Mending A Broken Heart

Chapter 29 - Wedding Jitters

“Remember, behave,” Eunmi reminds her cousin for the nth time.

Today is Daesung’s wedding, finally, and they are both invited to the event. Today also marks the second week Minzy and Yongguk not talking to each other. Eunmi really cannot fathom their stubbornness, it is very frustrating. So frustrating that it is driving her nuts, fast.

Yongguk has initially declined her offer to be her date for the day but hey, who could say no to the persistent Eunmi? Not to mention the numerous threats she has thrown at the male at every chance possible. Therefore, after days of countless sarcastic remarks and warnings from his cousin, Yongguk does not really have any other choice but to say yes. Or, a nuclear bomb would erupt.

Eunmi would have really loved to go with her boyfriend but she figures that this would be the best chance to get that stubborn ‘ol cousin of hers to talk to that equally headstrong of a girl that she calls her best friend. Besides, nobody really knows of her relationship with Himchan, yet. It is actually quite a miracle that the two manage to keep it a secret from everybody for the past month.

“I can understand you the first time, Mimi, I’m not deaf! And geez, you’re really starting to sound more like mom lately, do you realise that?”

“Well, it runs in the blood, I guess.”

“Uh, the last time I checked, you’re dad’s niece, not mom’s. So how on earth could her blood possibly run in your veins? That just doesn’t make sense!”

Eunmi would have made a smartass comeback, like she usually does, but is held back by the truth that just came out of Yongguk’s mouth. For once, the smart-mouth Eunmi is speechless, as a light blush begins to creep on both her cheeks.

Rather annoyed by her own inability to come up with a clever retort, the girl simply groans and steps on the accelerator with extra force, speeding away along the wide empty highway. Yongguk cannot help but chuckle in contentment in his seat, feeling very satisfied that he succeeded – which, mind you, is really, really rare – to annoy the living hell out of Eunmi. Usually, it is the other way round. But not today.

Not today.

His contentment, however, completely disappears as soon as the beach, which also happens to be the wedding venue, comes into sight. All of a sudden, his hearts starts to beat rapidly in his chest, nervous as hell. He has not spoken to Minzy in a while, let alone seen her face to face. Today would be the first day he would see her face again.

A part of him is extremely excited about it. Only god knows how much he missed her, how much he longed for her for the past couple weeks. But his ego has got the best of him, much to his own disappointment. Another part of him, though, just feels like running as far, far away as possible. He feels rather embarrassed of himself, to say the least.

He is embarrassed for being such a cowards, for hiding in the comfort of his office and avoiding the problem instead of manning up to his own mistakes and apologise like a gentleman should have. What would Minzy think of him now? She is probably very disappointed and turned off by his damn foolishness.

But then again, he is not the only one at fault now, is it? As far as he could remember, Minzy did not give him a chance to explain himself and clear the situation. And she did not even contact him at all after the fight. In his eyes, she is partly to blame as well. With that thought in mind, Yongguk huffs an exasperated sigh, before ruffling his well-combed hair into a mess and leans back into his seat.

Meanwhile, Minzy is trying her best to calm the nervous Mina down. Ever since they reached the beach house this morning, the latter just could not stop worrying about well, practically everything. Minseok has been running back and forth countless times to check on the catering, the seating arrangements, the flowers and everything wedding-related as per requested by his beloved sister. The wedding planner that the husband-and-wife-to-be has long surrendered and is now laying on the couch, unconscious, in the bride’s waiting room.

“Eomma, can you please calm down? Stop pacing back forth, it’s making me feel dizzy!” cries the six-year old Jinwoo while hugging his favourite stuffed Tigger – a present from Yongguk from one of their outings together – tightly.

The woman immediately runs towards her son with an apologetic look and cups his face with her two soft hands. “Aww, my baby, my poor baby,” Mina coos, wiping several tiny droplets of sweat on the boy’s forehead, “I didn’t mean to make you feel sick, eomma is really sorry.”

“It’s okay, Jinwoo understands,” the little boy assures, eliciting a relieved smile from his mother.

Minzy, who is silently watching the two from the corner of the room, cannot help but to also smile at the warm and loving sight. A part of her is rather envious of Jinwoo, for she never had such a relationship with her own mother.

Sometimes, she wonders how it is like having a mother taking care of her whenever she is sick. How it is like having a mother who reads fairytales every night before going to sleep. How it is like having a mother who tucks you safely into bed and gives you a goodnight kiss on the forehead. How it is like having a mother to share

Her feelings with and maybe also gossip with every now and then.

She never got to experience all those things. At least, not with her real mother. The closest she ever had to a motherly figure would probably be her grandmother, but she passed away when she was still very young. And then there was her nanny, Mrs. Jung. That woman stuck by her side through her ups and downs, and she probably still will do so if Minzy had never left home. However, no matter how close and dear those two women were to her, they were not her real mother. The feelings and experiences they shared would never be the same with those she could have shared with her own mother.

After several more minutes observing the mother-and-son pair, Minzy decided to check on her brother for a bit. Who knows what crazy thing he is doing right now to calm his nerves. Daesung has the tendency to do the weirdest stuff, like making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and forcing random people to eat them, whenever he is feeling anxious or having a panic attack. Heaving a sigh, the girl then steps out of the door and heads towards the groom’s waiting room just at the other end of the corridor.

From the hallway, she can see Minseok talking to a few of the staff hired specially for the event. Poor him, the man looks really tired and stressed out. Knocking on the mahogany door twice, Minzy gently turns the doorknob and sticks her head in between the small space of the opened door. “How is my oppa doing?” she giggles, upon seeing the anxious expression on her brother’s face.

“Mingkki~” the said man immediately whines like a baby, running towards his sister before enveloping her into a tight hug, “Oh, thank god, you’re here! I’m seriously losing my mind!”

A soft chuckle escapes her lips once again as they pull away from the hug. Daesung looks like a total mess, despite being in a well-tailored black-and-white tux. She has never seen him quite jumpy like this before, and she cannot hide the smile that is slowly getting wider and wider by the passing second.

She is really happy for her brother. After several breakups and heartbreaks, he finally found the right one, his soul mate. And it makes her even happier to know that the woman he is going to marry is someone that she dearly loves and looks up to.

Despite the huge difference between their personalities, Daesung and Mina are truly meant for each other. They are like the moon and the star – two completely different things but yet, they complement each other very well. And together, they shine beautifully and brighten up the darkness of the night. Besides, Jinwoo is finally going to have someone who he can call as a father. What could be better than that, right?

“Oh, come on! You’re gonna do just fine!” Minzy rolls her eyes teasingly at the older male.

“But what if I messed up? What if I lost my voice right when I’m about to say ‘I do’? Or, or… oh no, what if Mina runs away before the whole thing even starts?!” Daesung gasps overdramatically as he starts to panic, earning a harsh slap on his right shoulder.

“Chill out, will you?!”

“Yeah, chill out, Daedae,” a deep voice agrees with Minzy, startling the two siblings.

“Dad!” they bout screams simultaneously, causing the old man to chuckle happily.

“Hello, my children,” he grins widely with open arms, as Daesung and Minzy run towards him like two little kids.

Both of them immediately engulf their father in a big, bear hug, genuinely happy to see the old man all healthy and smiley again. Mr. Gong has definitely come a long way. After almost a year being sick, he is slowly getting better. Minzy is partly to be thanked for that, for if she had not shown up, he would probably never agree to get into therapy and whatnot.

“You came!” exclaims Daesung, a bit shocked.

“Of course! I wouldn’t miss my son’s wedding, that would be insane!”

That makes Daesung smile even wider and hugs his father even more tightly. Too tight that the old man starts to cough a little. Being the protective one of the two siblings, Minzy immediately pulls her brother away by his collar and throws him onto the couch rather violently. “Hey, you’re ruining my Armani suit!” the older sibling complains with a whiny voice.

“Well, you’re trying to kill dad!”

“Kids, kids, calm down! I’m fine and your brother is not trying to kill, he’s just being the dork that he is,” Mr. Gong chuckles at the adorable sight before his eyes.

Only god knows how happy he is at the moment, to finally be able to reunite with his two children and see them bickering like they usually did when they were just kids. He missed this. He missed them, a lot. He was such a fool for not realising all his mistakes sooner and be the perfect father figure he should have been for his children. He was too caught up on making money and making a name for himself that he failed to realise that those things could never bring him any joy and contentment like his family could.

Of course, it was not that easy to get to where they are now.




Author's Note: Yay! Daesung is finally getting married! And it's gonna be a wedding by the beach! In Autumn! Haha! Probably gonna be chilly~ but hey, the view will be nice, right? ;) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm afraid that it's just another filler chapter but hey, the interesting part is coming soon. Pretty soon, actually. I hope. Lol. XD So, as usual, comment, subscribe and upvote! ^^ Love ya!

p/s: Guess who's my B.A.P bias? ;D


Story by: afagyel | Poster and background by: Tomoe Graphic Shop

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junghafie #1
Simply say this story is awesome i love every chapters every parts of it >< u r a great author, keep it up! /out to check ur other stories xD/
PennyB912 #2
Chapter 48: Awwwwww!!!! Love this SO much!! Beautifully done!!! <3
this is my third time reading this. i really enjoyed this story. i didn't realize that minzy and yongguk actually look good together until i read this ^///^ thanks for writing and sharing this story with us!
Really sweet! I like how the story progressed. Not too slow, not to fast and I really love you for giving closure for all the characters! Seriously you are the best ^^ I enjoyed the story very much :D
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 49: Thank you so much for writing such a great story! it was a sweet ending, I loved how we had to guess who was pregnant & sweet surprise at who it actually was!!! loved the ending, thank you again! ^_^
Chapter 49: Thank you for this amazing story, Author nim
andrea13 #7
Chapter 49: Thank you for this amaizing story. I hope you continue writing, again thanks ❤❤❤
Chapter 49: Thank you this story was really really really good I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 49: I love your story with minzy as the main :)
Chapter 9: "always remember, that God wouldn’t give us anything that we couldn’t handle" I needed that thank u :)
And the story is wonderful so far.. great job ♡