Mending A Broken Heart

Author's Note: So, chapter three is finally out. I am truly sorry for the long wait. I just finished writing my other fanfic so my focus now will solely be on this fic. Yay! Stay tuned for more interesting chapters in the future but for now, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter! :D


Chapter 3 - Could This Be Fate? Part I

“So it’s true, the Bang Yongguk really is here,” Yongguk’s head immediately turns to see the source of the voice.

“Hey,” he mutters apologetically, handing him the bag of sushi he got him; he wanted to give it to him earlier but Himchan was not in just yet.

Himchan’s eyes widen in excitement as he mentally drools over the food but surprisingly, he doesn’t touch them just yet, which is not really him at all by the way. There is something else in his mind at the moment, and that is his best friend’s well being.

“So, how have you been?” Himchan asks, taking a seat next to his best friend.

Yongguk remains quiet for a while, he doesn’t even dare to look into the man’s eyes. He feels really guilty for being such a sore-loser, for letting him do everything all by himself. He has been nothing but a pain in the to his best friend and now, here he is, asking him how he has been doing like he did nothing wrong at all. He knows that it is so stupid of him to be thinking this way, but Yongguk really thought that Himchan would snap at him once he sees his face. The reality though, he does not, and it just makes Yongguk feel ten times guiltier.

“It’d be a lie if I say that I’m fine, but I’m holding up. I’m really trying my best to let the past be… well, just the past.”

Himchan could only sigh. He feels really sorry for his best friend, he really does. Other than Eunmi, Himchan is one of the very few people who knows how Yongguk is when he’s very much in love. He tried advising him a few times that he should take things a little slower, but Yongguk is pretty much unstoppable once his heart has decided to fall in love. It is something Himchan wishes his friend would fix in the future because it has obviously done him nothing but harm.

“Hey, what happened to my cheerful and laid-back husband?” Himchan pouts, elbowing Yongguk playfully, hoping that his simple act would bring a genuine smile on the latter’s face.

And Himchan’s wish does come true. Yongguk is smiling from ear to ear. No, he is laughing. He is laughing happily! Himchan cannot help but to smile widely, himself.

“Finally, I missed that gummy smile of yours.”

“Geez, people would really think that you’re gay one of these days.”

“Well, as long as we know that I’m not, I guess I’m all right with it,” Himchan shrugs, leaning back against his chair.

Yongguk just shakes his head in amusement. He really doesn’t get Himchan’s jokes sometimes. They are just ridiculous. But then again, that is just who he is, and Yongguk actually likes that side of his best friend – so carefree and happy-go-lucky.

“Wait until a very special girl comes into your life, Chanie. We’ll see what happens then. I don’t think you would want her to think that you’re gay, do you?” Yongguk turns to his friend, raising an eyebrow playfully at him.

Himchan’s heartbeat somehow slightly increases and he starts to fidget nervously in his seat. However, before he could even say anything, Yongguk is already laughing his heart out like a freaking lunatic. This only makes Himchan feels even more annoyed at his so-called husband.

“I hate you,” he pouts at the laughing machine before storming out of the room, of course, not leaving the sushi behind.

Yongguk chuckles as he leans back on his chair, resting his head on his hands. It is definitely good to be back. 



“Be nice to her, oppa!”

Eunmi’s voice echoes throughout the room. Yongguk has put her on loudspeaker while he gets ready for the nth date his cousin has forced him into. He really is not looking forward to it but he doesn’t really have any other choice either. He knows very well that Eunmi will nag non-stop for the rest of his life if he rejected it. Well, that sounds a bit too dramatic but you get the picture.

“I am always nice to women.”

“Such a player.”

“No, just a gentleman.”

“Whatever, just be nice or I’ll kill you!”

“I thought I was your cousin? You should back me up, not the girl, whatever her name is,” Yongguk is suddenly in the mood to tease his not-so-little cousin.

“Yeah, but I love her more,” she retorted jokingly.


“Just joking! Of course, I love my Yongguk oppa~”

“Tsk, too late. This oppa is sad.”


Yongguk really cannot stop laughing. Teasing Eunmi is very entertaining, he should make it as a hobby. Yeah, he definitely should.

Eunmi continues to blabber some things while Yongguk checks himself on the mirror. He has been going on dates countless times after his breakup but he never really cared about his appearance. He usually just went out with a simple t-shirt, a pair of jeans and sneakers. At times, he would put on a black cardigan over his shirt or a hat, but that’s just it. Nothing too fancy.

Oddly, for some reason he is a bit self-conscious today and pays more attention to his clothes. Maybe Eunmi was right, he is a bit interested in this date somehow. Or maybe his interest in fashion just grows a bit more. Yeah, the second reason sounds more legit. Why would he be interested anyway? It’s just a date, a blind date. Besides, he doesn’t even know the girl. She could have been ugly for all he knows. So the second option makes more sense… right?

“Oppa! Are you listening to me? Op-”

“Eunmi, can you please not scream? You’d scare the out of the neighbours.”

“Well, I wouldn’t have screamed if you paid attention, would I?”

Yongguk heaves a defeated sigh. With Eunmi constantly nagging about this and that, he sometimes feels like she is acting like a wife more than a cousin. And she really reminds him a lot of Himchan when she nags. Now that he thinks of it, they are somewhat similar in so many ways. Creepy.

Maybe I should set them up. Yeah that would be awesome! A brilliantly evil thought suddenly creeps into his mind causing him to chuckle.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m sorry, aight? Look, it’s getting late, I gotta go. Don’t wanna keep the lady waiting now, do we?”

“All right, tell me everything about it later! Fighting!”

With that, Eunmi finally hangs up the phone, much to his relief. Yongguk takes one last look in the mirror and nods in satisfaction. Grabbing his keys and wallet, he then leaves his apartment to go to the designated place – the Gureum Café, a famous café on one of the 6 Han River bridges. Of all places, Eunmi had to pick such a romantic place for a first date. Not to mention, it is quite expensive too. He can only sigh thinking of how awkward things would get later on.

He arrives at the café in less than thirty minutes and his heart suddenly beats faster. Weird. To most people, it is pretty normal to feel nervous on dates. But not Yongguk. He has always managed to keep himself together every time and that is, of course, until today. Why is he nervous? He does not particularly know himself. But as much as the thought bothers him, he just shrugs it off for now. Whatever happens, happens.

“Annyeonghaseyo, welcome to our café. Have you made any reservations, sir?” a waiter greets him with a big smile as soon as he steps inside.

“Uh, y-yeah. Bang Eunmi?”

The waiter hums as his eyes scan through the reservation list. “Ah! There it is, Bang Eunmi. One table for two,” he smiles before ushering Yongguk to his seat.

Yongguk’s jaws drop in awe upon seeing the amazing view in front of him. The way the colourful lights from the water fountain shimmer on the water is just so beautiful. He has been to the Han River Park a lot of times, to jog or to clear his mind, but he has never really appreciated the view as much as he does tonight. Maybe he was not paying as much attention before. Silly him. But now that he does… wow. Just, wow.

“Would you like to order now, sir?” the voice of the waiter brings him back from his trance.

“No, I’ll wait for my date.”

The waiter smiles and nods in understanding. “Well then, sir, if you need anything just call any one of us,” he bows before going back to his post.

Yongguk checks his watch. He did not realise that he was actually twenty minutes early. Oh well, why not use this opportunity to admire the picturesque view more. Taking a few photos does not sound like a bad idea as well. So he takes out his phone and setting the camera on black and white mode, he snaps a photo of the calm, night river – quite the contradiction of the busy city life. Satisfied with his masterpiece, Yongguk uploads it on his Instagram with a simple caption, ‘Serenity’.

Putting his phone aside, he continues to admire the view. Minutes have passed and his date is still nowhere to be seen. Could she be hiding somewhere spying on him? Just in case, he scans the room to look for a suspicious looking person but to no avail. Everyone is either with their respective dates or in a group of friends. So, she is definitely not spying on him, nope.

Yongguk checks on his watch again. His date, whoever she is, has only five more minutes left. He suddenly feels restless in his seat, he really dislikes people who are not punctual. Unless, of course, they have a good reason for doing so. A very good reason. Just as his blood is about to boil up in annoyance, he notices the waiter approaching his direction with a woman, whom he assumes is his blind date of the night. Finally.

The woman has a very pretty smile. That, he cannot deny. But wait a minute! Isn’t that…

“Oh, it’s Mr. Responsible!”




Story by: afagyel | Poster and background by: Tomoe Graphic Shop

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junghafie #1
Simply say this story is awesome i love every chapters every parts of it >< u r a great author, keep it up! /out to check ur other stories xD/
PennyB912 #2
Chapter 48: Awwwwww!!!! Love this SO much!! Beautifully done!!! <3
this is my third time reading this. i really enjoyed this story. i didn't realize that minzy and yongguk actually look good together until i read this ^///^ thanks for writing and sharing this story with us!
Really sweet! I like how the story progressed. Not too slow, not to fast and I really love you for giving closure for all the characters! Seriously you are the best ^^ I enjoyed the story very much :D
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 49: Thank you so much for writing such a great story! it was a sweet ending, I loved how we had to guess who was pregnant & sweet surprise at who it actually was!!! loved the ending, thank you again! ^_^
Chapter 49: Thank you for this amazing story, Author nim
andrea13 #7
Chapter 49: Thank you for this amaizing story. I hope you continue writing, again thanks ❤❤❤
Chapter 49: Thank you this story was really really really good I enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 49: I love your story with minzy as the main :)
Chapter 9: "always remember, that God wouldn’t give us anything that we couldn’t handle" I needed that thank u :)
And the story is wonderful so far.. great job ♡