
Letters to Lu Han

"A/N hihihi! So there may be vugular language in this fic! Sorry to all my sensitive, and young readers:( It's just because I heard that Lu Han says "what do you want you s?" when being called around the dorm and I just wanted  to throw that in soooo waaa-laahh! Also I haven't written Lu HanXOC in sooo long! WOWOW so please excuse my lame excuse for a story. And idk if this is gonna be a oneshot or chaptered fic...I thought I was going to make it chaptered because urrr idk really;; Anyway I've been mumbling to myself for a bit too long so go on and enjoy!


The first time Lu Han receives a letter it's late Autumn. The brisk air is whipping Lu Han's face and making his eyes water. All the leaves have fallen off the trees, scattered across EXO's front door. There's a pile of envelopes and cards on the doorstep, some are bills, or letters from family, maybe even a couple of death threats, but mostly, there are letters from fans. Jongdae stumbles out of the dorm room, the morning light blinding him slightly. His hood is pulled over his face in case of sasaengs, and to cover his messed up hair. He brushes the leaves off the package and flips through the mail, before re-entering the door, shutting the door behind him with a click, making sure to reset all the safety locks.

"Ugh, more?" Jongdae grumbles, tossing some mail on the couch. "Lu Han! Get your lazy over here!"

Lu Han, who's sitting at the kitchen table, mumbles something along the words of "What do you want ?" as he runs his hand tiredly through his already knotted hair. "Gosh damn Kim Jongdae, I just want to sleep."

"Without reading your fan mail?" Jongdae says, a smirk adorning his lips. "You got a lot today, like usual." Jongdae tosses the remaining letters at Lu Han, but 'accidently' hits him in the face. "Whoops." Jongdae says with a chuckle, but both of them know he doesn't mean it.

"Jerk." Lu Han mutters under his breath as he sees Jongdae pad back to his room with a loud yawn. "Hey!" Lu Han angrily yells after him. "You can't just wake me up to sift through the mail and then just go back to bed!" But Jongdae isn't listening, he's already entering his room as Lu Han glares at him. "Yah! Kim Jongdae! Don't you ignore me! Get back here you little !"

But Jongdae only responds with a slam of his bedroom door. Lu Han slumps on his kitchen chair in defeat. He gives a the fan mail a once over and debates whether he should read it or not. It's not like he doesn't want to read it, it's just that reading fan mail can be quite tiresome at times. Not that Lu Han isn't grateful for all his fans it's just that some send him weird things, some ask for his hand in marriage, some threaten to kill him, and some just talk to him about themselves. Lu Han thinks he hates those letters the most, not because he thinks it's conceited to write about yourself in a letter but because those are the most depressing. The letters Lu Han thinks are like the diaries of his fans, all their personal feelings and problems are written upon pages and pages of paper, and he just feels so helpless. They all have problems and there's no way he can help one of them, let alone them all.

Lu Han feels like he's taking advantage of his fans when he reads their letters, their innermost thoughts. I guess it's my fault for being so damn charming and likeable. Lu Han thinks to himself, If only I were like Sehun, cold and distant, maybe then no one would feel the need to write me letters about their problems. I mean what am I supposed to do? I'm no ones fairy godmother, I mean could you see me in a sparkly tutu and wings? That'd be a horrifying sight. Lu Han shivers at the thought of being everyone's fairy godmother. But I guess the least I could do is read them, Lu Han glances at the pile of letters. But there's so many... Lu Han groans as he picks up the first envelope. "Gosh darn, why'd I have to be so nice?"

"Dear Lu Han,


Lu Han's forefingers squeeze at his temple. He's only on the first one and he's already got a headache. Why do they write to me in Korean when they know I'm Chinese? Lu Han thinks annoyingly. Lu Han looks back at the letter, the sparkly pink paper is dropping sparkles all of his fingers and his-or are they Minseok's?, sweatpants. "I hate sparkles," Lu Han grumbles as he brushes them off his fingers and pants. "I hate them more than I hate shopping with Tao on Gucci day." Lu Han remembers the last time he spent the day with Tao on Gucci day, and never will he do it again. Too much drama for a gucci bag, or in Tao's case, five. The store was crowded with women pushing, shoving, screaming, and clawing at them, it was a terrible day. Lu Han shivers, Never again. 

Maybe Tao will forget about Gucci day this year? Lu Han thinks hopefully as he picks up another card to read.

But probably not.


It's already 9 in the afternoon when Lu Han finally gets to his last card (granted he did just start three hours ago). He thinks this is a wonderful way to spend his free friday afternoon, sitting in Minseok's sweats on the plush couch, with letters scatterd over his body, floor, and couch. Lu Han desperately wonders why he didn't agree to go with Kai and the others when they had invited him to go the club with them. They had all been surprised when he declined, including himself.

"But Lu!" Sehun had whined, tugging on the older's sleeve. "I need a wingman, and all the ladies fall for you big does eyes, and fluffy hair. You have to come!"

Lu Han shrugs the taller boy off, "Oh, well good to know you only want me there to get the ladies." huffed Lu Han as he poured himself a glass of sprite, with cubes of watermelon. "I'd prefer to stay here."

Sehun finally gave in, pulling away from the older. "Okay, fine whatever. Just don't be mad when you die a and I don't."

Lu Han found himself choking on his sprite, at what the younger had said. "I am not going to die a-" Lu Han began but the others were already out the door, already seeming to have forgotten about the blond haired boy, with large eyes.

Lu Han remembers finding himself stunned and staring at the door. A small sigh leaving his lips as he settled himself on the couch, and curled up with his Pororo doll. He's right. Lu Han thought miserably.

I'm going to die a ing .



A/N OKAY AND DONEEEEEEEEE! Woooppppp! Sorry I know it's kind of lame;; but I had fun! Also should I mark this M because of language???? I really don't want to though, because when I write in the M section I feel like a total b.a. and uhhh it makes me feel uncomfortable I have no idea why;; Sorry the chapters a little short and the OC's letter didn't even come in yet! But it'll be in the next chapter which I'll start right after this one because i have no life. haha jk, but not really. lol I seriously have no life.  Anyway hope you all enjoyed:D Sorry for the mistakes;;

ALSO sorry that Lu Han seems like a total jerk;; idk how he turned out that way, but he just did;;

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Chapter 1: This fic sounds interesting!
I can't wait for your future updates. ^_^