3< i really like this fanfic <3
Byungchan_angel #3
Chapter 2: Aww~ Update soon >.<
Chapter 2: thank god Byunghun is still make me nervous at first author-ssi...don't you do that again or I might be crying...
Hugscookies #5
Updated soon ..waiting for the next chap
Chapter 1: Update soon !