Chapter 6

The Peeking Death

Loud scream marked round two has started.


Yoona, Yuri, Jessica and Hyoyeon jumped by the scream, no need second time to think, they knew already it’s from the forest team. All of their hope broke down, their shoulders became stiff, all of their heads were turned to the direction of the sound source.

Their hearts seemed stopped but still pounding hard. A block of ice suddenly froze in their throat, they tried to speak, but nothing came out.

Hyoyeon immediately knew it was her cue, she got up fast and ran to the door, “I’m going!” she announced, without waiting for the reply, she rushed out from the room and to the forest, for finding their missing links of member.

The door slammed shut and the silence greeted the room. Jessica collapsed in Yuri’s arm once again. The three were shocked, 4 members… maybe they had lost 4 members. Their troaths were dried already, their tear glands were empty already, no more sobs, no more sniffs, just… a painful feelings in the chests.

A minute after a dead silence, the door slammed open, revealing a panting Rei. His eyes were shooting glare everywhere and noticed that it’s not crowded, it’s not 7 girls anymore in the room, instead there were 3 girls, sitting helplessly at the floor. Was either this girls that the murder or the other 4 girls that gone from the room, Rei thought.

Maybe for the hundredth time of the night, Rei sighed again, “Okay, tell me what happens!” he said firmly, not caring to be nice nor formal again. Still shocked of what just happen, no answer was given to Rei. Knowing them, he knew if he want to know about what happen, he should ask Yuri, because she’s the fastest to recover from the shock. “Yuri Noona…” he called slowly.

The called one blinked twice before awaken from her thought, she lifted up her head and looked to Rei, “Uh… yes?” she asked groggily, knowing that she did something wrong.

“Tell me what happens!” he asked, so firm, almost like commanding. While Yuri was scratching her nape in nervous, Yoona was looking down in guilt, and Jessica slowly came back to the real world.

“Uh… how to put up this, hmm…” Yuri scratched her nape agan, “Well, uhm…we sent Sunny, Soo, and Seo to find us some help, maybe from the police or some local. And we did it secretly because we knew that you wouldn’t let us.” She paused for a moment, reminiscing the scene 5 minutes ago, she let out a sigh. “Then, they screamed. And Hyoyeon is the back up for them if anything goes wrong, so after the scream, she ran out immediately and then you came in.” she said again, mentally she was wiping her tears that wasn’t even exist.

“Then… why are you still here?” Rei asked, lifting his eyebrows. Don’t get him wrong, he just wanted to know what role that these girls playing, definitely not the rescue team nor the back up team.

“We’re supposed to be the one who convince you, besides, we can’t leave Taengo and Fanny’s body here… We should pick them up later,” Yuri said again.

“Fine.. that’s a bit of acceptable, maybe?” Rei said. He’s upset because when he’s busy figuring out the trick and tried his best to keep the last remaining girls safe, they did this. But, who can stay mad for girls like SNSD?

“Sorry..” Jessica and Yoona mumbled quietly at the same time. Rei just gave a faint nod as the reply.

Looking how hopeless the girl was, Rei’s heart was aching too, fist fail, Taeyeon’s death. Second fail, Tiffany’s death, third fail, four girls are missing. But Rei need to search for them in order to find something.

And now, Rei had to think, what reason that he should tell the rest of the girls.

“Uhm… Noona? I’ll go search for them,” he said slowly. Rei’s word sent the girls to shock and confuse again.

“Huh, for what?” Jessica asked for the first time, completely confused by Rei’s statement.

“Uh.. you know… they may be still alive,” Rei explained, now it’s his turn to scratch his nape.

A glint of hope sparked in the girls’ eyes at Rei statement. He’s right, there’s still no prove that the team was dead, it just a scream right? Who knows it was just their shocked scream because of a bug, because you know, Sunny is afraid of bugs. Or maybe it’s just for a night creature that scared them. And… hopefully it’s only because of they’re shocked of a sudden appearance of a police. Maybe… just maybe, they still can’t be sure.

But at least, Rei’s word rose their hope to see the four girls again. To hug them again, to do stuffs together again.

Once Rei saw the spark that in the girls’ eyes, his lips formed a faint smile. At least he’s not failing this time, to not get the girls worried.

“That’s right! They could be still alive!” Yoona mumbled, more to herself. Slowly her guilt is disappearing, maybe because of her plan they might be safed. But again, it still has the word maybe… The thought of the word maybe brought Yoona back to her guiltyness. She stayed at looking to the floor for a brief moment before turing her head towards Rei direction.

“C-can I come?” Yoona said groggily, while her fingers were playing at each other. Her mind knew perfectly that Rei wouldn’t let her come. But still, she has to try, because everything was worth to try for her.

Rei pursed his eyes together as the replied, clearly didn’t like the idea of Yoona coming with him and left Yuri and Jessica alone in this villa. Even though Rei already suspected the girls to be the murderer, but he kept on open minded, it could be an outsider who killed SNSD’s Leader and SNSD’s Eye smilling queen. And Yoona is the strongest member, maybe it could help when the murderer attacks them while he’s not around.

“No, you can’t come,” Rei shook his head in disapproval. Yoona exhaled and looked down, slightly upset because she couldn’t come. Rei sighed again, “Yoona Noona, we can’t leave Yuri Noona and Jessica Noona here, alone. At least three people are needed to protect their own, besides you’re the strongest member right? You can always protect them,” Rei said again after seeing that Yoona is upset, he forced an encouragement smile to Yoona.

Yoona nodded slighty, really a small nod even can be considerated as no nod and immediately feeling a hug from her side. “That’s right Yoona, stay here,” Jessica said as she hugged the deer.

“Uh-huh, Rei and Sica were right.. I would say the same to Yoong. Besides I wouldn’t let my precious baby to go to the forest,” Yuri said, she hugged Yoona from the other side so Yoona’s body was between Yuri and Jessica’s embrace. Yuri forced a grin at her last sentence, she really wanted to lighten up the mood, for her, it’s already too much of a sad scene tonight, can’t this show just ended? She thought.

“Yeah, our baby,” Jessica said again, picking up Yuri’s intention to melt the tense ice. Yeah, they knew that they were a family, a family that made up by the fans... The happy Royal Family, and that can’t that happy family for this horrible night.

Yoona was picking up her fake parents’ intention, so she put up a considering face, “Uhm… should I?” she said in a low voice, really making it like she’s serious.

“Yes!” Yuri and Jessica said it in the same time, giving light kiss to Yoona’s hair also at the same time. Yoona smiled dorkyly when she felt two pair of lips in her hair, how she wished her childhood have this kind of memories, but oh well, her fake parents did so well.

“Hmm… but I’m really worried for Seobaby,” Yoona said in a teasing tone, but she really meant it.

“Yah! Me too, we all worried for your baby,” Yuri and Jessica said it again, at the same time again. And also, they really meant that too. Yep, they’re knew that Yoona was paired up to Seohyun too, and they decided to put that to in their little drama.

After hearing that, Yoona let out a small laugh which followed by Yuri and Jessica. For a moment, they looked like a bunch of happy girls without any problems. Ironic that they actualy facing one of their biggest problem in their life.

Rei couldn’t help but to put on a small smile, it just like the day back then at the dorm when they’re just being playful. But he went back to his previous expression, serious expression.

“Uhm.. Noona, I’m going,” Rei said, he bowed lightly to the girls.

“Ne… be careful, Rei,” Yuri said. She left Yoona’s warmth and sat straight, trying to be more serious.

Rei nodded, he moved his heels towards the door, but stop after remembering something. He turned his head back at the girls, “Don’t do anything stupid again,” he said, before completely leaving the girls behind. Well, he tried to trust this three girls, but he couldn’t help it to warn the girls since the last act they did it’s kind of stupid.

After Rei left the room, Yoona gave a playfull scoff, “Huff… we’re not stupid,” she said crossing her arms in front of her chest and shook her head in disagreement. Jessica and Yuri just gave her a bitter chuckle, well, the more they think about it, the more they agree with Rei… Their action just now was somehow stupid and dangerous. But… who think that fast at urgent, their plan seemed perfect then.

Yoona herself also lightly embarassed and guilty by her plan. But if turned out her plan worked, she would jump in joy and maybe mock Rei for a bit. And again, it’s still unknown now.

They sat down there for a minute, staying at the comfortable silence. Sure their heart and body still tense, but at least there’s a hope. Enjoying the moment and pray silently, two different things they did it at the same time.

“Let’s go to our room,” Yuri said suddenly, breaking the silence. Two pairs of eyes were on her. “What?” Yuri shrugged.

Jessica shook her head lightly, “Ani, it’s okay. Let’s go!” she said, intertwining her fingers with Yoona’s on the left and with Yuri on the right’s. She smiled widely when they three got up at the same time, still locking their hands together.

“Hey, hey hey… I should be the one in the middle,” Yoona said as she pouted playfully, she realized their ‘family’ position is not right. When two pairs of eyes were looking at her questionaticly, she pouted even more. “I’m your daughter remember,” she whined that.

Both Jessica and Yuri giggled and ruffled their daughter’s hair, Jessica switched place with Yoona immediately. With a cheeky grin, the three walked out from the play room, still with their hand intertwined. Yuri walked first to the darker hallway since Rei turned off some of the lights. They walked slowly and quietly to Yuri and Jessica’s room, climbing down the stairs really slowly. They still aware, even though second ago they were playfull, now they’re aware of anything.

Since the living room were dark, who know the killer were still there, who know that killer is holding a knife right now ready to jab them. Who know what scene the killer would put up again. As the one that in front, Yuri scanned the living room carefully and relieved that there’s no sign of strangeness there.

Yuri beckon the girls behind her, they walked slowly again, keeping their body close to the wall beside them. Living room.. passed, next step, Taeyeon and Tiffany’s room’s door.

They took a deep breath and started to walked pass the door. The memories of Tiffany’s death hit them when they’re walking infront of the door. An urge to cry rose again in the three girls heart, but they shrug it off.

Yuri and Jessica stopped when Yoona stopped infront of the room’s door. They raised their eyebrows to the doe eyes quizinaticlly.

“Why?” Yuri asked. She afraid that Yoona will burst into tears again. Yoona shook her head as the reply.

“Nothing… I just feel like I’m forgetting something,” she said slowly, she creased her eyebrows and tried to think… what thing that she forgotten to do. After a short silence, her mind snapped. “Omo… I forgot to pray for Fany Unnie,” she announced with… well quiet loud voice wich starlted the two girls.

Yoona opened the door abrubtly and ran to Tiffany’s body, leaving Yuri and Jessica dumbfounded on the door. “Yah Yoona-ah… what are you doing?” Yuri asked, still frozed at the same spot.

Yoona turned her head and gave a grin, well shy grin to be exact, “I want to do, what I do to Taeyeon Unnie,” she said before kneeling down beside Tiffany’s bed. Yuri smiled at Yoona’s answer, while Jessica still counfused and absolutely had no idea.

“Huh..” only that, that came form the ice princess’ mouth. Yuri chuckled a bit at Jessica’s action, she wrapped her arm around the shorter girl’s shoulder and lead her to the spot beside Yoona.

“Just see and follow,”  Yuri said, she gave a reassuring smile to Jessica, so do Yoona. Jessica nodded her head and watched carefully. Yoona started to pray for Tiffany, so do Yuri, but the pray is longer now since they’re more free now. A smile crept to Jessica’s lips once she heard the pray, finally she decided to follow.

Done praying, Yoona brushed of the loose hair on Tiffany’s face and tugged it behind her ears. She smiled warmly infront of Tiffany before wiped the blood from Tiffany’s cheek and nose with the help of the two girls. They grabbed the towel from Taeyeon’s bag and wiped Tiffany’s neck with it. By slipping their hand between the wood from the cage, the manage to clean Tiffany’s uncovered body. Lucky for them they have slender and long hand to reach their eye smilling queen.

They left the room and walked to their own room, well Yoona already move out from that room. After a few more step, they finally arived at their room.

“I’m going to take a shower,” Yuri announced as soon as she enter the room.

“You sure, want me to come with you?” Yoona asked, and she reliesed, that the words she said is really wrong. There were a few second of dead silence between them before Jessica burst in to laughs. Yoona blushed at her own statement, “I-I mean.. argh forget it,” she said before throwong herself to the bed.

Yuri and Jessica just laugh at their Yoong’s behaviour, “Nah, it’s okay. I’m sure it’s safe. Beside, only a byun that would kill on a shower,” Yuri said as she pulled her towel and dashed to the bathroom leaving Jessica and Yoona on the room. Lucky for them, they have an inside bathroom, so the bathroom is inside their room.

After Yuri gone to the bathroom, Jessica went on the bed and sat beside Yoona. They didn’t exchage any word so, it’s indeed an awkward silent. The soft sound of a pouring water distract them for a minute, but it didn’t last long.

Suddenly Yoona stood up and walked to the door. “Wait! Where are you going?” Jessica said as she follow Yoona.

“To get some water, I’m thirsty,” Yoona answered shortly.

“Want me to go with you?” Jessica asked, she used Yoona’s previous tone just to tease the doe eye.

“Nah, it’s okay. Beside, Yuri would be confuse if the room empty. I promise I’ll be quick,” Yoona answered again, using the same style of Yuri’s speech just now. Jessica chuckled a bit, before nodding her head.

“Okay, okay, be carefull. I’ll be waiting here,” Jessica answered with a sweet smile. She got back to her lovely bed and sat down there like an obidient puppy. Yoona chuckled at her Unnie’s action before moving her hand to the door knob and push it open.

“I’ll be quick!” Yoona promised once again. She closed the door behnd her slowly before skipping lightly to the kitchen, she wants it to be fast as possible. She released a sigh of relief once she got to the kitchen. She grabbed random mug and filled it with water, she was back-facing the door while doing that activites. She drank the water slowly, her mind was thinking quiet hard right now.

Might she able to be alive? Might she get away from this hell? Might her carrier ruin? Might the fans be worried of her? Might the fans be angry because of Taeyeon and Tiffany’s death and the missing four member?

Her deep thought was interoupted by a single clap, and followed by another clap in a slow tempo. Yoona turned her head immediatadly and face the clapping figure in horror. She never thought of this moment will came so early. There she saw, a figure, a woman figure to be exact, and worst, she knew who is the figure.

The figure was holding a knife and clapped twice again before approaching Yoona slowly with her firm step. Yoona turned her body  facing the figure and gripped on the counter behind her, shutting her eyes close.

“Yoona-ah..” said the figure slowly, Yoona sensed that there were a sadness in the tone she use, a lot of sadness. There’s also a fear mixed with unsureness on her tone. “Don’t make it the hard way…” her voice getting slower at the time. All of her firmness at the beginning vanished and replaced by the sadness and unsureness.



“Please..” the figure said it one more time.

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Chapter 10: BEAUTIFUL !!!!! FABULOUS !!!! ; ")
I LOVE SNSD ♡♡♡♡♡♡
cucuMAber #2
Chapter 10: Kyaaaa happy ending >.<
My yulsic ㅋㅋㅋ
I like the last part so much
snsd will never break apart ^^
captivateinsgraphics #3
Chapter 10: Aww I love the fact that it started with a bday and ended with one too. But I felt really innocent for the 3 dead members! Anyways iy was great. Thank you authornim!
bambam88 #4
Chapter 10: two thumbs up for you! ^^
Chapter 10: Ugh this is so angsty xD interesting and nice! I love how you end this story!!!
Chapter 9: wooooooo the last sentence is so deeeep this person is so deep. tbh it sounds angsty .__.
TW102015 #7
Chapter 9: this is good ...good job!
09SONE09 #8
Chapter 8: Update Soon!
TW102015 #9
Chapter 8: Update soon!
Chapter 8: Wahh a few grammatical error but other than that, nice chapter!! Love it ^^