Chapter 4

The Peeking Death


Unfortunately, her bad feeling was right, she died on that night…


Unstoppable cried was heard in the room, tears of pain and shocked mixed together, they can’t believe that their leader was… gone.

Sooyoung and Sunny just got back from the breaker room shocked. Sunny collapsed on the floor immediately, while Sooyoung agape wide. “W-what h-hap-pen h-here?” she asked with difficultness, her throath seems to stuck by the scene, Taeyeon’s body covered in her own blood, some of the blood was making their way to the other members’ feet.

Yuri was the first one to snapped out from the horror feelings, she looked to Sooyoung, “I-I have no idea,” she said. Yuri wraped her arm around Jessica’s shoulder and rub it gently, Jessica rested her head on Yuri’s shoulder and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Hyoyeon watches Taeyeon’s lifeless body quitely, her hand was holding Seohyun’s and rubbed it gently with her thumb. Seohyun find herself hugged by Yoona and they sobbed together.

They still shocked of what just happen. Rei quickly jumped towards Taeyeon’s body and examined it carefuly. He put on his protective gloves before checking Taeyeon’s pulse on her neck and looked at the knife. He looked up for a second before looked back to Taeyeon and the rest of the member.

“The first roaring thunder is starting the fear,” he mumbled to himself.

Tiffany, that frozed all the way finally snapped back to reality. She stood up fast and walked towards the door and went out without saying a word, leaving the rest stare at the door.

“Tiffany Unnie,” Seohyun said while she stumbled because she tried to stood up. But she stops when she felt two hand still grabbing hers. It was Yoona and Hyoyeon’s.

“Shhh, sit down. She will be okay, she needs sometime alone,” Yoona said, she forced a smile to comfort the maknae. Seohyun shifted her gaze to Hyoyeon wich is noding, finally Seohyun nod to and sat down again.

Rei was also looked at the door, he sopke warrily, “Are you sure? I mean there’s a forrest outside there and she might get lost.” Yoona shook her head.

“No, as stupid as she was, she wouldn’t get lost,” she spoke again. Rei nodded and fixed her gaze back at Taeyeon’s dead body. He released a deep sigh before throwing his glances around the room.

“Look, let’s move her body to somewhere else and clean this mess.. I’m sure that you girl don’t want to face this everytime you pass this room, right?” he said. The girls nodded and wiped their tears, slightly amazed by how calm Rei was when a people killed.

Slowly Yoona approached her leader, a tear rolled down her cheek once again. Her mind goes back to the day they received the mysterious letter, when Taeyeon was washing her face with Yoona and confessed her fear. And now, it happens.

“Uhm.. Rei-ssi, should I pull out the knife?” Yoona asked hesitately, almost touching the sharp thing.

“Ah, yeah.. Don’t touch that yet!” he said half shouting, he pulled out his gloves and hand it to Yoona. “Here use this, don’t ruin the evidence,” he said again. Yoona nodded and took the gloves and wore it. Yoona gently took the knife and pulled it out slowly, finally the knife was out from Taeyeon’s body.

More blood splatered when the knife removed, some of them landed on Yoona’s body and face. The doe eyed froze in the spot, she felt her leader’s warm blood on her face, instantly she dropped the knife and took a step backward. Another scream was heard in the room, some of them covered their face with their hand. Some of the blood splatted on Rei also, but he just wiped it away, he grabbed the knife and put it in a plastic bag.

A tear escaped from Yoona’s eyes once again, rolled down and mixed with Taeyeon’s blood in Yoona’s cheek. She felt like collapsing to the floor, her hands were shaking, her lips were trembling. She was about to fell to the floor before Yuri pulled her back to her embrace. Hugging Yoona from the back, Yuri was trying to comfort the younger by rubbing her hands against Yoona’s side arm.

Sure Yuri was shocked to by the incidents, but her mind kept screaming to her to calm down, to keep cool, to comfort others, so she did what her mind told her. Even though Yuri wasn’t the oldest there, but she’s one of the Unnies and she feel like she have to take care of her dongsaeng well, to protect them. She tried her best to hold back her tears even she’s as sad as the others.

Yoona turned her body facing Yuri and buried her face to the older’s shoulder, she sobs quitely in there. Yuri rubbed the doe eyed back gently, the strong Yoona five minutes ago changed into a vunerable one because of the leader’s blood. Yuri broke the hug gently and forced a smile, she wiped Yoona’s tears and Taeyeon’s blood off Yoona’s face.

“Shhh, shhh,” Yuri tried to comfort Yoona, once Yoona’s breath became steady, she continued again. “Now, let’s move Taeyeon’s body to the storage at the backyard, I’ll keep you company,” she said again, giving a light tap on Yoona’s shoulder. Yoona nodded, she knew she’s the strongest of them all and the one that have ability to carry Taeyeon’s body in that condition.

Slowly, Yoona made he way to Taeyeon’s body, all eyes on her, watching her carefully as Yoona picked up the lifeless body and slided it to her back. Yoona fixed the leader’s position in her back, tugging her leader’s feet between her waist and her hand. Taeyeon’s head hung low when Yoona picked her body up and rested right on Yoona’s left shoulder, her blood from her heart soaked Yoona’s shirt. Once Yoona felt the warm blood again, she felt like crying, the only thing that warm from Taeyeon’s body was her blood and her past memories with the girls.

Yuri stood beside Yoona and placed her hand on Taeyeon’s back, she released a deep sigh. She pushed Yoona lightly, “Come, let’s go,” she said softly. Yoona nodded and started to walked towards the back door.

“I’ll come,” the sudden voice stopped both Yuri and Yoona. They both turned their head and find Sooyoung was standing there and followed them to the back door. Yuri nodded and walked closer to the door and open it.

“Be careful!” Rei warned which is later received a nod from the three. He nodded to before staring to the bloody floor in front of him. And just by that, Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung was of form the room. Another sigh was released by Rei, he threw glances to the girls that still shocked and scared.

After observing for more than a month, he knew some of the girls habit, he knew that Taeyeon used to clapped her hand to grab the girls attention. He was about to clap his hand once, but he stopped, he doesn’t want to remind the girls about the leader’ habbit so he put down his hand again.

“Noona…” he spoke quitely, but enough to get the girls’ attention. “Let’s clean up this room, Sunny Noona, you can go and grab the mob,” he said again. Sunny nodded, she walked together with Hyoyeon to the storage inside the vila and grabbed 3 mobs. They went back again quickly, without exchanging any words to each other. Sunny was silently crying, tear after tears rolled down her cheek, same as everybody else she’s shocked and sad by the sudden death of her leader, her bestfriend, her danshin buddy. Small smiled appeared in hear face when she thought of the danshin, but soon more tears flowing out from her eyes. Hyoyeon put her hand and Sunny’s back all the way to the living room, same like Yuri, she tried her best to not show everyone her tears instead taking the comforting role.

After they got back from the storage, the begun to pass the mob and started to cleaned up the red liquid off. Taeyeon’s blood somehow already darken, the fresh redish color from it vanished and replaced by the dark red-brown liquid, seeing that Rei was about to told the girls to fasten the pace because if not, the blood will coagulate, but he sigh again and decided to not do that.

They mobbed the floor slowly, sometimes wiped their tears away. No one talked, no one sobbed, they just crying silently, mostly Jessica. Her tears rolled down and down, she didn’t have enough strength to wipe it away nor hold it. She felt really guilty over Taeyeon’s death, first she was the one who giving the idea of this vacation, second she was the one who told Taeyeon to went to the middle, literally. She continued cleaning the floor silently, just as anybody else.

While everybody else is busy cleaning the blood away, Rei looked up to the ceiling with a suspicious look. He was staring at one spot, trying to find a weird sign of it, suddenly he caught a glimps of light he pursed his eyes more. An idea suddenly poped to his head, he walked towards the main door and got out. Everyone in the room stare to the door after hearing a slam, after a while Rei got back again and walked towards the breaker room, ignoring the stare by the girls. Dumbfounded, the girls got back to her activities.


“Whoa, it’s kinda dark here,” Yuri said as soon as she got out from the backdoor, it’s true the little path they have that leading to the little hut that as known as the storage was darker than the main road. Less moonlight shine the path due to the shade of the forest, only a light beside the backdoor than shines trough the night.

Sooyoung nodded in agreements, she searched inside her pocket and pulled out a flashlight, “Good thing I still keep this with me,” she said as she flicked the switched. The dim light from the flashlight shines a part of the little path. Yoona kept her head straight and watched closely, she swing her leg slowly but sure while keeping her leader in her back.

Sooyoung lead the way since she’s the one with the flashlight followed by Yoona at her back and Yuri at the last. They walked slowly until they reached the storage hut, Sooyoung opened the door which made a crack sound and drag sound. After bearing with the sound, the door finally opened revealing a dark small room. Sooyoung reached for the switch and turned the lights on.

The storage itself it’s not full of stuff, only a few shells full of tools and some random things. They placed Taeyeon’s body gently at the corner, Sooyoung covered Taeyeon’s body with the rag that she found on top of a land mower. Yuri used her hand to closed Taeyeon’s eyes and wiped some blood away from Taeyeon’s face. While Yoona gave her leader one last hug, but she didn’t pull away.

“Yoong…” Yuri called, slightly worried.

“Ne, just give me a minute,” Yoona answered quietly. She swept away some of Taeyeon’s hair and tugged it behind her ear, giving a peaceful look to her leader, Yoona gave a small peck on the forehead, “Goodbye, Unnie. May God accept you beside his side,” she whispered.

Yoona stood up slowly and walked towards the door where Yuri and Sooyoung was waiting, Yuri and Sooyoung heard what Yoona had whispered and smiled, quietly in their heart, they pray the exact thing like Yoona’s whisper. Yuri warped her arm around Yoona’s shoulder and pats it lightly. A faint smile drew in Yoona’s face, she knew she prayed the right thing.

The three looked back one more time to their dead leader, she look… peacefull, that’s why they left with a faint smile in their lips.




It’s been half an hour since Tiffany left the villa, her tears finally broke the dam in Tiffany’s eyes and streamed down continuesly. She didn’t even bother to wiped away her tears and let it wet some of her hair, she was to sad to do that. After running aimlesslt at the forest she finally felt tired.

She walked to the nearest three and sat down under the shade of the big three. With a bent knees and a calsped hand in front of her face, she burried her face more to her knees and let out a single cry. She moved her hands and hugged her knees, bringing it closer to her chest while she rest her head on the tree. Some of the moonlight shines through the leafs and reflected in Tiffany’s tears, she stayed like that for a few minutes, crying, sobbing, sniffling.

Little that everyone knows that Tiffany was pained the most now. Taeyeon, she’s not only a member nor a leader to her, she’s a friend, best friend, no, more than that. They are lovers, secretly dating from the media and their manager. The only one who knows this was the other member.

She burried her face once again in her knees and let out a big cry. Knowing that her heart wouldn’t ease just by that, she stood up slowly, stumbled by some of the roots or the leafs that shattered in the ground.. shattered just like her heart. She wiped her tears using her sleeves and after a few minutes of silence, Tiffany walks alone in the darkness.

She stopped when her ears catching some water sound that she believes came from their private pool, she walked closer to the sound source and her guess was right. She sigh of relieve, at least she’s not lost. She moved her feet to the living room windows, the room that held the death of her love. Slightly dissapointed because her love body wasn’t there and the room was completely empty, she leaned on the wall next to the window and start making guess right now.

Maybe they put Tae-tae in the backyard storage she thought. And by that, she walked to the hut where Taeyeon lied down lifeless.

Different form Yoona, Yuri and Sooyoung, she didn’t have any difficultnes when walking to the hut, her eyes already adjust to the darknes of the night. Slowly, she made her way inside the hut and find that her love of her life was laying there covered with random rags. She smiled when sees her lover having a peaceful face and no blood were in her face anymore. Gently, she took a sit beside Taeyeon and searched for her hand, leaning her head to the shorter’s shoulder.

Tiffany rubbed her fingers against Taeyeon’s back hand, usually it sent Taeyeon to looked to Tiffany, but not tonight. No reaction was given by Taeyeon.. of course. Tiffany felt dumb instantly, how could she hoped that Taeyeon will look at her again, how could she wished she can found warmness in Taeyeon’s shoulder. She chuckled bitterly at herself as tears rolled down her cheek once again and she wiped immeadetadly. She doesn’t want her tears visible to her love one.

Tiffany pecked on Taeyeon’s cheek before moving to her lover’s ear, “May God accept you beside his sides,” she whispered quietly. She gave another peck on Taeyeon’s cold lips, and smiled, trying hard to looked just as peaceful as her lover was.

She got out from the hut and closed the door very slowly. She sneak inside the villa and made her way to her room without anyone notice her. She sigh of relieve when Yoona wasn’t in the room, she lied down immeadetadly in the bed, closing her eyes and tried to get rest.




“..” he muttered it quietly. His hand was on the wall, forming the shaoe of a fist. “ ,” he muttered again and sat down on his bed. He ran his hand through his blonde hair and sigh in frustation.

“Wrong move Rei,” he said to himself.

He can’t believe what just happen and what just he done.. why the hell he let Yoona Yuri and Sooyoung store the body… why the hell he doesn’t chase Tiffany to the forest remembering it’s quite a posibility that the killer was roaming around the forest.

He already figured out the trick that used in Taeyeon’s case and how to turned of the light automaticly. Rei stared at the objects in front of him, a dried candle, to strings with burned end and a heavy object, it was all needed to do the breaker trick. Maybe Sooyoung and Sunny doesn’t notice it because of the screams earlier.

Right beside of that object, there were 4 mirror, same size a rope that atteched to a heavy object to and two.. balls maybe, he’s not sure yet, he sigh. He left the buch of object and lied down in his bed, reaching his phone in his pocket. He tried to dialed the police, once, twice, and go on and still doesn’t connect.

“Stupid you,” he said again to himself after releasing that there were no signals around here, or should we say already have been cut down by someone. He threw his phone across the bed and fold his hand above his head, covering his face.

Many thought running in his mind right now, from now, he have to be serious. Not only stranger that he should suspect but also the Soshi girls. As much as Rei doesn’t want to suspect them, still, he should.

His busy thought was interupted by a high pitch sound which is sending him sat up straight and listen closely. The sound was followed by a sound of a breaking glass, maybe a vase and a loud sound of a thump and a simillar weird voice that was heard in the living room a while ago.

Tiffany Noona, Yoona Noona, and Taeyeon Noona’s room he thought that for a second. He stayed still for a while, really thinking where was the sound source was. A buch of scream successed to made him running to the room that he thought.

And he was right it came from Tiffany’s room because the door was now fulled by the girls, standing stiff, covering their mouth or their eyes by the scene right infront of them.


It was Tiffany, still in her sleeping position and her sleeping face but covered in blood, her own blood. On top of her there was a wooden cage not so small not so big, in the midle of the cage there was a blade, sharp big shining blade that jabbed through her neck.

Rei gritted his teeth, a fist in shown in his hand. Once again, a bloodt scene was aired in front of him. He felt whoever that killed the two girls was mocking him, laughing at him in the darknes and like saying “Catch me if you can,” repeatedly as if he was really far away.

But maybe, Tiffany died happily, maybe Tiffany already see her love one in the another world.. Maybe just maybe. Because if she live, she may suffer from her loneliness towards Taeyeon. They said a love bird can’t stand to be far away from their mate, appreantly Tiffany just one of it.



 Sweety love bird. Can’t stand living without her lover.


(A/N) Hi, here's chapter 4 :) Failed? xD I think I do. Well it's such a short chapter and I'm afraid the next chapter would be short too :(.

 Most important, I want to say thanks to the subscribes, comments and upvotes~ *throw money* haha. And I want to ask some question, should I add romance to this story? Tell me waht to do. Thanks again. -huskylover

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Chapter 10: BEAUTIFUL !!!!! FABULOUS !!!! ; ")
I LOVE SNSD ♡♡♡♡♡♡
cucuMAber #2
Chapter 10: Kyaaaa happy ending >.<
My yulsic ㅋㅋㅋ
I like the last part so much
snsd will never break apart ^^
captivateinsgraphics #3
Chapter 10: Aww I love the fact that it started with a bday and ended with one too. But I felt really innocent for the 3 dead members! Anyways iy was great. Thank you authornim!
bambam88 #4
Chapter 10: two thumbs up for you! ^^
Chapter 10: Ugh this is so angsty xD interesting and nice! I love how you end this story!!!
Chapter 9: wooooooo the last sentence is so deeeep this person is so deep. tbh it sounds angsty .__.
TW102015 #7
Chapter 9: this is good ...good job!
09SONE09 #8
Chapter 8: Update Soon!
TW102015 #9
Chapter 8: Update soon!
Chapter 8: Wahh a few grammatical error but other than that, nice chapter!! Love it ^^