Mending A Broken Heart

Author's Note: Hello! I am back! Who's excited? :D Haha. I am truly sorry for the long hiatus. I've just been caught up with work lately. Being a teacher is definitely not easy. Huhu. I still enjoy it nevertheless! Working with kids is just so much fun! :D Anyway, here's the long awaited update! I hope you'll enjoy the read like I enjoyed writing it. I know that I still have so much to work on but I do hope that you still enjoy reading my story. There are around 10 more chapters left and I've finished writing 5 chapters so far so yay! I'll try to publish the new chapters as soon as possible so stay tuned! ^^ Oh and, thank you for staying by my side and supporting this story. I really appreciate it! Until then, enjoy reading! See you in the next chapter! ^^


Chapter 35 - Meeting The Family

Minzy’s mood has changed from overjoyed to petrified in a matter of a split second when Yongguk told her that they were going to have dinner at his parents’ house. She is so not ready for this. It would probably not make any difference even if she prepared herself much earlier, anyway, because she would still not be ready for this.

Having him introduce her to his parents is pretty much he indirectly proposing to her. Holy freaking cow! Nobody ever brings their partner to meet their family if they were not ready for that next big step – nobody!

“Hey, everything’s going to be fine, I promise,” Yongguk tries to calm his anxious girlfriend down for the nth time since they left the shopping mall but to no avail.

The girl starts to panic again and Yongguk can only sigh as his girlfriend continues fidgeting non-stop in her seat. He has to keep reminding himself that he is driving and that their safety is currently in his hands every time he gets distracted by her antics. He really wants to hug her and comfort her but not right now. Not when he has to focus on the road ahead.

A part of him does not really understand why Minzy has to be all anxious like this. Sure, meeting the parents is a huge step in any relationship but she is an amazing girl, for crying out loud! Besides, he has told his parents about Minzy before and they really seemed to like her. Well, it is safe to say that they have already fallen in love with her charms and they have not even met her yet!

Minzy, on the other hand, is feeling several different emotions at the same time and she is so close to throwing up. Oh the horror Yongguk would feel if that truly ever happened. His car is like his second baby – his company being the first. It is too precious that he would not even let an ant crawling inside, or he would go on a total insecticide rampage. His love for his car is as comparable as Himchan’s love for his LV bag.

They reach their destination not longer than twenty minutes later. Yongguk expertly parks his car at the usual spot whenever he visits his parents and turns the engine off. Immediately, he takes Minzy’s trembling hands in his and gives them a reassuring squeeze. “Hey, look at me,” he mutters softly as he draws comforting circles on her hands, “You’re gonna do just fine! Besides, you’re Mulan, the warrior princess! You kick , remember?”

“Idiot! Mulan is not a princess,” the girl rolls her eyes before pouting adorably causing him to chuckle.

“Same difference! Now come on, I can’t wait to show my babygirl off to my family!”

“You made it sound like I’m an object or something.”

“Ayy, you know what I mean~”

Suddenly, that panicked look reappears in her beautiful eyes and with a trembling voice, Minzy finally reveals her insecurity, “But- but what if they don’t like me?”

Yongguk really wants to let out a huge sigh but decides against it. He needs to be strong, for her. Even though she never really talks about it, he knows that the girl has her times when she just questions everything and everyone around her. Well, we all do the same at times, right?

Despite this, however, he never looks at her as someone who is weak. In fact, this trait of hers is what makes her more human and it reminds him every time that it is his job to be there for her, to tell her that she is just perfect the way she is. That is the beauty of being in a relationship, right? We help each other get back up whenever we fall into the deepest pit. We help paint each other’s blank canvas and bring colours to our lives together.

“That’s not gonna happen, do you know why?” Yongguk then says with great confidence, “Because it would be stupid of them to dislike someone who has saved their son’s life.”


“Ssh! Enough with all those doubts of yours! Everything’s going to be alright, okay? You trust me, right, babygirl?”

Although she has a long list of doubts and insecurities in her life, there is one thing that she could never be more than sure of, and that is Yongguk. She trusts him with all her body and soul. She knows that no matter what happens, he will be there for her, always. So without any hesitation, she nods her head and that brings out a big smile on Yongguk’s face.

“That’s my Mulan! Now come on, don’t wanna let the future in-law waiting, do you?” he winks playfully but the girl can only stare ahead with widened eyes and a dropped jaw as her boyfriend drags her into the elevator.

Holy freaking cow, goat, sheep and all the other similar species!

The thirty-two second elevator ride from the basement to the tenth floor feels like a lifetime and Minzy’s heart just cannot stop pounding heavily against her chest as they are getting closer and closer to the door. Yongguk’s whispers of comforting words come in her right ear, only to leave through her left ear soon after. Her eyes can only focus on the black door before them. With a swift movement of his fingers, the door finally opens with a click.

This is it.

Deep breath, Minzy, deep breath.

“Mom, dad, we’re here!” Yongguk announces as soon as they enter and the next thing Minzy knows, she is suddenly being engulfed in a bone-crushing hug.

“Honey, take it easy, you’re killing the poor girl,” says a male voice a few moments later, pulling the woman away from choking the stunned girl to death.

A few strangled coughs escape as Minzy regains her composure. Yongguk, who also seems quite shocked by his mother’s sudden attack, immediately pats her back to help her breathe normally again, before leading his girlfriend to the couch. His mother then comes rushing in with a glass of water, panting, “I am so, so sorry, my dear. I’m just so excited to finally meet you!”

“And she just cannot stop talking about you since she woke up this morning, I think my ears are getting deaf by it,” Mr. Bang adds, chuckling.

Minzy’s eyes widen slightly upon hearing that. She has never really been in this situation before so she is not really sure how to react. It is quite awkward yet, a sense of happiness fills her heart somehow. Although she has only met them for several minutes, she can feel that their affection for her is genuine. She has met a lot of people and experienced a lot of heartbreaks to separate the truth from lies and acts.

And that alone is enough to get rid of all the doubts she was having before. Yongguk was right, everything is indeed going to be just fine. So with a big smile and newfound confidence, the girl bows and greets the two elders in the room, earning an equally big grin and a squeal from Mr. and Mrs. Bang respectively.

After several more minutes talking and getting to know each other, the girl follows Mrs. Bang into the kitchen to help her prepare dinner, leaving the two men in the living room to catch up a little bit more. A smile never leaves Yongguk’s face as he stares at Minzy’s figure moves about, from chopping ingredients to tasting the stew his mother is cooking. The sight is just so warming and it makes his heart go crazy.

Mr. Bang, who is sitting across his son, cannot help but smile, himself. It has been long since he last saw his son this happy, really long. Although Yongguk never really talked to them about his problems, he knew that his son went through a pretty tough time after his last break up. He rarely smiled nor talked like he usually would whenever he visited them. He was just not himself for a very long time. He was… dead.

But now, everything has changed. And it is all because of Gong Minji.

“She’s definitely a keeper, son,” Mr. Bang smiles as he, too, stares in admiration at the two women in the kitchen; particularly at the younger one, who has brought the joy back into his son’s life.

Yongguk jumps a little in his seat, quite surprised by his dad’s voice. He cannot help but chuckle at himself as heat begins to rush to face. He must have been too focused on his girlfriend that he completely forgot about his father. “She is, isn’t she?” he replies with a broad smile, slightly blushing.

Before Mr. Bang can comment any further, however, the doorbell rings – rather incessantly for that matter – startling the father and son. “Ah, that must be your sister!” the old man exclaims excitedly after a few moments as he runs towards the door.

“What?! You invited noona too?!”

And just like that, Bang Yongguk’s happy little world comes crashing down. Why? Because Bang Yejin, his older sister, has only one mission in her life. And that is to embarrass her little brother.

“Stinky~ I’ve missed you~” the said woman cries as soon as she steps inside the house, enveloping his brother in a tight hug.

Sigh. Here she goes again.



“So, does this brat still fart in his sleep?” Yejin asks Minzy with amused eyes during dinner, causing the mentioned guy to huff in annoyance.

He is a grown, twenty-five-year old man for crying out loud! Why would he fart in his sleep? Besides, what is so wrong about farting, anyway? Everyone farts! That is such a biologically normal thing to do! And there is definitely nothing to be ashamed of… right?

Flustered by Yejin’s rather unusual question, Minzy just chuckles awkwardly before shaking her head lightly. “How would I know, we don’t live together,” the girl replies shyly.

“Ay, you don’t have to live together to sleep together, you know~”

“Bang Yejin, stop teaching the young girl weird stuff!” Mrs. Bang interrupts, shaking her head in disapproval and the whole table bursts into laughter.

“Alright, alright, forget that I asked anything. Hmph!” the eldest child of the Bang family sticks her tongue out childishly at the youngest across the table, causing her husband to chuckle at her childish behaviour.

After dinner, they all gather at the living room, enjoying the dessert Mrs. Bang has specially prepared. The siblings seem to start bickering again at some point of time. Seojun, Yejin’s husband, has long given up on convincing his wife to leave her brother alone and busies himself by talking with Mr. Bang instead.  

Minzy, on the other hand, has her eyes widened as the sweet, chocolaty taste of the dessert hits her palates. She loves everything chocolate. She can eat them everyday, be it a cake, an ice cream or a cookie. But this, this is definitely the best chocolate brownie she has ever had, hands down! The flavour just melts in and she cannot help but moan in satisfaction.

“I’ll give you the recipe if you want,” Mrs. Bang giggles beside the young girl as she, too, takes a spoonful of the brownie she made.

“Oh, yes, please! That would be awesome!” Minzy replies almost immediately with a big grin plastered on her face.

“Alright, let me get a pen and paper, just wait a sec!”

With that, Mrs. Bang disappears into the kitchen, leaving Minzy to indulge her dessert more. Her heart is pounding in excitement as she thinks about trying to bake the brownie herself. Baking is one of her favourite things to do during free time and she just cannot wait to try and bake this for Yongguk someday. Apparently, it is his favourite too.

“Can you, please, stop calling me that?!” Yongguk’s loud voice suddenly brings her out of her daze; even Mr. Bang and Seojun seem to be quite taken aback by the sudden increase in volume.

“Nope! Stinky, stinky, stinky~” Yejin teases even more, laughing evilly at her annoyed brother, “Minzy, do you wanna know how your boyfriend got that nickname?”

“Noona, don’t you dare!”

Minzy blinks once or twice before turning to look at her boyfriend who is standing by a bookshelf. The guy is glaring at her, sending her a silent message through his eyes. The girl understands perfectly what he is trying to say but pretends like she does not as she nods eagerly at the older female. Ecstatic, Yejin jumps off of her seat and rushes to Minzy’s side, very eager to share her story.

Once his sister starts something, she will do it till the very end. There is no way stopping her. That is probably one of her traits that Yongguk respect and look up to so much. But there are times when he just dislikes this part of his sister, just like this very moment. That woman is just so determined to ruin his life, isn’t she? Helpless, the young man resorts to banging his head on the bookshelf several times.

And when the room erupts into laughter, a deep sigh escapes his lips. That’s it! His life is forever doomed! His girlfriend is probably going to think that he is weird and gross from now on. Ugh, damn that stupid prune juice that he drank seventeen years ago!

“Is that true?” he can hear Minzy asks, amusement is evident in her voice.

“Yes, really!” Yejin nods with a wide grin, “My brother is so sweet, isn’t he?”

Wait, what? What are they talking about? Why is he suddenly a sweet guy? Isn’t he supposed to be stinky and gross?

Confused, the poor guy can only scratch his head as he stares at his girlfriend making her way to him. The girl immediately wraps her arms around his waist and mutters a soft thank you, before giving a peck on his lips. Minzy cannot help but giggle at her boyfriend’s blank face. He must be really, really shocked and confused.

She kisses his lips again before saying, “Thank you, Gukkie, for this.”

It is not until he notices the familiar necklace around her neck that he finally grasps the situation. He remembers that necklace. He got it when he was around seven, from one of those little plastic eggs he got from the machine at the 24-7 mart just a block away. It is just a simple necklace, with a blue star pendant. Well, it is basically just a toy but still wearable. And it looks absolutely amazing around her neck like that.

He cannot believe that his sister still has it and most of all, he cannot believe that she still remembers their promises, after all these years. The seven-year old Yongguk had promised to give the Captain Planet ring his sister got to her future husband when they grow up and he really did, while the thirteen-year old Yejin had promised that she would give the necklace to his future wife, in which she just did.

Now, although her brother has not officially proposed to the girl just yet, she can somehow feel that this girl is the one he would marry someday. She can just see it in their eyes, the love they have for each other. Not only Yejin, even Mr. and Mrs. Bang can sense it all, and even her aloof husband. And just so everyone knows, this is the first time in his whole twenty-five years of life that Yongguk has brought a girl home.

Not even Jihye, his supposedly first love, had ever got the privilege to step foot inside this house, let alone be introduced to the whole Bang family.

Only Gong Minji.




p/s: Don't forget to subscribe, upvote and comment! ^^


Story by: afagyel | Poster and background by: Tomoe Graphic Shop

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junghafie #1
Simply say this story is awesome i love every chapters every parts of it >< u r a great author, keep it up! /out to check ur other stories xD/
PennyB912 #2
Chapter 48: Awwwwww!!!! Love this SO much!! Beautifully done!!! <3
this is my third time reading this. i really enjoyed this story. i didn't realize that minzy and yongguk actually look good together until i read this ^///^ thanks for writing and sharing this story with us!
Really sweet! I like how the story progressed. Not too slow, not to fast and I really love you for giving closure for all the characters! Seriously you are the best ^^ I enjoyed the story very much :D
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 49: Thank you so much for writing such a great story! it was a sweet ending, I loved how we had to guess who was pregnant & sweet surprise at who it actually was!!! loved the ending, thank you again! ^_^
Chapter 49: Thank you for this amazing story, Author nim
andrea13 #7
Chapter 49: Thank you for this amaizing story. I hope you continue writing, again thanks ❤❤❤
Chapter 49: Thank you this story was really really really good I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 49: I love your story with minzy as the main :)
Chapter 9: "always remember, that God wouldn’t give us anything that we couldn’t handle" I needed that thank u :)
And the story is wonderful so far.. great job ♡